ITT: games ruined by crate system

ITT: games ruined by crate system

I'm gonna get shit for this, but I really wish they had just kept skins and shit paid dlc. These crate farmers have ruined casual random play. At least 1 out of every 3 matches has some faggot afk driving, instead of playing.

Why did crate rewards even become a thing? You still have to pay money to get this shit.


The real question here is why the fuck do you play casual, are you a pussy? Rocket League is not meant to be played for """"""fun"""""".

Solar eclipses

>At least 1 out of every 3 matches has some faggot afk driving, instead of playing.
Literally never seen this
This game is one of the few in which crates don't bother me at all. Just hide them and forget they're there.

No idea what you're talking about, I rarely encounter anyone who is AFK and it's never for a whole match.

Robocraft was going to shit before they brought in the crates. Once they decided they wanted to be a MOBA was when it all started going wrong.

I haven't seen one crate farmer since they introduced it and have played 200-300 hours since then, mostly in unranked.

I join casual when I play alone. My friends aren't always online for ranked, and I'd rather not take a chance with randoms.
I see it a lot. 1/3 is hyperbole, but at least 1 out of 6 matches. just now I had it happen back-to-back. Funny enough, it's usually the ps4 players I find doing it.

I ignore crate systems in every game. They're there just to hook autists and they work like a charm.

Im ok with lootcrate systems as long as:
-You cannot get duplicates
-Duplicates gives you no less than 35% of it's in-game currency value

Also in both cases lootcrate drops should only be cosmetic items and imo they should be cosmetic parts like for honor and Dota, rather than full skins like Overwatch ir LoL.

>-You cannot get duplicates
That shit pisses me off in Rocket League. I've got a bunch of shitty super rare items that I can't do anything with that just clog up my inventory. No option to hide that crap.

>tfw practicing air rolls finally pays off

I fully agree. Completely pushed me off the game, same with pic related

not bad

Honestly I like it, I'm getting lots of shit for free thanks to autism unboxers. It's going to be even better when the next crate drops and Breakout S/Dominus GT prices plummet.

this game always felt slow to me, like its the same shit every match.

also if you play it on fastest the constant dice sound drives me mad

You can fuse 5 of them to get a rarer item.

How much is the Breakout worth now? I got one in my first c3 crate when they came out, should have sold it for £25 or whatever people were paying then.

you cant fuse purble shit like the heart or lightning boost, there should be another tier

1.5 keys iirc
Yeah, you should always sell your shit as soon as possible. Fresh crates are worth 1k during the first days, new unlocks have insane value too.

Or at least fuse 5 into another top tier item. I've got 5 heart trails that I will literally never use shitting up my inventory right now.

How do you get free shit?

I think you should be able to trade 5 of something in and get a coloured one. At least it's unique then.