This is the protagonist of Horizon Zero Dawn... whoa

this is the protagonist of Horizon Zero Dawn... whoa

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Is this the power of the ps4?

Headband makes her look so ridiculously cute. It definitely beats another anime japanese developed kawaii uguu moeblob

Subsurface scattering, how can the wild downgrade 3 even compete ?


Reminder that everyone on here loved this game until kotaku did an article about how empowering it was.
Let that sink in, Kotaku is LITERALLY shaping Sup Forums's opinions

Nice try, sonygger.

nah man
we don't like it because of the usual stuff.

Fugly Neanderthal woman..

I'm pretty sure as soon as this Feminist Action Game revealed to have heavy SJW propaganda in it we stopped caring


Nah, I lost interest when I heard Ashley "i have like, 2 voices that are both overdone as fuck" Burch was involved.
Gameplay looks ass, writing so far looks ass, animation looks ass. The setting is nice and it's a wild shame that such a creative IP fell on its face for reasons. Maybe the developer should have hired more not-white-dudes

>Man-faced ginger voiced by Ashley Burch
Western devs in charge of character design.

She looks alright here desu

Wide they make her jaw so fucking so wide and her cheeks so broad?



They did no such thing.

They just scanned a model's face. Hannah Hoekstra, to be precise.

>They just scanned a model's face. John Travolta, to be precise.


American woman are this ugly

I'm pretty sure people called Aloy a deformed Shrek way before Kotaku commented anything about it

Looks nothing like her

Then they fucked her face up hardcore. They doubled Hoekstras jaw mass.

I fucking wish they scanned someone's face, even a random woman in the street. Because that thing in the OP certainly doesn't look human.