How do we take Sup Forums back from the neofags?

How do we take Sup Forums back from the neofags?

post more cute cartoon girls

u can't fag we're here to stay
enjoy being puppets for our epic reddit screencaps

1. You talk about video games
2. You don't reply to obvious shitposting or bait
There you go

>ban AAA threads
>ban tripfags
>ban anime RP
>ban e-celebs thread

Don't delude yourself. v was always shit. You're just old and the new memes don't seem as funny because you aren't 16 anymore.

every time you feel like replying to a bait post, or something that's not videogames, instead make a thread about a videogame you enjoy

wrong. Sup Forums was always shit but not this shit. it's like saying Florida was always hot when it used to be constantly in the 80's and now it's constantly in the 90's. it's way shittier than before and looking back, it seems much better. you're just too young and new to know what it was like before.

why not try a different imageboard?

>le ebin Sup Forums was never good meme
>FP EDIT: Thanks for the gold guise, send nudes

>That pic
Pure fucking cringe.

It's pretty simple really. E-celeb discussion gets banned. This usually kicks out the cancerous fighting game community too, which is a bonus.

how do we take Sup Forums back from the paranoid Boogeymanfags?

Ban all weeb game discussions
Ban everything Sup Forums related
Purge e-celeb trash
Add ID's

There is nothing to take back , this is how Sup Forums was , is and will be. Sup Forums just like videogames has matured , so this is just the sound the world moving on and leaving you behind because you refuse to evolve with it

I've been here since 2007 and i don't notice any significant difference.

The only new thing i see are leftist that keep linking Sup Forums if they get triggered. Or /r9k/ if gigatriggered.

yeah you're right buddy, we're the latest and greatest

>reddit the post

Ban these please

>le reddit boogeyman

Atleast dubs wouldn't derail every single thread as do the fucking people flinging Sup Forums, SJW and reddit at each other everytime anything that isn't consolewars is up to debate.

Sup Forums dindu nuffin, please stop bullying them

>v was always shit
This wasn't Sup Forums newtard. Stop basing your attitudes about a subject based on memes.

>Go to Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums constantly during middle and high school and early on in college
>Tons of shitposting but still fun
>Have less time for online, play less vidya
>become normie and get married
>Focus on college and goals and get a job as a AAA game dev
>Start playing vidya again and decide to come back to Sup Forums to see what's good
>Still some vidya talk, but very few games are actually liked
>even universally liked game I worked on is still hated by people here
>Stories and rumors about how games are developed are wildly inaccurate, commonly accepted as fact
>Sup Forumsfags circlejerking constantly
>Still the only place that has decent taste in vidya so I keep coming, even though I've been here for over a decade now.

Probably the same as it ever was but working in the industry and knowing how development works makes it less fun.

how so? also is it fun working in the community or is it just like any other job?

we join the neo fags and break them from the inside

Imagine you work on a game for 4 years. It comes out, and some people like it, some people don't. You obviously hope people like it, but you're usually proud regardless.

Then you come onto the Internet and someone posts that the game was bad because the publisher FORCED the developer to work extra fast and that's the only reason it has bugs. Otherwise it would've been perfect. Or maybe it's bad because it was a B team, while the real talent worked on something else. Maybe it's because they just fired the true GENIUS behind their other successes.

Game development is messy (and there are actual juicy stories) but most of the time, any narrative about a developer being overworked, or forced into deadlines, or ripped off by a big publisher is completely false, and almost always leaked by a butthurt dev team member. I had a friend on a team that was literally spying on their publisher's marketing team and they still pushed a narrative that their game was only buggy as shit because they were rushed, not because they were incompetent. Even when this developer has a long track record of super buggy games.

It's one thing to read about it happening to other people. When you see a narrative that you know isn't true (but is commonly accepted as fact), it's a little frustrating.

But yeah my job is super fun. Can't speak for every company but my work is my dream job.

>But yeah my job is super fun. Can't speak for every company but my work is my dream job.
In what department do you work, and what studies did you do for it?
Working on video games sounds like a rather fun job (as fun as a job can be that is), but it also seems like a meme