Why was this allowed?
Why was this allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
>achievement unlocked: "this truly is the dark souls"
not an argument
Why did they do this to us?
it's a "dark souls 2 is bad" meme again
>Likes Dark Souls 2
>Drake meme
The best in the series.
SotFS > 3 >> PtD
I bet you like bloodborne, faggot.
stop fucking liking this piece of shit, alright? I won't allow it.
Fuck you I liked it.
No you didn't
stop lying to yourself
Funny that this game has the most memorables fights for me. Just from the top of my head: Glass Knight, Velstadt, Darklurker, Sinh, Fume Knight, Sir Alonne, Ivory King etc
BB > DS 2: SotFS > DS 2 > DS 1 > DeS > DS 3
Objectively correct in every way.
Why would you tell lies?
NIOH > BB > DS 2: SotFS > DS 2 > DS 1 > DeS > DS 3
anyone who disagrees has autism
if you disagree you're wrong
>iframes tied to the stats
Truly the biggest mistake
But DS3 curbstomps DS1 in literally EVERY aspect except world design. The ONLY flaw is that it's way more linear than previous soulsborne games, but otherwise it's a masterpiece from start to finish.
Lost Crowns=Old Hunters>Bloodborne>DS3>DS1=sotfs>DeS>AotA>DS2
Fuck I can't wait for tomorrow. Work consumes too much time, so I don't play vidya on weekdays.
still better than 'casul souls 3'
>But DS3 curbstomps DS1 in literally EVERY aspect except world design.
World design is literally the only positive side of the whole series.
Yeah me too, and so did every person that played it and isn't an underaged Sup Forums memelord.
Literally nothing wrong with this game, you sound like my faggot friend who only played 1 and 3 because "2 doesnt feel like dark souls" meme
how can it curbstomp it when it's pretty much ds1.5 with all the fucking reference and straight up copies.
not to mention no poise, armour being worthless and build vareity being gimped due to dogshit linearity and world design
ok we get it Sup Forums you don't like ds2. now can we please stop making these threads it's been 4 years
But it's not.
And you have to look at the whole picture. DaS3 has better gameplay, balance, soundtracks, individual level design (undead settlement is the epitome of Miyazaki's talent), bosses, graphics, and you don't need a third party software to make it work properly on pc.
You can prefer DaS, and that's fine user, we all have different tastes, but if we're being OBJECTIVE, DaS3 is simply miles better. Not to mention that while DaS's WORLD design is indead a masterpiece, it's only in the first half of the game, then it's as linear as possible.
Holy fucking shit, how can someone have such shit taste
Exactly right.
>with all the fucking reference
DaS3 is a love letter to DaS fans. you wanted more DaS, started sperging out because DaS2 is too different, and bitch again when it's close to DaS while doing its own thing. The game does have PLENTY of stuff to show on its own, I don't think having many references to DaS is a bad thing, especially when the game expands on them, and it all helps tie the lore together. Sup Forums is acting like DaS3 is only DaS areas and NPC and there's NOTHING new.
>no poise
There is but it doesn't work like before. And poise was broken as fuck like i-frames. But I can give you this one. I like to play with light armor, but I can understand why it bothers you.
>armour being worthless
It's not. Sure it's a lot of fashion souls, but it does help if you want reduced damage.
>build vareity being gimped due to dogshit linearity and world design
There aren't as many builds as in DaS2, but there's still a shitton of possible stuff to do, and the "only straight swords are viable!!!" meme is retarded. Everything works, yes even magic, it's just not OP like before.
>dogshit linearity and world design
Yes, I said that's the ONLY true flaw. I doesn't bother me that much because for me the game is a joy to replay, almost as much as BB, but I know that some people are dissapointed in the lack of available paths.
That's it, worse world design and linearity, better everything else.
I thought it was pretty good, but I'm not really a pvp guy.
To make money senpadre, the first games entire premise was the end of a world, it was brilliant and self contained just like DeS and BB...then they had to ruin it all with sequels, muh cycles, milking the series to death by going over the same old shit and throwing fanservice in our face.
The Souls games are pretty good and Bloodborne is action trash with a cool coat of paint. Come off it blud.
How the fuck do I summon my friend to fight the rotten when I burn a bonfire ascetic?
Is it just not possible? Dude keeps one shot killing me and if I block with the shield it's an instant stagger.
I liked the sexy Desert Sorceress dress. For that alone it was one of my favorite souls game.
buy the name-engraved ring from the sexy cat
basically acts as a more fuck about version of the password system from bb/ds3
So with that ring we should be able to join each other even though we already beat the area?
We were having some trouble getting the sign to show up but maybe it was just taking a while, it's usually pretty quick.
What was so bad about it?
>inb4 heh, everything
I agree
All the Souls games are complete fucking garbage.
Yeah, you might think you're a badass at video games for finally grinding your way through a series of bosses with broken animations, broken hitboxes, and massive HP pools, but that doesn't mean it's a well made game.
Ever stop to ask yourself why Souls PVP is so cheesy, boring and unsatisfying?
It's because the core design of the ENTIRE game is poorly executed.
For me, i started losing my motivation to play it. The drive that kept me going with DS1 was fighting my way through a zone so i could fight an awesome boss. DS1 had a hand full of bad bosses, most of them were amazing however.
With DS2, you're walking through a linear zone that feels less thought out so you can fight a mediocre or shitty boss at the end.
I loved everything about DS2 but god damn i hated the world design and a lot of the bosses.
DLC was amazing imo
as long as the boss isnt dead, you can summon for the area. if you've used a bonfire ascetieirtc it should be fine.
most of the time you need to walk away from the general area where your friend has put his sign for it to cycle in.
dont forget soul memory is a thing, although with the name ring it widens the boundaries by quite a lot so it should be fine.
Oddly limited movement making the game feel clunkier than even DaS 1, inability to alter direction of attacks mid combo, shit lighting in most areas contributing to a complete lack of any sort of atmosphere, horribly bland boss fights without exception, clusterfuck "lul so hard" enemy placement and mobs, horseshit tracking attacks for enemies and boss hitboxes, rolls being worthless for altering position and i-frames being attached to a stat. Sound design was also fuckawful, whoever put together the sounds for this game should be shot and I couldn't be happier that they abandoned most of this game's changes in Dark Souls 3.
Its decent. Nowhere near as bad as Sup Forums claims it is. Knowing how casual most of this board is, i wouldnt be surprised if most gave up on it around ruin sentinels, because rolling at 68% weight, with greatsword and full drangleic didnt give them the awesome iframes they got back in das1 and thats "unfair". Also, muh too many enemies is no excuse, you're just bad
Shit that was easy to abuse in das no longer works in 2. So a part of Sup Forums, angry that the sequel did not fit the requirements of their idol, started this conflict, and the underage, the bads and the newfags like op picked up on it and now they repeat it ad infinitum
Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it was bad
I've seen a lot of these floating around here but i've never experienced any of it and i beat the whole thing. Am i just lucky or are these rare exceptions?
Yeah I know what I was doing wrong now thanks man. I used the aecetic at the wrong bonfire at the time of trying to summon my friend in so the area boss was still dead
It's something that can happen in every soulsborne game, it's extremely rare and used for shitposting in DaS2 hate threads. Then from time to time there's an user that posts exemple of flawless DaS2 hitboxes, DaS hitboxes that are 10 times worse than this webm, and DaSbabies start sperging out.
Personnaly I never experienced something like this except in DaS, but collision detection is beyond fucked in DaS.
I played and beat both DS1 and DS2 and the only thing that was this fucked is the grab attack from the Iron Golem in DS1
soul memory
no whole orbs
enemies despawn
90% of enemies are large knights
instead of having interesting enemies they just throw more of the same ones at you
npcs are mostly shit barely any quest/story to any of them
levels are poorly built, most of it is constant ambushes or groups of enemies throughout most of the game
the healing system
being invaded while hollow
losing hp on death
bosses sucked
i don't think it ever happened to me but the game is still ass
>First time playing DS2
>Feel odd, but I even manage to kill the troll or whatever at the beggining of the game
>Not a single death so far
>Get to the Last Giant
>Like 2 or 3 hours into the game
BB > DS1 > DS2 SFS > DS3 > DeS > DS2
Only thing DS2 was good for was fashion souls, comfy areas, and music. The game had the tone and aesthetics of The Dark Crystal.
>tfw this is confirmed to return in the DLC of 3
This is one of the biggest reasons I see people saying Dark Souls II was great as fucking jokers. Yeah, this dude might have shit adaptability, but even then he's clearly out the fucking path. The hitboxes for this game are way out of control, like they didn't even bother properly mapping them, except for that ONE (1) webm of the guy in Dragon Aerie who sits down as some giant statue swings wildly over him.
2 was so bad I actually enjoyed 3, THAT is how trash 2 is.
All the games have stupid shit.
DS2 is definitely the most unpolished of all in the series though, even considering DeS.
I wish I was autistic enough to save webm's so I could show shitboxes of manus, artorias, puddings, taurus demon, ceasless ornstein and smough.
DaS1 isn't as perfect as people make it out to be.
Wrong webm, thanks God
Worst PvE by far made even more insulting with bonfire aesetics; hey you wanna play through this shit part of the game again?
Lucatiel sucks, her quest is only 'tragic' by contrast as save for two other guys none of the NPCs do a damn thing. Not a single NPC in vanilla could hold a candle to DeS and DS1 NPCs, relying completely on DLC for any interesting characters.
Best thing that came out of this game was fucking duelwielding. That's how low it went.
It did have improvements to the series, some of which I wish DS3 would have capitalized on.
such as?
They're far from perfect and yet DS2 is still WAY worse; ogre and mimic grabs are pretty unforgivable, and DS2 has overall lazier hitboxes and animations. Like why the hell did they greenlight adding in the Falconers? Also DS1 didn't have adaptability which further compounds all of the above issues.
This. I have the same and only experienced this stuff in DaS1. I think mostly when fighting the Ceaseless Disscharge.
Had the best covenants and armor/weapons in the series.
I see you're a pve tard that gets mad at_optional_quality of life mechanics.
Let me guess you also hate respeccing.
Ascetics are fantastic.
Respawning zones for items and despawning for pvp is awesome.
If you don't stop shitposting I'm going to start posting gore in all the threads you post in faggot. You were in that last one too, you're not slick.
>what is reading comprehension
It's not an argument you tard it's a question. YOU provide the argument.
do you even iframes?
Dude, you're bad.
It is just like Indiana Jones m8.
The second one is where you try to experiment and something new and that not always works.
On the third one you play it safe, just like DS3 is.
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
>love letter
this doesn't excuse the over the top pandering. DS2 was enough. DS3 takes the piss and just goes
"fuck it lets just put anor londo here".
"remember that armour set that soliare drew on? yeah the crow has them or something."
"yeah trap waifu is still kinda here too. nito as well. cycles lmao"
these things don't help the lore, they hinder it.
all in all, there really isn't anything new, souls-wise. Another castle level, another forest level, another swamp level, ANOTHER swamp level, another snowy level, another catacombs level, another lava level, another fucking anor londo
>armour isn't worthless
it's fucked. heavy armour takes a fucking ridiculous amount of stat investment, and you get no poise, a fat roll and a SINGLE extra hit before you die. not to mention any ring slots wasted trying to get enough equip load.
>There aren't as many builds as in DaS2
No, there aren't. This is bad enough, but due to the linear bullshit, it's exacerbated massively since to do a build around a certain weapon, you can't do a certain area first to get that weapon - you HAVE to trawl through all the areas before it before you can get it. Depending on how far this is you might even have to upgrade another shitty weapon you use in the meantime, resulting in less resources, and so on. And then you finally get the weapon only to realise that you'd be better off 1-handing a straight sword. It's not a meme. It's an objective fact, or at least it was. I haven't played in a while because its so disappointing.
i plan on giving it another try to reaffirm my beliefs it's the worst souls game yet, or at very least the least replayable.
>last game in the series forever
>references previous games
>soul memory
PvP is irrelevant. And there's nothing wrong with SM.
>no whole orbs
PvP is irrelevant
>enemies despawn
Absolutely nothing wrong with that. They despawn when you die or kill them over 12 times. If you die 12 times in a row, maybe the game is not for you. It doesn't affect most players, and can help the really bad ones.
>90% of enemies are large knights
But there's nothing wrong with that. Also the entire setting is less dark fantasy and more fantasy. You can say you don't like it, but that's subjective, just like I like big dudes in armor, always prefered humanoids no matter the game.
>instead of having interesting enemies they just throw more of the same ones at you
Throwing more enemies has been a thing since DeS. At least in DaS2 it's fair and not frustrating, unlike many passages from DaS.
>npcs are mostly shit barely any quest/story to any of them
Lucatiel is better than any DaS NPC. bear seek seek lest is best souls girl. The cat is god tier, so is the map guy and Vendrick. The questline with Pate is top tier. There's also maldron the ass.
>levels are poorly built, most of it is constant ambushes or groups of enemies throughout most of the game
groups of enemies and ambushes are also in DaS user. But I can agree that except a few fantastic areas, and the 10/10 levels of the DLC, the world sucks.
>the healing system
Yes, what about it?
>being invaded while hollow
PvP lmao. You must be the kind of guy that bitches about the singleplayer mission in Condition Zero.
>losing hp on death
Absolutely nothing wrong with that, just don't die. This is also in DeS, it's nothing new.
bosses sucked
Opinions. I think it has way more good and memorable boss fight than DaS, which has Gwyn (great), Artorias and Smostein (ruined by shit hitboxes) and Gaping Anus (just for the cinematic and design).
Well, guess you're lucky or my game is broken. One of the things I fucking hate about DaS is how collision detection just doesn't seem to work.
I constantly hit enemies when I clearly don't hit them, don't lose health when I'm smashed by a giant weapon, get hit when there's 6ft between me and the weapon, slide of flat surfaces, don't fall when both my feet are in the air, enemies get stuck in geometry in every fucking level.
This shit doesn't happen in DeS, DaS2, DaS3 or Bloodborne.
>literally puts an entire area in
there referencing, then there's straight up copying. there's no excuse for this. it's not interesting lorewise or gameplay wise and its just lazy.
>I see you're a pve tard that gets mad at_optional_quality of life mechanics
>not being mad that they only exist in the _least_ replayable Souls
They haven't been able to make up their mind about replayability since Demon's.
if its happening that often your game might actually be fucked
have you tried it on a different machine or something?
>ogre and mimic grabs are pretty unforgivable
Got grabed by an ogre once, just try harder.
>DS2 has overall lazier hitboxes and animations
I can agree with the animations, tho I prefer them over the ones in DaS. Both are shit compared to DeS, BB and DaS3 anyway. But hitboxes got improved, they get improved in every new title. They were almost flawless in BB, and flawless in DaS3.
>Also DS1 didn't have adaptability
On the other hand it had broken as fuck iframes
Also people pretend like it completely changes the game. Just a few points in it are enough to finish the game, you just have to remember the game is harder than DaS, and you have to time your rolls better.
*teleports you in front of me*
>this doesn't excuse the over the top pandering.
it does tho. As I said the game has plenty to offer on its own, every reused area/npc of 1 is here to bring memories and develop the lore.
>remember that armour set that soliare drew on? yeah the crow has them or something."
It's just an armor tho, the game has plenty of these
>"yeah trap waifu is still kinda here too
Which makes sense considering the background of Aldrich. Not to mention the boss fight is nothing like in DaS, except for the rain of arrows.
>these things don't help the lore, they hinder it.
Just because you don't see how it helps it doesn't mean it doesn't. Not trying to sound smart here, it's just that DaS3 contributes a lot to the lore, just like DaS2.
>it's fucked.
Can't talk much about that because I'm not a heavy armor faggot, but heavy armor was pretty unbalanced in DaS. Maybe they went too far the other way here, not the end of the world. Also I've seen pvp videos of dudes in smough set being fucking invincible tanks.
>No, there aren't.
Yes I said it 2 times, linearity is the only actual issue here.
>you'd be better off 1-handing a straight sword
I played multiple builds in PvE and just a TINY bit of PvP, everything works, not just straight swords. dual daggers are 10 times more OP for exemple.
>try to reaffirm my beliefs it's the worst souls game yet, or at very least the least replayable.
I respect your opinion user.
I thought it was BY FAR the best souls, and was only slightly inferior to BB. I replayed it like 7 times, while 1 and a half runs of DaS where more than enough. Just thinking of any area after undead parish and undead burg gives me AIDS.
My point was that everyone has different things that make him want to replay the games. For me DaS3 had such fantastic gameplay, bosses, soundtracks, level design, quests, that I can replay it without getting bored, just like BB.
Armor, poise and builds seem to be very important for you, so I understand your point of view.
>Armor, poise and builds seem to be very important for you, so I understand your point of view.
stop being so understanding, you faggot
Yeah, I even tried at 30 and 60fps.
My theory is that because I started with DaS2, I notice things differently. I thought DaS was floaty as fuck, weapons had no weight to them, except the claymore. I thought rolls were OP as fuck and the game was piss easy while being extremely tedious and frustrating, for exemple the 10 hollows near the summoner just before the gargoyles.
DaS2 had moments like that, but it never bothered me even when I replayed it after played DeS, BB and DaS3.
When I was mad, I even made threads with screenshots showing how I got hit 5 times in a row by artorias even tho there was a huge space between me and the sword.
When I got stuck on the branch at the top of the tree near ash lake I simply ragequited. The game felt so broken, unfinished, like an alpha for DeS. It felt like the whole budget and time went into designing the trully fantastic world design up to sen's fortress.
I see people complain about enemy placement in DaS2, the enemy placement in DaS gave me ass cancer.
Not trying to be a contrarian memelord, I just think the first game you play will have an impact on how you see the others.
I did actually start with DaS, but I was playing with kb+m and quit after the gargoyles. I got a controller when das2 released and I finished it 2 times before starting das properly. It wasn't fun at all.
So that's it huh
We're some kinda dark souls
>Bearer of The Curse, you must collect the Dark Souls 2
And that's when I began to hate the Emerald Herald
>claims opinions
>but lists opinions
You're a special sort of retard arent you
"Bearer of the curse, what kind of shoes are those? I like the color."
"They're leather boots. The inside also contrasts well with the exterior. They have dark soles."
>Got grabed by an ogre once, just try harder
I don't get grabbed by their magnet grip anymore either. Also doesn't change the fact that it's the epitome of Ds2's hitbox laziness. Try harder.
>I can agree with the animations, tho I prefer them over the ones in DaS.
Which ones, the players? That I can sort of understand. Every thing elsewhere in the game is a downgrade. Again Falconers, what the hell
>Also people pretend like it completely changes the game.
I found out about what adaptibility did at Smelter. Once I ate a bunch of my souls and leveled it up, I not only had forgiving dodge frames but enough time to get a sip in between attacks. That's pretty fucking game changing. And no it isn't 'harder' than DS1. On a technicality only (low level builds), these days its even easier since you can get that ember from lost bastille now.
I bet you like rap meme, faggot.
people who claim this game was good let alone the best of the souls series are the most contrarian faggots ever
Wow a Souls game is bad, who would have guessed?
There are grab attacks and wide swipes from bosses that act like this in every game soulsborne game.
Happens in bloodborne too (im replaying this and i have fresh examples in my head), where every once in a while i get teleported back into a chalice bsb's loving grab. Happened with lawrence a couple of times as well. Happens all the time with the snek people in forbidden woods if you dodge the wrong way
Happens in every game. And looking at your webm, its obvious that the player is 1 pound away from fatrolling. That shit hes using is pretty heavy early in the game. I assume you're a cherrypicking faggot who knows nothing about the game but knows everything about memeing and shitposting.
I recently discovered that you didn't even need to rest at a fucking bonfire to count it as a checkpoint, just light it. So why the fuck would I rest at a bonfire and respawn the enemies when I had a shitton of healing items?
> The Dark Crystal
That brings me back dude. That was a great movie