Just Preordered this and bought a PS4 Pro

Just Preordered this and bought a PS4 Pro
who here is /hyped/

if stressing out and trying to find as much evidence as possible to give me hope counts as hype then yes.
give me death

6 weeks from launch and no gameplay

how much do they pay you?

Nothing at all i'm not a shill I just like video games

Got a Pro on launch and had this pre-ordered since E3. I'm good to go pham.

>Mass effect

Fuck off retard.

>liking video games

If you liked videogames you'd realise what a pile of shit andromeda is going to be.

Reminder EA and Ubisoft both have paid shills on this board

Hasn't come at yet so that's not an argument

ME:A is gonna be sweet. i'm on PC but pre-ordered also.

And none of them will tell me if I can bang the Aliens

Great just got the PS4 version to play the Multiplayer with my friends


You probably thought DA:I was a well written game with top notch animations.

Shills aren't even trying

So....you support the extermination of the white race, then? I see, I see....quite interesting.


He's a squadmate new species from Andromeda

Fuck Drumpf and Fuck White People

>Doom does the same
>It turned out amazing

Why are the graphics shit

They aren't

Has Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3 taught you people nothing, or were you too young to have your own job and money back then?

Seriously this is not a good sign.
Bioware has gone out of their way to hide gameplay from fans. Has any game shown less, so close to launch?....

Can someone just post the webm?

Is this game going to be better than da:i? That was the first time i ever bought a bioware game and it was shit

I fucking loved DOOM but that was a fluke.
Pre-ordering a game is a mistake anyway, wait till its out to make your decision.


I hope.
The series is long over due for a fuckable female turian.

Seriously there is like no hype to this game. Bioware and EA have done a poor job trying to get people interested in their biggest game this year.

Multiplayer was shit

i liked it

It's probably going to be shit and full of SJW shit but I'm buying it anyway because I'm so fucking bored.

Just admit the fact that good video games are a thing of the past.

Stop lying. No sane person would do either of those things.

Serious question, but has Bioware ever seen an actual human being before? I ask because they appear incapable of designing or animating them without glaring errors.

Don't forget cisquisition

So it has started, Just like DA:I
ME:A will be shilled here for the next 6 weeks plus

lol you're an idiot

>People aren't hyped for Krogan Squad 2.0


i don't buy rpg games for generic third person shooter multiplayer

by rpg i mean """""""""RPG"""""""""

Can you make attractive females in mass effect?

The showed off a long demo that showed 2 environments. Its a 10 hour shooter there isn't much to show.
Plus before launch they gave out the demo and that hour long showing on twitch.

My son and I are.

I am excited to play this game

Why has the box art for this series gotten worse with every game?

>tall, manly war veteran grown-ass stud
>squad filled with hot alien babes and badass bros

Andromeda faggot
>scrawny-ass manlet high school millennial-looking nu-male
>squad's a bunch of special snowflakes