
Bastion and Mercy getting buffed, boys! Well...kind of. Bastion is actually getting weaker but faster. Thoughts?


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>Bastion ammo changed from 200 to 300
I always played him at point blank so this is a raw upgrade for me.

His ammo at recon mode still sucks though.

>bastion loses headshots and has spread now

Stupid fucking blizzdrones

His damage was fine and it will still be fine, but it's his survivability that was trash.

I haven't played in like a month, I didn't really give a shit about the New Year event or whatever. Did CTF end up being fun? Something I always wanted in the game but only if they didn't fuck it up. Glad it's permanent now.

I like the sound of it. The only thing Bastion had going for him before was Sentry mode headshot kills but at the same time it made him the easiest target in the entire game. I don't like polarizing mechanics like that.

>they turned Bastion into a long range soldier 76 who can transform into a tank shredder on the fly
I'll finally be able to use him now ;_;

The Mercy buffs do nothing for her. You're still gonna have a Genji on your ass as soon as you come out of invuln.

Characters keep getting damage buffs and Mercy just keeps getting harder to play.

so you can't camp from across the map behind a rein shield, that was never fun anyways

games are comprised of winston capping flag then bouncing away while mei ice walls the enemy team and or symm mike penceing everyone

Just a reminder that in Turret Mode Nanoboosted Bastion takes a total of 13 damage from a fully charged bodyshot from Widowmaker

Mercy just needs the one suggestion implemented where she can fly up horizontally like pharahs rocket boost to escape danger. 10/10 would still play her anyways

Hilarious how they refuse to let Mercy actually run/fly instead of being slow as shit. Also, she needs extra healing. Like the doctor in TF2.

Sentry mode to shred tanks, recon mode to kill. I'm excited to try him out desu. Fuck Reinhardt and his mandatory shield.

They just put a server browser in the ptr with custom ctf games so you can okay it however. Capture the rooster was ok.

I'm happy for the Bastion buff but I wish they would nerf Sym's shield generator. That shit is ridiculous, and if you play no limits and fight more than one it's practically unwinnable if their team isn't retarded. 75 shields is way too fucking much.

She just needs an e ability, I always liked the "cleansing" idea to make her a counter to Ana

>While performing a resurrection, Mercy now becomes temporarily invulnerable along with the allies being revived
This game is the worst game I've ever played and it somehow keeps getting worse. It's impressive in a way.

Thank God they don't balance the game around no limits anymore. 75 shields is fine, just get a good Pharah to deal with Sym.

But it's pretty obnoxious when they got a Thorb with armor packs on top of that to turn everyone into tanks.

they said they will make ctf maps out of some 10 other maps, they will also allow hosts to disable mobility/invulnerability abilities on flag carriers in custom games, that you can find in the server browser they talked about in a recent video

maybe that would make it more fun

how do I access the ptr?

CTF is even more meta focused than comp. Symmetra+Thorb is actually mandatory now. Winston to capture, just because he can survive sym and the turret. Sombra is decent because of Translocator and EMP stopping turrets. I hated CTF.

Or just make Ana's grenade slow healing rather than stop healing.

That would be pretty neat actually. Something to dispell debuffs like that would definitely make her stronger.

Choose PTR in the region section of battlenet then install the PTR. 6.5 GB though. Not worth it.

Sentry's mode problem was never the damage, it was the fact that he got destroyed too quickly to actually get any damage off. I'll gladly take the spread and no-headshots if it means he will be able to have any durability.

With the passive damage reduction, armor and uninterruptible healing he might actually feel like a BASTION now

That's a good idea, I main Ana but I know how broken her grenade is just by design. Now that it was nerfed it's way stronger as an offensive tool. That change would make it more fair while still being useful.

But nothing in the game gives me more satisfaction than watching a debuffed Roadhog trying to drink his pig juice.

how? Every time she uses her rez it's an instant death for her

>meanwhile Winston is still shit

He isn't. You're just shit. I'd say he's actually one of the more useful heroes when used properly

It's alright. Turret classes should have been disabled by default.

Your silver-tier matches and opinions do not count. There's a reason he is among the heroes with inb4 implications of your silver ass knowing the game better than people that play at top level

He's good against bad teams, bad against good teams. You just need a Roadhog that pays attention to shut him down every time.

>meanwhile Mei is still the perfect assassin
she's the only hero that can permanently lock someone down, her left click has ZERO counter play
>playing torb the other day
>mei walks up behind me
>ult and try to run
>unfrozen and try to run
>unfrozen and try to run
>unfrozen and try to run
>unfrozen and try to run
>frozen, killed because my ult ran out
The obvious answer is to remove her left click freeze effect

Silver-tier for a silverback gorilla, you dense fuck.

Custom games browser is a best thing that could happen to the game
With 5x speed Overwatch becomes fastest game in the universe
File is too big

How did you miss so many headshot opportunities while ulted and close enough to be constantly frozen?

>Her left click has zero counterplay
Except for all the heroes that can quickly get away from her ice spray damage and all the others that can disable her when she tries to close in

His weapon is literally worthless. By the time you can kill anyone with it they would have killed you 2 times by now.

Literally every hero with mobility and range can counterplay it. Even Genji has a relatively easy time against her if you know how to use him.

If you're used to the slower aim input you can two shot her as McCree or one shot as Hanzo.

Mei is only broken on Hanamura where she will use walls to make the attack a living hell. But that's an issue of bad map design, not the hero.

>Be ulted torb
>run away from mei
hahahahah how is this post real nigga just kill her lol just use your weapon

>"I'm as good as a gorilla at playing Overwatch"
I believe that.

What's the point of buffs and debuffs in a game that requires no skill in the first place?

muh rocketjumping

In between freezes I had about one second to face her and shoot her

And she's not going to just stand still for you either

>Except for all the heroes that can quickly get away from her ice spray damage
>all the others that can disable her when she tries to close in

So there are a total of 6 heroes out of 22 who can escape being frozen

Also note that calling this "counter play" means you're picking a hero entirely just for their ability to escape being killed, which is not counter play at all

see above


TF2 is ass too.

>>bastion weaker
gfy cat FirsthandSmoothArgali
he kills more efficiently than soldier now

They're not just escaping, they can deal damage before and after escaping her left click. Nobody good at this game complains about Mei anymore. A couple of patches ago she was broken because of her stupid ult appearing every 20 seconds, but now she's not that strong.

Btw when this subhuman site will start supporting larger files?

And 45x slower.

To level the playing field and lower skill ceiling even more so even Polygon shitters can get killstreaks.

>escape her left click
>immediately going back into her range
You're an idiot
>Nobody good at this game complains about Mei anymore.
Your opinion is not a fact

Mei has been broken since her creation and hopefully it's only a matter of time until blizzard fixes her

Recon mode actually works better at long range than Soldier's gun now, so he might be a viable pick for carrying your pub games against Pharahs, especially since he'll be able to tank more than 2 rocket hits and even heal through them if you know she's got a reload coming.

Too bad sentry mode will still suck shit and just be a death sentence vs le roadhog meta. The 33% DR persisting for half a second after leaving Sentry mode would be a nice buff to go with the change.

I said nothing about going back into her range. Every DPS and defense hero can attack her outside of her left click range. I'm just saying it like it is: you're bad.

Just give Bastion wheels when he transforms so he's heavy weapons guy, problem solved.


Mercy's healing is outpaced by Ana's, her damage boost is outpaced by Discord Orb, her mobility is goddamn useless while solo or near or team and her buff only helps one teammate at a time.
Unlike every other support in the game.
Including Sym.

If Mercy's whole deal is that she can only buff one teammate at a time then it should be a god-tier buff.
Or just make her Guardian Angel make her fly forward in the direction she is facing
Or have her pistol ignore armor or shields
I don't know, I'm don't know how to balance games.
But I know she needs something added to her toolkit.

Why is Sombra so garbage?

>go invis
>make sure I avoid even one projectile or I get revealed
>see weakened enemy
>get ready to hack them
>Very loud voice line activates, thy see me
>have to wait 5 seconds before I can actually do anything
>finally get to do something
>DPS is horrible

Or perhaps some aura heal based on her selected target.

Main target gets the heal and other targets get a slight aura heal like lucio.

I think her blaster needs a slight buff as well.

If youre using him as a DPS to rack up kills, you're not playing him correctly

Give her E ability to remove debuffs.
This will instantly improve her usefullnes

Why don't they ever fix the "press shift to kill" Roadhog?

A cleanse ability would be really good. It could also dispel Mei's slow and stun, and Roadhog hook.

>Can't heal or support
>Piss weak shield so can't tank
>Terrible at holding an objective
>Weak gun means he doesn't really get kills either
There isn't really anything he can do that someone else can't do waaaay better

t. platinum pleb

>Pharah only
>5x speed
>no cooldowns
>faster projectiles

Isn't Lucio still S tier?

still slower than quake

gee i wonder if that shit fluctuates meaninglessly when you measure it day to day

>tfw Zarya is my favourite to play
>end up playing Rein the most because I don't trust others to do it properly

apparently 91%, which is close enough

If you're after elims pick up Zarya or Boulevard Boar.
Winston is for skirmishing and disruption.

Jump into the backline and turn the attention of the team onto you while the team shoots them in the back, once your bubble pops jump back out or to a healthpack.

Their dps can't break your Rein's shield if they're all after the bouncing monkey wreaking havoc on their support.

He currently has a pick rate of 37%, you're talking out of your ass.
Source: www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/5stmmy/overwatch_hero_meta_report_the_meta_that_was/

Does anyone else get the feeling Overwatch is some kind of team game where composition and communication matter more tha-

>Sees the thread

Oh nevermind I guess it's a solo insta-lock shitter magnet for retards exclusively

>Very loud voice line activates, thy see me

The reason why I'm no liking this game. Everythign is as childish as possible. As loud as possible.




It is the worst when you play reinhardt, people dont stand behind the shield, they just go have 1v5 duels by themselves.

As it should be. Rez is a fucking atrocity.

>as childish as possible. As loud as possible
Hahaha holy shit you're such a fag

those tits are way too big for that skin

The sound queues are important to the game, but Sombra's is too obvious for a stealthy character.

The guy builds ult like a fucking madman. The whole point of Winston is to harass healers/squishy characters and to hold point better than pretty much anyone else. You drop your shield on the point, jump into the sky, ult, jump into the sky again, keep jumping into the sky every 2 seconds so that it's hard to hit you and you can still contest the point, and then your team shows up to clean house.

Complaining about Winston's Telsa Cannon being weak is like complaining that Zenyatta has no mobility. There's a weakness to every strength. Winston has insane mobility and a fantastic ult for holding point.

Stop bitching.

When people stand behind the shield reinhardt closes the shield, killing his entire team, and goes have a 1x5 by himself. It's always like that.

>playing zenyatta
>beehind Reinhardt's shield
>oh that's a good spot to throw discord orbs from
>he closes his shield and jumps into action
>you die

Obviously. People talking about 1v1 battles and absolutely no teamwork. Mercy Rez wins games even in high diamond and thes still thinks it was too weak because pros can deal with it in an instant. Meis ult demolishes teams and it was made larger just because it is useless on top500. People regulary call Winston useless because nobody focuses with him under master.

I play with people who say the tank meta is useless now just because the Ana grenade was nerfed slightly.

It is like I play in an another dimension.

You're thinking of the Imp skin where they nerf her tits.

wow it's fucking nothing

I play with a kid who's top 100 on his main, top 25 on an alt, and top 50 one another, with additional smurfs I have no idea what the names are, and he acts the exact same way you describe your people.

When Roadhog's Hook was fixed, he said that Roadhog was garbage tier now, that no one would play him, and that he's basically as trash as Bastion.

Grandmasters are fucking insane.

Is Diamond in OW good? I got diamond in OW and LoL, am i a pro yet?

I've wondered how overheals would work, but in a constant damage scenario, it would do jack shit

>getting back into playing Mercy lately and doing pretty good
>she gets buffed to be literally invincible (temporarily)

The only map that isn't a shitfest is the outdoor one with the bridges.

He's literally only good for flag capping on certain maps.

>8k healing was 2/3 of damage taken
Was this 3v3 or something?

You suck kys.

Combine her damage boost into her healing, so both happen at once. While she's healing/boosting people, she charges a little gauge, that powers her rightclick, which is a burst AoE heal around her for 100 points when fully charged, less if partially charged.

So you want to give her a right-click that is a weaker version of Lucio's ultimate? Too OP.

Surf time boys

Mercy deserves to be in the trash. Obnoxious Ult with no-skill-invovled healing. This is why I don't mind Ana being the best healer, she actually requires a brain to Heal her team.

QP. Defend on King's Row to be specific.

Why's everyone gotta overcomplicate everything? Mercy is babby's first healer and it's what she should be. Ana is also a very strong single target healer but she is a lot more involving to play. Mercy is better suited for Defense and Ana for Offense.

i remember when this was a normal amount of healing done by her in the beta