>Super Mario bros 3
Your favorite vidya's food equivalent
fuck off you morbidly obese shitstain
i don't play video games and i work ot at gym every night
>vidya food
fugin americans, I swear.
Dark Souls
>COD: Advanced Warfare
dark souls would be just ordinary worthless peanuts
NFL 2017
DS isn't actually any good when you get the shell off. It's just another shitty shell.
You sound upset, friendo. Have a big bowl of shells and cheese. A full belly from a delicious meal will make you feel better.
Thief 2
Aren't those things specifically for apples?
>working out every day
Enjoy your gear cycles or your nogains. Also water is for fatasses, real men get all their daily nutrients and calories from the sun and hard labour.
>doesn't think to cut the bottom flat
So this is the type of retard who buys worthless kitchen accessories instead of learning how to use a knife.
Why the god damn fuck does this make so much sense
It's easy to make (get into and no setup time) and immediately delicious and while it might not make for a full meal it can still be enjoyed and filling completely on its own.
I'd cut a pund of potatoes with a simple kitchen knife in all that time, what the fuck, is this person's motor functions impaired in some way?
Metal Gear Rising
no man's sky
Those things bend after two uses and cleaning them is ass.
Breath of the Wild
No, there are ones specifically for potato. Only the fully metal ones are decent, the plastic with the same form is meh (can be used but too much hassle) anything below is shit. It's easy to see why 's structure is a failure.
He knows what he's doing.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Bayonetta 1.
You put it down every once in a while and you end up going back for more.
What the actual fuck
Post the salsa one so I can compare it to smash 4.
>not making homemade shells and cheese with Medium pasta shells and Ragu cheese sauce
I bet you're heating up that Velveeta trash.
Vagrant Story
That's really good.
SimCity 2013
Etrian Odyssey. Warm, comfy, and while simple seeming does have some depth to it.
League of Legends
Papers, please
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
I get it.
I get it, it's pretty but it tastes like nothing
>metal gear solid: Snake eater
>Sister cooks our meals like twice every week
>She makes everything from stuffed peppers to steaks with fried mushrooms
>Only time I can ever get her to make stew is on my birthday
Do only guys like stews or something?
Team Fortress 2
Warcraft 3
For me, it is the McChicken
>Shells and Cheese
>Darksiders series in general
You are both my brethren.
make it yourself lazy faggot
Well, maybe it is an Irish thing. I'm Irish myself and I just noticed the post you replied to has Irish-stew as the filename. I had stew fairly regularly with my family. Like once a week during winter months and then once a month most other times.
Goddamn. I'm pretty inept when it comes to the kitchen but fuck
>WoW: Legion
RNG loot bullshit
Super C
This would be accurate if there were some really big ones.
Really good though.
As if making stews were hard. Join her the next time she's doing it and maybe ask for the recipe. You know: give a man a fish... he'll stink up the whole town!
That looks absolutely delicious.
That's a critical hit if i ever saw one
I'm not American but i've tried making mac and cheese several times now because it looks so good but it ends up tasting like shit every time. I don't get it.
I just get uncomfortable looking at noodles like that.
Fuck off with your gay ass twitch shit
What does this even mean?
I don't get it.
>rolled the sephuz of ice cream
Remove milk, now it's good
Rolling for Caramello
goulash has some strange mutations, i posted that varient because it looks like the kind my grandmother makes.
basicly it's some kind of poverty tier goulash my grandmother made because she had 13 kids.
it's pretty much just noodles, beef, and a ton of boiled whole tomatoes blended and then added (the more acidic the better) then some basic seasonings
What the fuck is that even supposed to be?
It's just cranberry sauce you memeing fucks.