Games are an excellent outlet to explore the world around us...

>Games are an excellent outlet to explore the world around us. Handväska! is a silly response to the rise of modern fascism and it’s this week’s Indie Pick.
>Handväska! was made as part of the 2017 Global Game Jam. It was inspired by the 1985 photo of Danuta Danielsson swatting a Nordic Reich supporter in the head with her purse.
>The game is simple enough. Line yourself up and charge towards a blocky group of fascists. With enough speed and a powerful swat of your purse, you’ll send them tumbling into the air in a dazzling display. It’s a game that you play in bursts, a sort of digital stress ball.

How does Sup Forums like Handväska!?

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What groups do they have in it Nazis, Anfa, or Democrats?


It’s been a few weeks since we saw inexplicably famous white nationalist Richard Spencer punched in the face and the world has only gotten stranger. Luckily, games are an excellent outlet to explore the world around us. Handväska! is a silly response to the rise of modern fascism and it’s this week’s Indie Pick.

Handväska! was made as part of the 2017 Global Game Jam. It was inspired by the 1985 photo of Danuta Danielsson swatting a Nordic Reich supporter in the head with her purse. Danielsson was a Polish Jew whose mother died in a concentration camp during World War Two. It’s a serious source of inspiration considering Handväska’s comedic tone.

The game is simple enough. Line yourself up and charge towards a blocky group of fascists. With enough speed and a powerful swat of your purse, you’ll send them tumbling into the air in a dazzling display. It’s a game that you play in bursts, a sort of digital stress ball for the current, dire zeitgeist.

It’s definitely healthy to use games as an escape from the world from time to time. To enter into a less political sphere where you slay demons, kiss aliens, or cruise the countryside. Handväska! leans in the other direction, wearing politics on its sleeve and turning real anxieties into a cartoonish but cathartic experience.

Even small gestures like this help express how powerful games can be for confronting dangerous realities. Handväska! is silly, and brash. It’s a reminder to find some humour in the day to day messiness around us and a great example of how politics don’t always have to be depressing.

wew laddy

can you retards stay on the topic of the game? if not, then fuck off

>I need a click bait tier """"""""""game"""""""""" to vent my frustration because I can't actually cause someone intentional harm.

It's because of shit like this that no one with actual power takes these people fucking seriously.

If the models were actually good (not uninspired lego trash) and had good physics, along with satisfying impacts, this could be a fun concept of a game. Just yank out the political bullshit and make something cool. Like Titanfall 2 would have been a perfectly acceptable game if you had no weapons and just punched everything.

No dodge or blocking mechanics or needless fluffy to make the game feel complex, only running and punching and keeping the killstreak going without getting punched back

>Profile pic

A bit politicised.
Might be decent gameplay if you could make it less political.

When will people stop falling for the game "journalism" meme?

what was that game that Sup Forumstard made where you ending up killing niggers and mudslimes

First it was MRAs, then the Alt-Right, and now they're going for fascists. What's going to be the next buzzword for "people that disagree with me"?

>literal who boring indie game that 10 people will buy at most

Yeah thats cool.

Whats the mod scene like? Is there one where can make all the nazis into plae men with long noses and funny hats? Just think it would be funny, haha.

Calm down, dude, it was just a prank

>game ''journalist'' indie pick is a game thats worse in everything than some kongregate games from 2008

i'd rather turbo leftists vent their violent urges via video games than actually punching people IRL

p.s. all the punchers are getting arrested and sued in court, the lugenpresse doesn't cover that ofc but it's still happening just like how the london riot-looters in 2011 all ended up in jail.

play stupid games win stupid prizes

Yeah it's pretty stupid to expect liberals to want to live next to the people they import:

tl;dr Samantha Bee, liberal "comedian" doesn't want her kids going to school with niggers. Sad!

>bowling for fascists
>no antifa in the picture

>there are people on Sup Forums that voted for and still support a guy that put literal Jewish bankers on staff and immediately issued executive orders that helped said Jewish bankers

Explain yourselves

So once we ignore the political bullshit and get into the actual gameplay mechanics, what do we have?

It's just a game where you run into and knock over Lego men in funny black uniforms? Seriously? That's it?


that's because liberals have never really been 100% honest about their pro-tolerance movements

they want refugees and minorities to move into white neighborhoods sure, but they want them in republican-voting white neighborhoods so districts turn blue and also as a means of punishing conservatives whom they all see as white hood wearing clan members. they don't really want to live beside them because they know there will be sharp increases in petty crime as well as a spike in sexual violence.

EU leftists are basically the same, they even brag about how they're bringing down "fascism" by taking in massive numbers of syrians (even though there is no legitimate fascist entity in all of europe)

if you ever want to see the truth about liberal "tolerance" just find a minority (black/hispanic/etc) that disagrees with them and watch the reaction. suddenly the treasured token black american is a house nigger (they also throw around the term race traitor which I think is ironic)


Whatever. I could care less about white supremacists or fascists.

Thus the tl;dr you cross-eyed, fetal alcohol syndrome, attention deficit disorder retard. How many bottles of ritalin do you need to go through per day?

>there are people from Reddit on Sup Forums who just can't handle not getting what they want

>be white
>my wife is black
>Sup Forumstards hate me

I thought republicans were all about people living how they want to live

great argument :^)


>literally supporting Jewish bankers

Back to the oven you go

Ironic considering the only people dressing up in black and standing in front of buildings is AntiFags.

No one cares what you think sir fagalot

you cared enough to reply


How is Sup Forums reconciling Trump having multiple Jewish bankers on staff and immediately cutting regulations on banks and wall street while issuing support for Israel?

>bowl nazis
>Sup Forums gets offended

>shoot nazis
>Sup Forums loves it


Socialist complaining about facists.
And they aren't rioting in North Korea, just America.
What a goofy time.

One is a video game, the other is a faggot trying to make a statement. You can decide which is which.

The theme this year was 'waves' how the fuck does this fit in with waves?
I participated I just like made game. Had a good time, can't wait for next year's

>implying Sup Forums are republican partisans

They propped up a candidate that was rejected by the entire Republican establishment, and neocons like McCain are still trying to undermine him.

>Donald Trump is a Jew-loving zionist being controlled by anti-semitic white supremacist Bannon and is enacting literal JEWISH GENOCIDE by opposing Israeli agenda in Syria but is sucking Jew cock by opposing Iran and the Houthi rebels but is also a white nationalist and is opposed by over 90% of Jewish voters and basically every Jewish lobbyist because the Jews are just so smart but he is controlled by Jews

-Summation of democratic partisan hysteria since the election outcome-

>b-but maybe if I call the evil racist a Jew he will feel conflicted for supporting drumpf!

they could move to iran or saudi arabia and riot about islamofascism but then they would all be in jail for the rest of their life or executed (with the potential result of those countries becoming more democratic)

but instead they choose slacktivism which accomplishes fuck-all except making everyone hate them

That game looks like it's simple enough that it would take moments to change the people you're attacking into anything.

Mod where you attack jews?

They're both video games dipshit, if you think there's nothing political about the recent wolfenstein games, or the WWII CoDs, or almost any WWII game then why can't you play as the Nazis?

>we were just pretending to be retarded

you don't even need a mod, that game looks like it took all of 1 day to make in unity

go follow a few tutorials and make your holocaust simulator a reality

I don't know, how do libcucks reconcile being progressive while also being anti-semitic? How do they reconcile sucking Muslim cock every day while worshiping Feminism as well? How do they not just kill themselves en-masse to end "the white problem" even faster?

I don't like games where you shoot nazis, but I don't play them.

Too few games that let you play as a nazi.

Did you support bernie



Red Orchestra. Remember to aim for Ivan's head. There is a HUGE difference between a game having political undertones and a game that is literally some faggot's upset response to their political candidate losing a presidential election. Don't tell me you're so underage you cannot understand this?

I a bit felt sorry for you so I gave you a (you) because I am nice.

Good shit You triggered the tards and the cognative dissonance forces them to shitpost in reply

>be white
>my fiancee is black
>she's way more conservative than I am on most issues
>out at parties or bars or whatever and people always assume I'm fervently anti-Trump (if I'm not vehemently distancing myself from all black people I MUST be a liberal, right?)
>well I don't agree with some stuff he says, and I think he jumped the gun on a few things, but I don't really hate him too much
>user HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU POSSIBLY SUPPORT HIM. DO YOU WANT YOUR FIANCEE TO GET KILLED?! oh sweetheart ;_; just because you're afraid to be honest with user doesn't mean you have to be silent around us. Tell us what you honestly think about all this
>mfw she tells them

>rise of modern fascism


They are not talking about Trump are they?

Do these people not understand words?

Sup Forums prioritizes trolling high and mighty liberals over eradicating oven dodgers. Letting shekelgrubbers grub a bit longer so more lefty tears can be extracted is a fair trade.

Have you tried not being stupid?

>pretending this isn't just some shit tier Sup Forumsbait thread
Super serious XD

>heh, I was just pretending to be retarded ;)

wasn't alt-right just gays that didn't want to be associated with modern liberalism, so they looked to the dying right to try to find a niche?
(where the traditional right still hated them because they were fudge packers and religious fanatics don't want fudge packers near them or the fudge packing skeletons in their own closets might be found)

>"the rise of modern fascism"

>the only people forcefully and even violently repressing free speech on a large scale are leftists

> How do they not just kill themselves en-masse to end "the white problem" even faster?

because most of them are (((white))) and killing themselves would solve a different problem

I'm not talking about libs, I'm talking about trump literally supporting Jewish bankers.


Yeah, shouldn't a fascist have jailed all of them by now? I would have. These people need to be rehabilitated

Only the government can oppress free speech, retard

>letting the eternal jew get more power is okay just to trigger libcucks

where the fuck did my /stormfront/ go?

I said "almost any" so you wouldn't have to provide an example because it was implicit I meant from a narrative perspective, but you went and did it anyway gj, Tales of Valor there's another for you.

Nice moving of the goalpost by the way, my argument was that they're both equally legit games, which now you apparently agree with.


>which now you apparently agree with


>nice moving of the goalpost

Listen, I get that it's your first day on Sup Forums, but at least learn what goalpost moving is.

>Only the government can oppress free speech, retard

Stupid faggot

>all the violence in the middle east, africa, SEA etc. is them dirty liberals

top fucking kek.

I'm sure ISIS is a progressive, liberal, leftist movement user :^)

>It’s definitely healthy to use games as an escape from the world from time to time

>it's definitely healthy to simulate violence against people simply because they disagree with you

>but games that show women in skimpy clothes are causing tons of harm

>to the rise of modern fascism


>muslims are fascists

>let's let them flood our country, only fascists would stop them!

Really makes you think

>implying the OP was in any way referring to places other than Europe and the USA

You should've learned by now liberals don't actually care what happens in poor countries. They're more concerned with letting their period blood run down their leg than they are with female circumcision

>go into work on wall street
>call my Jewish CEO a dirty oven dodger
>get fired


>attend public speech protected by the first amendment
>get physically assaulted and the event gets shut down by nu-brown shirts (aka ANTIFA)
>but it's totally not suppression of free speech it's "demonstrating" or whatever the fuck you people bitch about with your ass half sticking out the back of a police van

>people literally organize and violently attack people for peacefully demonstrating and practicing freedom of speech

>"but they aren't the government so they aren't oppressing anybody and you should feel perfectly safe voicing your opinion on things leftists feel entitled to bash your head in over"

You guys are gonna be in for a real hard wake up call soon if you keep it up

watch dogs?