Did idubbbz go too far?

Did idubbbz go too far?

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Not far enough


What happened?

>idups will never upload another game video
>Content cop is better than ever

Some dumb bimbo got mad he Said nigger so he went to a meet and greet and when he went up for a picture he said "say nigger!" And she freaked out and thought he had a gun or some gay shit

Anyways it was a recording not a picture and he showed how she lied about literally everything except the say nigger part

Keemstar did it better.




Some girl complained about him using the word nigger. He paid to go to her meet and greet, went and asked for a picture. He shouted "say NIGGER" and she ran off crying. Made a video saying he forcibly grabbed her and wouldn't let go, she thought she was going to die, typical American teenage girl exaggeration.

YouTube drama is fucking gay.

At least that Content cop was golden.

Not fucking video games


Fuck off with this e-celeb nonsense.

>posting a reupload


Why do white people get so triggered over the word nigger? I say it occasionally when talking to black or hispanic friends and they don't give a fuck. Like nigga chill out.

I fucking hate Youtube fucks, but Idubbbz makes me smile.

His legit sewer pickle food review was beautiful.

OMG - I almost died (prank in the hood)(GONE WRONG)Ft Idubbs




Not vidya but guy in the right is pretty cute :3

>don't say the word nigger, its hateful!
>go kill yourself
Do these people have any bit of self awareness?

>has a bunch of uploaded streams of herself yelling "you fucking niggers"

No, which was the point of him doing this.

He points out the absurdity of the people they put on pedestals.


my fav youtube autistic adult

>Look up what happened
>"In Tana’s original video, she describes what happened when an unknown fan paid a large amount of money to come to her meet and greet to “physically” and verbally threaten Tana with the “n-word”. After uploading the video, fans quickly realised that the unknown fan in question was in fact iDubbbzTV, a YouTuber Tana had previously threatened to “kill himself” on Twitter months before."

Youtube drama is retarded, but man is it fun to watch the SJWs get caught in their lies.

>you have to leave
ok trip, jeez

She is not actually concerned about the black community, otherwise she would've done something tangible. She was that outraged over the word cause that's what she does. Just go ahead and look at her channel, virtually every video is her magnifying a given situation and excessively dramatizing it cause that's what sells her brand.

>go ahead and look at her channel

jesus christ why would you give your recommended videos box aids willingly

How can you verbally threaten a white girl by saying "say NIGGER"? That doesn't make any sense.

Definitely not. Regardless if you think it was funny or not, If we don't push the lines in comedy it devalues humor overall.


Lurk more newfag

To be fair he was carrying a gun.

Literally not video games,
go discuss your digital babysitter over on reddit or in kindergarten while you get your nappy changed

whichever comes first.

It was kinda fucked up when he sent her that letter written in blood.

This is worse than a DSP post

hes getting a lot of shitty people upset, but i cant wait for idubbz edgy ass to get arrested or something

Butthurt numale libcuck SJW spotted

Why would he get arrested?

But Sup Forums is kindergarten.

I am not a little anime girl fuck you

>threaten Tana with the “n-word”
>Tana had previously threatened to “kill himself”
That isn't what a threat is.

wtf does this have to do with videogames? fuck off back to Sup Forums cunts

>be a caveman at social media
>check kekbook maybe once a week
>uncle ian makes a video about someone who talked shit
>no idea what the fuck is going on
>still enjoy the video

Was the girl TV famous or a literally who? Can't find anything on her name but looked like she was throwing a convention in the video.

Tana manageau lost 1.5 million subs from this content cop

>lurk more
>implying e-celeb cancer has ever been a part of this board

How to spot the underage let's play-watching newfag.
This board is for people who actually play video games.