This is the worst 3D Zelda.
This is the worst 3D Zelda
kill yourself
Majora's Mask
That would be majora's mask
definitely not
fuck off
hmmmm, I dunno, don't get me wrong there was a lot wrong with this game but there was also a lot going for it too.
Dungeons were really good.
The hub or open areas was empty and bland. Also the fur fetishist doesn't help.
It lacked a lot of heart I can easily say.
Nope, Majora's Mask.
I disagree, however I can see how you would say that considering only one of them is actually any good
>samefagging this hard
TP is second worst. Worst is SS by far
You accidentally posted TP instead of Wind Waker, user. You know, the game that started the toonshit cancer? The one so easy it had a button that would do the fight for you? The one with as few dungeons as MM and as barren an overworld as SS?
i would agree in terms of console zelda, it was a let down. still a good game, but a sub bar zelda game
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds if it counts.
also has the worst title of all of them
If ALBW counts, then so do Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass, and then it's a toss up whether you hate trains or that one dungeon more.
It's not but being the worst 3d zelda isn't even that bad.
It was nothing more than a dry OoT clone. The only blessing that came out of that rehash was Midna. Everything else in it was easily dismissable.
>Most boring version of Princess Zelda.
>Easiest Zelda bosses ever designed.
>Shortest console Zelda game.
>Recycled Ganondorf for the billionth time.
>Wolf ability feels woefully underused.
>Graphics haven't aged well at all when compared to Windwaker.
>Most boring/longest intro ever for any Zelda game.
>Zant felt like wasted potential.
>Overall the easiest 3D Zelda game ever made, like it was made for casuals or something.
Nothing will ever top Skyward Sword's bullshit.
True story. Making a thread about it seems a little redundant unless it's about pitting good and bad aspects head to head.
on average second longest behind skyward sword by ONE HOUR how wrong can you be? go check how long to beat
i agree.
Worst items.
Worst gimmick.
Worst story.
i never played SS
Its better than both windwaker and skyward sword
ww fags are seriously the worst
>Implying is a "credible" source ever.
No, that's Wind Waker.
WW is better than SS though
its amazing even the worst one in the series is so good, the best one would be truly good
I want to say yes it is the worst, but it has the best dungeons. Yet at the same time the worst boss fights, and the worst gimmick, and the worst tutorial/startup section, and the worst story.
>being so retarded he can't even upload a Majora pic
Kill yourself.
>Worst boss fights
That still goes to SS with its shit bosses that it even dares to repeat 3 times. There's one damn good boss and that's because the game lets you do what WW already did and pick up enemy weapons again. People laud Ghirahim as being good but he isn't that good and is mainly annoying until you figure out how the game handles its sword swings vs the orientation of your sword/you resync the wiimote again because it's lazily drifting to anywhere but the central position while you're holding it neutrally.
>Worst Gimmick
Also goes to SS. Either the flying that's more neglected than the wolf form or the approach to combat with unreliable DDR pads that was an even worse use of motion controls than TP for the Wii that at least had pointer controls.
>Worst tutorial/startup
Also goes to SS because all of it labors under the weight of unskippable cutscenes and slow scrolling dialogue.
>Worst Story
Yeah probably. I'd argue that SS story is also pretty garbage because the structure of the game is repetitive and boring shit but that's not really the story.
Found the underage retard.
That would be skyward sword, friendo.
The Imprisoned is a terrible boss fight, sure. But every single boss fight in Twilight Princess sucks, there isn't a single one that is any good whatsoever. Skyward Sword has good boss fights mix in with the Imprisoned repeats.
The Flying gimmick is let down by the Sky being devoid of anything interesting to do, flying the Loftwing itself is fine and could have been put to good use. While wolf form Link is just complete trash and there is no way they could have salvaged it.
Skyward Sword's tutorial/starting section is also nowhere near as bad as Twilight Princess, it takes half as long before you are entering the first dungeon. The worst thing about TP's opening though is that it is incredibly boring content wise and basically nothing that occurs in Ordon Village is relvant to the rest of the game and its story. While both openings are heavy on unskippable story and dialog Skyward Sword at least has relevant things happening right out the gate.
The reason I say Twilight Princess has the worst story is that the way it plays out, everything interesting that occurs happens before Link enters the picture. Hyrule is invaded and overthrown entirely off screen. It would be like if OoT Link wandered into Castle Town for the first time a short time after Ganondorf broke into the Sacred Realm and destroyed the Kingdom. Twilight Princess Link feels like he has wandered into somebody else's story halfway through.