Which is the biggest meme from the following:
>water cooling
>more than 60fps
>g-sync/ free-sync
Which is the biggest meme from the following:
water cooling
>everything else
not really necessary but are technically better than not having them, they just require stupid-good cards
>more than 60fps
Would disagree on ultrawide being better than not having, but otherwise this guy gets it
watercooling isn't that memey if you get an AIO cooler or hybrid GPU so I'd go with 4k cause right now it's just not feasible unless you play older games.
Anyone who runs is VC, anyone who keeps standing is disciplined VC!
>not listing RGB LEDs on literally every single component that manufacturers can think of
they serve as a useful indicator of what products you should avoid
I have a watercooling loop and a suspended pump, fans turned off most of the time and I can't hear it, pretty much passively cooled, so I'd say Water cooling has its uses.
Yeah maybe, I use 1440p 144hz and I don't see any need to upgrade
>60+ fps
For flick shooters it's cool, otherwise no
I use it, really like it, once you've used it you don't want to turn it off.
ATM all AO kinda looks like shit or performs like ass
>website selling comp parts
>ram memory page
> client: "hi do you have red?"
>website: "we're currently out"
>client: "uhh, then no thanks"
But you know what is a fucking meme that needs to die, fucking RGB shit, lights in general
Gee user, it's almost as if everything else in their build is red, a blue heatshield would look like shit.
I have watercooled Titan X Pascal because I didn't like how loud the stock fan is.
>irl graphics whores
I love my 1440p/144hz/g-sync as well, no going back.
4k, ultrawide
literally no excuse to own one
t. 16:10 masterrace.
>water cooling
Enjoy having a damocles sword in your PC
And don't even talk about thoses all in one WC which are the memest of them all. Worse is that they are less efficient that high end air coolers (like Noctua's) while doing a hell of a noise and costing more
>Worse is that they are less efficient that high end air coolers (like Noctua's) while doing a hell of a noise and costing more
It's a PC component version of Monster cables for True(TM) Audiophiles(TM).
At least you can easily spot who knows what he's doing and who just throws money at the problem without having a clue.
No it's not. He's laughing at people who care about how their build looks instead of not giving a shit and buying whatever.
In order of most meme to no meme.
AIO Watercooling
More than 60fps
Stop that.
>Want to buy a Z270 motherboard with new CPU for overclocking
>All high end boards are RGB meme products
>literal CMYK RAM
y tho
list of low-test pleb things to do when building PC
- More exhaust fans then intake
- top exhaust
- bottom intake
- unfiltered intake
- shit cable management
- excuses about shit cable management
>has 144hz
>says 60+ fps is a meme
what did he mean by this?
>he wants a positive air pressure
>he likes dust
Curved screens
>he wants dust in his case
Go ahead and read the post I quoted. Then read yours. Then he quoted one again. Let me know when you start having trouble discerning the two.
water cooling
the next are good to have
I don't think you know the difference between positive and negative.
>the post I quoted
Dust is better than having your PC run hot as shit and you can fit air filters to the air intakes and tape the other openings where you can't do that you retards.
>Positive pressure means running hot
lolwut, I think you got brain cancer user.
Positive pressure means air stagnates and dust can't get it.
Negative pressure means your case is sucking in all the air it can get to replace the lost pressure from the exhaust fans.
>positive pressure means there can't be air movement.
Maybe it's the brain flu? did it get you?
You should go to the hospital user, I hear it can destroy your brain in 24 hours and you might not have long left!
Do you just read shit and then completely ignore everything you read and post whatever the fuck you want anyway? Because that's what you just did you fucking retard.
I'm pretty sure that having tape stuck on to every single nook in cranny that isn't a fan mount would not only be impossible to do but be ugly as fuck if actually attempted.
>air is being forced in
>somehow old air isn't being forced out
How the fuck is Water Cooling a meme?
Do you really think that the pressure is going to contiaully keep building and no air will escape the case?
Because that's what your implying by suggesting that ait will 'stagnate' is a positive pressure scenario.
>I don't understand that pressure is a function of force and volume
only retards care what the inside of the case looks like as long as it has good airflow
Water Cooling probably. Everything else has tangible benefits, but water cooling is actually worse than comparable air cooling outside of high end stuff. Not to mention, its hard to actually push modern CPUs hard enough to even need said high end water cooling.
In the end, water cooling is almost always a waste of money.
Pleb here, what exactly is wrong with AIO water coolers? They look decent enough. What's wrong with them?
ultrawide>water cooling
Nothing else is really a meme.
Because it provides nothing but extra cost.
Custom loops are cool/neat - but they're just an aesthetic expense that will eventually fail and requires more maintenance.
AIO performs worse than heatpipe tower coolers, uses more power, is louder and will fail far sooner than even a custom loop - again an aesthetic cost, but this time it also performs worse so you're choosing form over function.
So tell me, does the old, hot air just stay in or does it get forced out by the intake fans eventually?
how tf SSAO got into here
water cooling's too expensive for the gains you get
4k looks v deece, and is a viable downsampling method for good graphics
ultrawide looks cool but good luck playing the four games that support it lol
same with >60fps, arbitrary framerates are v rare.
havent tried g/freesync,
Why not include VR, the Meme Supreme?
Both. New air and old air will escape. It's not a first in first out kind of shit.
Water cooling always seemed sketchy as fuck to me. I realize everyone touts that the failure rates are low but the way I see it if one of my fans shits the bed I either grab a spare or buy some more. If the water cooling springs a leak it's gg whatever it leaked on.
>all fluids are conductive
This guy gets it
I needed a new monitor and wanted IPS G-Sync, it was the best available and happened to have 144hz.
Is over 60fps nice? Sure, but it's not a super upgrade.
>water cooling
I'm not that familiar with it but why the fuck would they call it water cooling if it wasn't water being used.
It started with water but as the industry got bigger more fluids came out, you can even get cooling oils for PC's if you're a mad cunt who loves spending days cleaning shit
I'm glad you finally admit that old air does get expelled.
>VR, the Meme Supreme
because it wont stay a meme, also vr has the potential to be something else
>cooling oils
cooking oils you mean, because thats literally what they put on it
ITT: plebs who don't even do Novec immersion cooling.
Are you completely retarded?
water cooling
It's good for work, absolute garbage tier for gaming due to being a non standard aspect ration, so support is flaky at best.
g-sync/ free-sync
Until there is a single standard supported by all it's useless.
>not memes
Everything else
I had my case running on positive pressure for a week and it ran hot as shit, by leaving the fans at the same speeds average temps were higher by 10 degrees.
>I'm pretty sure that having tape stuck on to every single nook in cranny that isn't a fan mount would not only be impossible to do
That doesn't mean that you shouldn't at least try.
>ugly as fuck if actually attempted.
Maybe it's you who is retarded. Since all the air is being moved by fans aimed at one direction, more old air will be first ones out .
>spending more than 150 bucks of a motherboard
Just buy an HD3P from gigabyte, it has everything you need (except SLI which is a meme anyway)
Are you really that retarded or do you have no idea how fluids work?
>water cooling
Meme. Unless you want flashy guts
For now it is. Wait until we get HBM2 cards
>more than 60fps
Huge difference if you actually compare them.
>g-sync/ free-sync
Meme. Never really saw and/or cared about screen-tearing
Get something like a Z270-A.
Everything you need without retarded RGB shit.
I'm not the guy who's obsessed with aesthetics by putting RGB LEDs everywhere but I really believe that you should at least keep things at the looking as a minimum amount of what is decent. There's also the fact that you could have just spared the effort by having a slightly positive pressure without going all out and pointing every fan inward.
60 fps+ and a gsync/free sync are fucking legit though
>Not a meme
Don't want that cash to be thrown down a drain huh?
Ultra wide
You're mom's ultra wide
You wouldn't even notice the tape if both the tape and the case are black and you put the tape on the inside.
>positive pressure
As I said, dealing with dust is better than having either higher temps or fucktons of noise.
>one exhaust fan aimed towards the back
>two intake fans aimed towards the back
>tower cpu aimed towards the back
Yeah, some air might circulate a bit but I'm pretty fucking sure that having all those fans aimed at one direction would mean more old air would be at the back of the case waiting to be pushed out of the pcie slots or pulled out by the one intake fan.
Stop being a luddite, it's natural progression. Of course it's expensive and hard to drive first.
>reeee 640x480 is a meme, VGA is all you need
>1024x768 is a meme, 480p is good enough!
>1600x1200 only for retarded richfags!
>1080p is pointless, the human eye can't see more than 720p!
Is SLI a meme?
retard here. how does water cooling work?
But water cooling is less noisy.
Just stop. Next you'll be saying you were just pretending.
Unless you need it for work and use programs that actually support it, very much so. You don't even have the excuse of cryptocurrency mining anymore.
>less noisy
It absolutely isn't. A high-end air cooler is much quieter.
over 60 fps
>no "consoles"
shit memelist
Really? Which would you recommend me to try? I always thought water cooling was quieter.
if every single fan was pointing inward, I might get your point but the thing is there aren't any fans that are counteracting each other by either having the pointed at each other or having them pull at each other creating a deadzone.
Thank you for giving me such a nuanced argument against my position.
>what are diminishing returns
if your monitor is 60 inch then youve got a point
You can add mechanical keyboards and gaming mice to the list.
Scytche Fuma SCFM-1000, Nocuta NH-D14 or NH-D15, BeQueit Dark Rock Pro 3 or Thermalright Macho Zero.