Why is Sonic popular with black people?

why is Sonic popular with black people?

Probably for the same reasons he's popular with any other group. Black people aren't aliens, user.

gotta to go fast to get away from the cops

sonic is not popular whith black people, as a black person who grew up in a black area and all black friends, nobody touched dat shit

But maybe the autistic fucks of today play that shit i dunno mayne

CWC thread?

Only the autistic blacks.

But autistic blacks fucking love him way more than autistic whites on average.

id fuck her

Autism knows no limits.

they think maybe if they get fast enough they can catch up to their dads

From my understanding Sonic was popular with Mexicans

Is it just me or does everyone assume all black people are generally normal?

When I look at another white kid, I can tell from looking at him "Oh he's a faggot, oh he's into metal, oh he's a furry, etc"

I can't do that with black people. Like the black guy from Nostalgia Critic... who would have fucking guessed he's a huge furfag without looking at his twitter?

I don't know anons, I just don't know.

Because both like to run away.

>assumed as normal

I had a black friend who used to point out whenever white women would move their purses away from him. Whenever we'd get into an elevator or be in a crowd, he'd nudge my arm and point it out.

Most people think blacks are criminals, not normal.

You judge based on their appearance. Its easy to read people by what they wear

Sonic is not solely popular with peope of different races. Sonic transcends race and is popular with autistic people.

autism knows no race.

>most of your people present themselves as thugs
>act surprised when people just make carpet assumptions to be safe
I mean, it's shit
but what are you gonna do about it other than fix the thug propaganda in ghetto hip hop and rap?

Well unlike a middle aged white women, I'm normal 21 year old male.

why do black people like the same things nonblack people like

Why do people do this? Why pretend to be black on Sup Forums to insult black people who will never see it?

No one talks like that one here except false flaggers.

>Black people aren't aliens
>Black people

I never said I was upset by the revelation. Blacks commit a fuckton of crimes. Black males between 18-40 comprise like 2% of the population but commit like 30-40% of all fucking crime.

I was just pointing out you average person, including other blacks, tend to see blacks as being up to no good. Hell where I work now we have a guy who calls us, and if we send out a black guy, he'll openly shout "Send me a white man they actually do work."

That guy is an old black man himself.

>best friend in elementary school was black and into Sonic
>3 good friends in middle school were black and into Sonic as well as DBZ
I have to disagree with you there.

well, can't really blame them
mainstream music is telling them to act like that

Why is anything popular with black people? Are we not allowed to just enjoy things?


>blaming mainstream music
Are you an old woman from the past 60 years?

>metal lyrics tends to be extremely violent, aggressive, and explicit
>metalheads are the most chill people on the planet

It's not the music.

Probably something to do with the superficial similarities between Sonic and Dragon Ball Z

it's not the music for civilized people
what do you think blacks in africa are doing all day?
dancing and singing

what do you think slaves were doing to make themselves feel better about having to pick cotton?
sing blues

blacks react to music very differently than whites do

It's not blacks, specifically.

It's pedophiles.

>Kayla-Na, supersonic250, 90% of the furry fandom into this shit because most of the cast is underage


opposite with me. one of my best friends introduced me to Sonic. I see more black sonic fans online than white.
>Most people think blacks are criminals
yeah but normal criminals. not crazy stuff like mass shooters,pedos,or serial killers

Autism doesnt descriminate

>metalheads are the most chill people on the planet
Yea, no.




Why do white people like Japanese animation so much?





why do black people always refer to themselves as a group? maybe that's why they're estranged and not taken seriously. instead of an individual they're normally a part of a group. nobody likes doing anything for outside groups, but most folks will aid an individual.

I only said "we" because OP was referring to black people in general.

How do you even respond to this?
It's fucking stupid, but it's like a 60 year old woman on facebook wrote it.
What did the common populace do when modern entertainment options we're generally unavailable?
They sang.
It happened practically everywhere.
Where do you think folk songs derived from?

american jap here

i like sonic because its the only thrills i get in life lol

Sorry nigger we'really just more important than you when we do something we mean unlike you niggers that chimp out and rob a 911 store

Me and my friends call them niggers.

sonic is not popular in mexico

we like DBZ and The king of fighters series

I think that's a white thing. black people like women that aren't white as sheets
t. black person

Black people like riding fast


Hispanics like anime a lot. Every time I look up an anime on youtube I get tons of anime in spanish vids.

People like the sonic porn as people I'm mean everyone of all race

Can we just turn this into a sonic thread? Favorite 2D and 3D games?

No I want a sonic loli thread

Of course user, but only the pre-approved things. No matter how popular with the rest of the world, if you like something outside of dancing, chicken,and fat ass white girls the rest of the human race is incapable of comprehending your strange negro desires.

Cause dem blacks be fast and sonic be fast to

they can be fast 2getta

He's fast and the police hate him.

3&Knuckles and Adventure 2.

generic, boring/10

wait are you proud of whites being associated with the psycho crimes?
whatever floats your boat Terrence


Honestly it never appealed to me and it's only starting to interest me now because I spend too much time here. Sup Forums's fascination with being cucked, specifically being cucked by black guys, is the only kind of racism that bothers me anymore. You can hate me, think you're better than me, whatever. I'm used to that shit. But when your fear of black people is so ingrained it becomes so kind of fetish it's just weird. Its like instead burning a cross on your yard the klan just jizzed all over your porch.

At least we changed the world for the better help people what have you done Tyrone

>Its like instead burning a cross on your yard the klan just jizzed all over your porch.


Actual poster of color here, I've been in many black areas, and I can tell you that the more "whitewashed"/autistic blacks love sonic while real niggas were all about looney tunes.

>Its like instead burning a cross on your yard the klan just jizzed all over your porch.

War has changed.


t. White but grew up near the ghettoes. Also autistic blacks tend to be nintendrones.

>I don't care that we made it so only black criminals live comfortably.

Because each of them has a culture that glorifies being able to runfastâ„¢(dindunuffin)

If blacks can't stop their niggers then it's their own fault

Black people don't like Sonic you goofs
Black people like fighting games mainly Street Fighter, Madden and NBA2k and Final Fantasy
case closed

Is he? I'm black and I've never noticed.

>changed the world

t. American half breed that has the audacity to call himself white

But Im black and I hate sonic.

Is this a black gamer hangout?

I'm black and I've never heard of any black people ever referencing Sonic in real life. DBZ and Yu Gi Oh on the other hand I have a lot. They won't fucking shut up about that shit. It was always the ghetto nig nogs that did it too. None of the black kids who just acted like normal people.

I never got it, especially since I've always hated Yu Gi Oh since I found MTG. I like Sonic but only as much as any other person who plays video games.
Sonic 2
White people are the ones that post the blacked and bbc memes all the time. Specifically white guys. I find it pretty disgusting how much Sup Forums has been obsessing over it lately.
I would like to know this as well
I like other black people but I don't like niggers. It pisses me off that I'm associated with the same people who are known to rape, kill, and be generally uneducated and uncivilized and then people assume all of that about me because of it.

Also how long until Sup Forums comes in here and starts posting their infographics and charts about how bad blacks are?

autism has no color

Because it was on TV when you should have been going to school.

>tfw Sup Forums gave me a fetish for cucking white people
I used to not even look at white women before the cuck meme, but now I can't get off unless there's a white guy crying in a corner.

>I like other black people but I don't like niggers
Warms my heart.

I do my best to judge people based on poverty rather than race. I've met middle class black people and they're pretty cool.

Why do black people like DBZ when 99% of the characters have light skin?

Black people were poor and grew up with a Sega Genesis.

Why do white people like cuckolding when 99% of the cuckholders have dark skin?

>white people
Americans aren't white

>Its like instead burning a cross on your yard the klan just jizzed all over your porch.

You might be on to something there. Sega advertising themselves as the cool non nerdy console

Black nerds are whiter than fucking white people.
How is this shit possible.

>No one talks like that
spend 5 seconds on "black twitter" then come back and talk

>no one talks like that here except false flaggers
Read nigger, READ

Blacks love DBZ kingdom hearts and sanic

>First claims there's no blacks on Sup Forums
>Then calls someone on Sup Forums a nigger

>Only black people can be niggers

They couldn't afford a SNES.