RIP Deus ex

Here's the basic gestalt

>Originally Square wanted to outsource Deus ex to Obsidian
>was supposed to be released 3 years ago
>Decided to keep montreal instead
>shoved a half complete game with micro transactions out the door
>surprised when it fails
>puts the franchise in a dormant state for an indefinite amount of time

Other urls found in this thread:

but SJWs hated mankind divided
that image is nonsensical

>3 years ago Andre Vu, the Brand Director of the DX franchise, and I coined the term 'Mechanical Apartheid'.

>Thing is… I am Black (& French…). And Andre is Asian (& French).

>When we decided to go all-in on delivering the experience to play as Adam Jensen, an Augmented, in a world agressively segragating his own kind, we actually wanted to offer to our audience something unique. Something that was close and very personal to us: The experience of being torn between 2 worlds and 2 identities. Augs calling you the 'uncle Tom' of the non-augs, non-augs always insecure when you're around, always deeply being scared or appaled by your mechanical body.

>Somehow, it was our own individual stories… We wanted to share a little part of our own life experience (on a super dramatized degree, of course) as visible minorities in a world of prejudices sometimes not well tailored for us.

>We also used the reference of south africa, israel, even brasil, french and american ghettos and any country ressorting to walls in order to segratgate a part of their own population. We meant it. This was important to us to not half-ass these analogies. BECAUSE THIS IS DEUS EX.

>Deus Ex is a very mature and thoughtful franchise that wants to hook gamers on essential questions and considerations: power, control, species, science, sociology, singularity, etc.

>Racism is a ey dark part of our human nature and we wanted to treat this subject. It was especially important for ME to treat this

>So, you’re looking at the issues of “What does it mean to be human?” and “If we’re already dealing with a divide, how do we deal with that tragedy?” And a lot of it is looking at – I hate to say it, because it is a dark world in our game – when you’re looking at the terrible tragedies that our happening in our world today, and what the reaction is to it, and how are people dealing with it? So, I wouldn’t say there’s any one thing that’s guiding it, but there’re a lot of different things and we’ve often talked among ourselves about the things happening in the United States with the military police, and the Ferguson incident, and riots and guns. Then when you look at Syria with the refugees and everything that’s going on over there, you’re finding these mirrors that are striking chords with the themes in our game – that’s what we’re looking for

- Mary Demarle, Lead writer of HR/MD

>“"Just using the word 'apartheid' in the game is a little risky," said executive art director Jonathan Jacques-Belletête in a recent interview with Polygon. "We're aware of that. But I think we own it. If you look into what we're doing, it makes sense. It's all part of that. These things are hard to do, and some of these themes are risky." Jacques-Belletête also addressed the issue last year, when he said: "Humans will be bad to each other forever, as far as I'm considered. Segregating people that one casts ... as wrong or dangerous or inferior is a thing that will always sadly happen. Obviously we're not condoning it, it's an analogy for how sucky humanity is and showing how it can happen in the future with the technology we're dealing with." Deus Ex games seek to tackle serious issues. Mankind Divided follows on from Human Revolution's theme of technology giving individuals previously unimaginable powers, making use of the legend of Icarus to press home its point that such advances are not without their risks and costs. The game poses the question, rather than offering any firm declaration one way or the other. This sequel goes further, delving into societal issues of segregation. After the event in the first game, in which the Augmented murder millions of people, they are treated with suspicion and revulsion, even though it's clear they did not control their own actions.”

I thought Deus Ex was about allowing you to play how you want and being able to have an effect in the world and its story. The story of government conspiracies was just a flavoring and wasn't really the main aspect.

Stop using that word. You don't know what it means and you're ruining it.

>“It’s not that sci-fi and fantasy don’t have a history of using metaphor and fiction to explore societal problems, but in this instance especially, it rings hollow. If it’s an exercise in sympathy, try turning on the news. If it’s an attempt to convince people that discriminatory violence is bad, maybe talk to your mean uncle who calls the Civil War the “War of Northern Aggression” about the people who are actually being extrajudicially executed every day. There is a time and place for commentary on political issues; disaster porn in a background image is probably not it. Not only does it ignore those for whom this is an everyday concern, but it’s disrespectful to Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Sandra Bland, Philando Castile, and the hundreds of others who were killed without due process or legal justice because of a broken system.”

>he doesn't know about alex jones on rogan

I pity you faggot

Why the fuck is Forbes a reliable source of anything other than business news?
Fuck off OP, you Wall Street nigger.

is this better for you? Fucking nerd.

forbes is unironically the best "gaming journalism" website now

Isn't this a business news though?

That was one of the fun parts.

This is fine by me, all things considered human revolution was a pile of shit, mankind divided was alright but by the half-way point it was getting repetitive, it was at best a lazy dishonored clone, not a deus ex.

Playing however you want and illuminati is like 99% of that game, the decision making is minor, it's more stuff you can stumble into where you can see the consequences later down the line, but it's rarely meaningful, just an extra person here or there dies and if they don't they might help you out later.
It's cool but it's rarely even a discussed factor, it would more accurately be described as the flavoring.
Government conspiracy is the plot, and it's a plot and dialog-heavy game because it's an rpg. You can completely miss every decision in this game except the doctor in unatco (who just has a different benefit depending on what you tell him to do), but you won't sit through it without hearing atleast 2 hours of government conspiracy dialog.

Wasn't Deus Ex about government conspiracy before?

yes, it was actually a combination of things.

Montreal went full retard and doubled down on augmentation rights.

The only thing close to aug societal tensions is the mechanical augs feel outdated with the nano-augs.
By that point, augs are on their way out of relevancy.

No one cares about your politics, you faggot burger.

I do and that's all that matters you third world shit stain

Users who visited Sup Forums in the last 2 days should be banned from using every other board.

Th US being a third world country, how does that work?

>tfw you remember all the blatant shills talking about how awesome the game was
>a few weeks later
>No discussion
>Nobody cares
>Square Enix completely nuke the franchise

Who else /dodged a bullet/ here?

politics is more important than manchilds games

>Why the fuck is Forbes a reliable source of anything other than business news?
Because the video game dedicated sites are far worse.

Not only that but the price dropped like a stone.

I saw it on sale for 20 bucks not even 2 months after release.

Serves them right. The second they announced that Adam Jenson was the protagonist again, I knew it was going to be mediocre

>how to spot a 2015 political activism newnigger
You are the cancer killing this website. I hope you end up mistaking a bottle of bleach for water.

It's my own fault, I listened to the Directors Commentary on HR and knew Eidos Montreal were a bunch of lazy incompetent politically correct devs and I still bought the game because DE label overrode rational thought. Please kill me

>He thinks politics has any importance
>He doesn't know it's a an illusion for plebs

>Deus Ex puts the focus on the fears of tomorrow
>achieves a sense of timelessness as it's always relevant
>Mankind Divided puts the focus on the contemporary issues of today
>completely lose relevance the moment those issues fall out of public spotlight


>we will never get obsidian deus ex now.

Obsidian would fuck it up anyway, decision making would be boiled down to clicking dialog options just like hr and md.

>adam jensen as a protagonist again
>preorder dlcs up the arse
>all prerelease footage looking mediocre

How people fell for this scam I'll never know.
Denuvo and preorder shit should have been a red flag that it would be shit.

Except it never happened. Paul gets you involved in Illuminatishit less than halfway through the original.

The only thing DX does differently than HR/MD is Weapon Variety and Level Design (for the time), which HR/MD makes up for in Augment Variety, Worldbuilding and Voice Acting.

The plots in every Deus Ex are not really that good. HR probably has the best one, seeing as it's grounded in Jensen's own absurd manhunt the entire time until the admittedly tacked on ending.

The Illuminati is not the focus of HR, and that's why it works. It's a shame we'll never get part 3, seeing as this was obviously an arc.

Lel. T(y)ranny was complete SJW garbage.

The entire plot of the game is the lead illuminatist gets political power and tries to rise up to become a living god, hell the entire first 4 missions you do are all just a tutorial so you can hear of paul's accomplishments while playing out the game, at which point you run into paul and he explains everything to you and tries to swing you towards the terrorist side so you can fight the one world government lead by the illuminatist.

>mfw replaying it right now

I don't know man, maybe it's just me but it feels like Human Revolution 2.0, and I fucking loved HR.

I hate Square Enix as much as the next guy, but sometimes you have to take what you can get. At least Deus Ex exists, or existed, rather. Better than having no games (Dragon's Dogma 2, Lost Planet 4) at all.

I agree and no matter who takes it over it looks like they'll be boxed in by mankind Divided's shitty writing.

Personally I would rather see it die unless either Spector, Harvey, or Sheldon are involved somehow.

At least we'll always have the first to look back on and play. I personally liked HR for what it was as well, I thought it would have set the tone and be a building stone for future sequels but unfortunately like another user said before me, they doubled down on augmentation issues being the main focal point and wrote themselves into a corner.

I also wasn't a fan of third person takedowns and stealth and the removal of skill points but was willing to look past it in HR because it was still a decent game.

>>Deus Ex puts the focus on the fears of tomorrow
>Terrorism and Corporate Tyranny

>>Mankind Divided puts the focus on the contemporary issues of today
>Mechanical Apartheid

Maybe Deus Ex Reboot 3 would have been about how Orchid/Gray Death is actually a cure for nostalgia.

Not even him but I played the Deus ex series for the first time in order a few months ago so nostalgia doesn't apply to me.

Deus ex is far superior to human revolution and mankind divided.

It was alright, atleast it was better than that piece of shit human revolution. I'm not sure if it actually had a story but things were happening.

>better than having no games (dragon's dogma 2)
It's far from even being remotely confirmed, but the director is working on an unannounced title with Capcom last I heard, he posted about it on twitter

I will just leave this here:

>maybe it's just me but it feels like Human Revolution 2.0

Yeah and that's pretty much the main issue and the reason it bombed

>Looking forward to announcing a new game in 2017
>announcing a new game in 2017
>announcing 2017

itsuno why

Fair enough. I guess if people don't want it, people don't want it. Can't really say it wasn't marketed well.

i want it

These guys are so good at killing series.

>third world

It's not Forbes, it's a blog by some dude hosted on Forbes. Look at the url.

>I want it
Same, I was excited for the two games set to come after Mankind Divided, they were even going to have save game transfer

It's just proof that everything good in this world must die

and what else would you call a country where European companies set up sweatshops because they can get away with treating US workers like trash compared to how they have to be treated by law in Europe

HR story was a travesty of the original deus ex, and MD only doubled down on the bad aspects of it

>Going for present day events (augs lives matter) instead of going for something timeless
>The 0.1% people with augs (most of them who were disabled to begin with) will steal our jobs. Because a part of robotic legs really help with being a cashier.
>Maybe we should have let the hostages die.

It's like you didn't even play the game.

Most europeans and east asians consider usa 3rd world tbqh.

I thought they portrayed discrimination quite well, it's that the justification for got turning into aparteid was pretty weak.

>Not realising the US is a 3rd world country pretending to be 1st world

I'd almost feel sorry for you for living there if you weren't such an obnoxious idiot.

Not when you're some fat bastard spreading rhetoric you will never put into action. Just add another nameless opinion that causes even less people to bother with either side of said argument.

No one gives a shit about social media or your art projects. Go out and protest, get shot at and pepper sprayed, go stand in front of a bunch of colored people to prevent them from being murdered for not being good boys since if you're white you literally won't be hurt in comparison.

Also not even degenerate full left fascists come to this site to be educated or grow as 'people'

As someone who hasn't plated MD, despite having played all other games, I thought MD was cut in half so that the second half could be a stand alone game.

How does that work now that they put the series on hold? Is MD just half a game story wise? How the fuck is that acceptable?

fuck desu ex, we've got disney games to make you
T. square anus

MD has two plots, essentially.

Train Station Bombing and Illuminati Antics, and Jensen splits his time between both. Neither are particularly compelling.

Train Station Bombing ends, Illuminati has a bigger lead in to a sequel than HR's post-credits ending.

I'll be honest, I was asleep towards the end of DX, but I'm not trying to paint anything in the franchise as a masterpiece, they're essentially the Blade Runner of Sup Forumsidya- All style, and barely skimming the surface of what could be great Substance.

MD is not strictly speaking "half a game", it's roughly the same length as HR.

After 3 playthroughs of MD, it's safe to say people miss a lot in it. It's very contained, literally, being set exclusively in Prague aside from the occasional business trip, but it has much more detail and exploration than Detroit/Hengsha.


fucking nailed the writing issues.

>Mexico 15
How? only like 5 states are decent, the rest is a shithole

target audience =/= reception

Mexico city is a major source.

Mexico has a lot of natural resources and could be higher if corruption and cartels weren't as prevalent


Was MD that oriented to SJWs? I thought they had some sort of backlash from them.

post your dream dx game

>hubs: Moscow, Brooklyn NY, Tokyo
>side locations: Pyramids of Egypt, Masonic halls in London, The moon base
>story: Mj12 agent turned rogue against page
>augs: Everything from the original with a hearing Aug that let's you listen to conversations and can check for breathing inside rooms and buildings

Yes and yes. SJWs fighting against SJWs

It wasn't. Some people on this board just want an excuse to point and screech "sjw" and everything. It's an affliction.

Honestly from the people I know in the US, we probably *will* have something resembling mechanical aparteid in the late 2020's and no end of people calling cyborgs degenerate heathens. It's really not that unlikely. and to write it off as sjw blabbering shows an astounding lack of awareness of American bigotry.

>DX visual remaster

The vibe of discriminating a group has always been a thing in sci fi works (robots, mutants, aliens, etc), so that doesn't bother me at all. My concern is if the game tries to push any agenda to a point of being unbearable or just being plain propaganda.

>tackling racism

At this point it'd be ballsy to "tackle" people living up to their stereotypes, and "progresives" being portrayed as absurd as extreme-bigots.

There wasn't really any SJW shit
i mean you can find out your boss is gay married and getting gay-divorced and is in a gay-custody gay-battle for his gay-kids
but i mostly just laughed at that since his husband looks like fucking john oliver and it's mostly just a bit of background character detail, you'd never know he's gay without searching his apartment
mankind divided's biggest issue is that the main story is shit and short as fuck and everything feels rushed and it has fucking single-use microtransaction dlc shit in a full priced singleplayer game which is insane.

> My concern is if the game tries to push any agenda to a point of being unbearable or just being plain propaganda.

I didn't think so. There was a moment or two where I thought it was a little too in-your-face, but not in an agenda-pushy way but more of a "we noticed some of our playtesters are retards and we want them to understand what's going on" kinda way. But you get that with all modern games, so to me it was nbd

The US is, by definition of the word, a first world country

Texas alone has a higher gdp than a lot of European countries combined

>Augs are nigger muslim refugee hybrid that dindu nuffin^3
>get their own district, their own wagons in trains
>the wagon is filthy as fuck
>worst the police does is ask you for papers
wow, real apartheid experience, thanks

That's not Christ Centered Gamer.



Leo Gold: I think the government made the plague on purpose to get rid of the population growth.
JC Denton: Just answer the question.
Leo Gold: Don’t believe me? It’s all in the numbers. For a hundred years, there’s been a conspiracy of plutocrats against ordinary people.
JC Denton: Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Leo Gold: Number one: In 1945, corporations paid 50 percent of federal taxes. Now they pay about 5 percent. Number two: in 1900, 90 percent of Americans were self-employed; now it’s about two percent.
JC Denton: So?
Leo Gold: It’s called consolidation. Strengthen governments and corporations, weaken individuals. With taxes, this can be done imperceptibly over time.
JC Denton: I guarantee you that the interrogation staff at UNATCO will not be as forbearing as I am.
Leo Gold: Yeah, the secret police. You’re just bullies for a completely illegitimate government in Washington.
JC Denton: We will locate that shipment one way or another.
Leo Gold: The entire executive branch is hand-picked. Nineteen of the last twenty-three U.S. presidents have been members of the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission is financed by the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. Don’t tell me -
JC Denton: That’s a think-tank. Anyone can become a member.
Leo Gold: But not everyone does. That’s why they call it the 'secret government'.

Is Trump related to Trilateral Commission? Lat time i checked i didn't find any tangible ties.

This image is not wrong user.