D.va has been nerfed to shit

>d.va has been nerfed to shit
>roadhog, 76, ana, and junkrat are basically gods
>winston, hanjo, and genji still blow balls but every shitter still picks them
>mercy and symmetra are so shit they shouldnt even be support
>lucio is black
>no new characters in months
>game is already dying
>have to buy lootboxes to get the advantage
>kaplan is a jew

Can Blizzard fix all this shit?

>lootboxes to get an advantage

wat? lootboxes only unlock costumes and cosmetics you dumb shit. how is that an advantage?

>>have to buy lootboxes to get the advantage


t. blizzdrones

>d.va has been nerfed to shit
d.va is not really bad, but there are much better tanks
>roadhog, 76, ana, and junkrat are basically gods
roadhog should never have an one shot attack. He is too tanky has a heal and also a one shot with as good as no penality (only his range is not long, but the one shot hook is long enough for 99.9 % of all situations)
>winston, hanjo, and genji still blow balls but every shitter still picks them
Winston is a perfect counter against sqishies like tracer, but is more like a noob stumper than real pick
>mercy and symmetra are so shit they shouldnt even be support
Mercy is a good healer, but in most situations a lucio is much better or one dps more
>lucio is black
>no new characters in months
Only 2 new heroes since release and both are shit. Ana is just op and this Beep thing is completely underpowered
>game is already dying
The queue time is around as long as Battleborn's and the skill level is just retarded (I see only in 1/50 of the matches really equal teams... normally the winner is determined before the match even started), so you could say it's pretty much as good as dead compared to other games
>have to buy lootboxes to get the advantage
you can only buy skin, but the drop rate is shit and most importantly you only get like ONE lootbox every three hours if you play the game without group and leave after every match. Two hours if you win every match and play with a group and never leave the queue
>kaplan is a jew

So how do lootboxes give you an advantage in terms of the game? Does the skin do more damage? Do they reduce damage?

>poor bait

imean, roadhog oneshots are redic, but can you imagine where he doesn't one shot? you hook a mcree and shot him to 30 health and then he flashbang fans you for half your health and rolls away. if you hit the hook on a squishy it should be a kill


why is the cd 6 seconds the game doesnt punish you for missing hooks at all

My biggest problem with the game is Roadhog. He's steered me away from playing non tank characters almost entirely.

It's not even that it's basically a one shot kill to nearly all other characters but that it can't be interrupted in any way. If I'm playing Zarya I should be able to at least but up my shield. Tracer should be able to use her blink and shit that like that.

>and junkrat are basically gods


Hello. I'm buffed.

>I place myself like a retard and can't into sound cues and can't into teamfight and can't into cover and can't into check my surroundings and can't into check corners
You deserve my 30ft long hook in your anus you shitter.

>they will never fix ana
>they will never fix tanks
>they will never fix mcree
>they will never fix sombra
>they will never fix map designs
>they will never fix matchmaking
>they will never fix defense classes
>they will never fix two capture point
>they will never fix imbalance between ults

Don't say a word. Just post your face when.

This guy single handely will change meta

Mercy dominates on lower tiers where no one targets her, if you were sub-plat shitter you'd know that, and Junkrat is total garbage even on mid tiers for the same reason Hanzo is usually not picked, except he's even worse. But if you were on higher tiers you'd know what a decent D.va, Winston or Genji can do.

>have to buy lootboxes to get the advantage
There's no way you play the game, not in ranked, not in QP.

the team mates should finish him off

it's not a 1v1

Road hog is a tank. he should pull squishies ir maybe even tanks in for DPS heros to better do their job

but that's just my 2ct

I'm bummed out because I have a feeling everyone and their grandma will want to play as him, and I'll get cockblocked from playing as my favorite character, I love Bastion as a character because he's an adorable beep boop robot with a goddamn machine gun arm

>winston, hanjo, and genji still blow balls but every shitter still picks them

I never see anyone pick Winston.

Maybe because he's not a beam of death anymore he will not be targeted by everyone as soon as he appears on the field

Oh no, he might have to shoot someone TWICE after hooking them! WHATEVER WILL BE DO AHHHHHHHH

I've seen OP's bait multiple times but this always makes me laugh

Like Diablo 3, you just have to wait 2 years, they'll kind of figure it out eventually.

Although Hearthstone has just as many problems so maybe not.



>Roadhog takes skill

It isn't hard to hook people.


There will never be a stable meta. It shifted like 6-7 times since the release already and that's the only way for them to keep it diverse enough because of their horrendous content release schedule. 3 tank was the worst of them all tho

Guess this is what happens when you don't get enough attention irl...

I'm not an expert but I do believe this is bait


So this is the power of tf2 fags.

>What is reading comprehension ? hurr
I never mentioned hog takes skill.
I said that if you play like a retard, you get punished like one.


I hate bastion even though I have over 20 hours on him. Funny tho how 19 and ½ of those hours are me throwing the game while teammates are having fun playing the heroes they enjoy and tilt me the most

No more headshots, and more spread in sentry form.


less spread in recon, and larger magazine size, as well as a huge improvement to the healing

Literally nothing in this post is correct

>faster morph time
>33% less damage when morphed
>can move and heal
>can't be interrupted while healing
>tighter spread on recon gun
>more ammo on recon gun

You are now what Bastion should have always been: A constantly moving, roaming harassment bastard.

>1s for switching between forms
>can self-heal while moving
>taking damage doesn't interrupt healing
>takes 35% less damage
>recon gun is more accurate and powerful than s76s pulse rifle


>Recon smg has tighter spread than Soldiers pulse rifle and still headshots
Guess who Bastion is replacing in the next meta

I think soldier still has a place, Soldier is smaller, faster, has rockets, and can heal team mates as well.

Oh hey it's this thread AGAIN

>>have to buy lootboxes to get the advantage
You are right OP! This is so annoying!

Almost as annoying as the mandatory gender transition you have to go through to play

They took his nerfed his strongest asset, which was sentry mode, now hes just a worse soldier.

He's still a sentry, it's just he's no longer capable of bullshit sniping.