What are you expecting from this?

What are you expecting from this?


Also, heavy amounts of references to the past games in a 'wink to the camera' way.

Did you watch The Force Awakens? Basically that.

I would expect some elements on the originals are retained, but I hope it's not as you say.

I haven't really seen anything that's stopped me from thinking that it'll be Inquisition in space.

Not terrible, but more emphasis on big environments and MMO tier exploration than on characters and unique side-quests.

SJW prandering

the final proof that there are no more talented game designers left at bioware, but only agenda driven SJWs and feminists.

Diminishing returns.

A flop and watch EA finally devour this company and throw the husk into the hole with the others.

ME1, 2 and 3 were great. I have no reason to believe this won't be either.

Nothing because I don't play shitty games

>all aliens in another galaxy have the same body language as humans
>most "important" aliens are bipedal because why try and make new animation
>most likely will have 3 fingers just like volus,geth,quarians,turians,krogans,drell,protheans,salari have

I'm excited. My only concerne is that the open World design will suck like in DAI

Blatantly obvious advertisement campaings on most gaming sites as well as on Sup Forums and, hopefully, great financial disaster for Beaware.

Inquisition in Space.

Good game that triggers Sup Forums.

Not much.

Is there any game that does planetary exploration like ME1 did? Constant hoots of "I will destroy you!" in combat not withstanding, I did like exploring the universe, finding artifacts and shit. No Man's Sky was terrible; Astroneer is kind of close, but that's more crafting game. Star Citizen could be what I need, but there's not going to be computers left at the heat death of the universe, so it's unlikely I'll get to play that when it releases.

What's good, Sup Forums?

three-titted sexy ayy lmaos

throbbing fuccboi benis

mech sex

and a black hole that looks nice goatse

I'm expecting a dull Action game, pretending to be an RPG, with mediocrity all around. But good graphics and big world so critics will love it.
yeah basically this

Garbage with some good moments and okay gameplay. I just can't deal with those trademark shitty bioware animations and models so I won't get it unless it gets extremely great reviews and reception overall.

Yeah I'm still holding out for cyberpunk which will be vastly superior. Maybe I'll get Andromeda in 3 years when it's $15 and on sale.

A great game with a few ugly design decisions.

Great characters; great voice work; top notch score; terrific DLC like Omega, Leviathan and LotSB; great design.

Looking forward to it.

Shitty bioware game #17

>No Batarian
>No Vorcha
>No Quarian
>No Geth
>No Drell
>No Hanar
>No Vorcha
>No Elcor
>Angara and Kett look like PS2

Fun Multiplayer
Average Single Player
Neat Environments

>no source for all of that

Sure thing user.

didn't even bother playing 3. I expect it'll be shit.

A mediocre and forgettable game.
Much like Dragon Age Inquisition.

Mass Effect 1: The sequel

Poorfag tears.

Cyberpunk will be released in 2020 at this rate.

mass effect 3 (ver.2 SJW Edition)

>implying you ever cared about the Batarian, Drell, Hanar and Elcor.
>You care so little about the Volus, you forget their name and post Vorcha instead.
>implying you cared about the Vorcha until Multiplayer

Geth wouldn't be allowed to make the trip to Andromeda (not like they would care anyway) and there's probably going to be a handful of Quarians.

More like 2077

Quality Pajeet programming.

Their Surface areas are certainly impressive but so far the skyboxes aren't as good as ME1.

shitty moldes
shitty animation
shitty story
sjw bs
shitty gameplay

9/10 - it's OK

Endless exploration in a shitty vehicle in the same poorly designed planets/moons that all have the same diabolically mountainous terrain but in a different colour.

I hope not

Ugly boring "progressive" pandering to trannies, modern "feminists" and other freaks

>expecting anything from nu-bioware

Never understood all this outrage over a shitty code monkey venting his inferiority complex online.

>What are you expecting from this?

Sup Forums being full of mass effect threads when the game comes out.
people are gonna be playing it despite all the shit talk its been getting.

>implying you ever cared about the Drell

You mean you didn't care for Thane?

Trapped in a hole in the mako 2.

A fun multiplayer
Sweet female turian sex
Everything else is just a bonus



How on earth have the graphics gotten WORSE?

The image on the left is at least 5 years old.

No, I liked Thane. He's one of the characters that got me interested in Mass Effect.

But the only Drell we ever saw was Thane, his son and some guy Liara wants to rescue in her DLC.

Ryder look so boring and generic. Another brown haired young dude who doesn't know how to shave. Good job you can still customize their appearance like with Shepard.

Minus the photoshop is that actually ryder?

Sheeeeeiit see-jay

Not him, but the Hanar and Elcor were the most interesting races. One of the reasons that ME1 was so good was they spread it around - you encountered lots of different races. Hanar shopkeepers, Volus intelligence brokers.

I 100% would want a Hanar requisition officer on the ship. Or a batarian commando whose loyalties are questioned by other squadmates, or hell, include some volus who help extract resources from ammonia-based worlds.

But it'll be 90% asari and human, because they share the same body model, and EA-Bioware has sacrificed everything at the altar of cutting corners to maximize profits.

>Good job you can still customize their appearance like with Shepard.
are you sure?

I'd prefer to see the Tempest staffed with more aliens than just a Salarian pilot.

Volus Req officer and Quarian Engineer come to mind.

Yeah I'm sure. I just checked up on it again and you can customize both of the Ryder's appearance.

why do you dumbfucks give this undoubtedly irredeemable company free advertising every single day to talk about a game that will undoubtedly be cuck garbage

really wish fags like OP would fucking kill themselves

>being this mad


id love to meet some helpless faggot who has hope for this franchise in real life

it'd be funny to see how pathetic you'd have to be

im not autistic enough to give a shit about politics and so far we seen almost nothing besides a poor cutscene

I'm hoping all the choices I made in the first three games will make noticeable differences in this game but I doubt that'll happen

>mad at video games
>calling others pathetic

Fucking state of your life.

trans characters. not joking either. we need to promote more LGBT rights in video games.

just like mass effect 3

People on Sup Forums are still willing to purchase games from this series after the abomination that was ME3


They put a trans character in a medieval setting, I'm fully expecting there to be one in the a super progressive new galaxy in the future.

Sleep tight p.upper

Because there's no consequence. White guy makes the same comments about indians, guaranteed to lose his job.

>80 dollars


It's impossible for there to be disappointment if there is no hype.

>thinks bioware trash is redeemable in 2017

>thinks at best he wont be raising his wifes son

trust me, normal people will step on you for the rest of your lives, you have no hope

STFU you sliver of shit

cry more cuck, bernie fucked you, kill yourself

You first you nasty fat nigger

Should I play Mass Effect 1 and 2? I have them in my library but I never played them

Montage parodies
Critical reviews

They're pretty good but thinking back on it there was a lot of bullshit

I'm expecting to buy it used 10 months after launch and not give EA any money.

$80 (CAD) worth of entertainment.

my backlog is so huge EA will probably give it for free to me before I finish ME3

I'm expecting blizzard to rip the plot entirely off of some moderately obscure science fiction book like they did with ME.


Fuck, guess I need to take a nap or get some coffee or something.
Yeah, Blizzard and Bioware kind of blend together in my head.

forgettable trash

which book?
