Big Hugs edition
We should probably all just go to /vg/ desu the thread there is 10x quicker
this game is very disappointing
fuck the long range poison guy
Wait you can't side doge Orochis storm rush anymore?
Remove poison
>shugoki & co still arent in
i love it
Rate and post emblems
The flail is goat
>european server
>everyone respects 1v1 in 2v2
>they have a french name
>they always backstab
Really mellows those jellows
>the amount of shitters now playing
My god, it's like I don't even have to try.
Raider is mah nigga
is there any reason why the Knights have the worst overall classes? best seems to be Peacewhatever.
>Wins 7 battles in a row
>Can 1vs2 without breaking a sweat
>Puddle depth regarding what you can do in battle
Uninstalled, Jesus fuck was this boring. Would actually been okay as a 30vs30 if they fixed how facing more than one fighter works, but is shit right now. Is like a watered down fighting game with no face fighters.
Warden is the best character in the game.
ive played mayb 3 hours last beta and 1 hour this beta and I still don't know if:
1. this game is actually any good
2. if i'm having fun playing it
I guess those are bad signs but I'm pretty starved for decent online games at the moment. I've been playing fucking heroes of the storm for over a year at this point.
ill body you for free
unless they changed it from closed beta Warden is top tier
you've got to be fucking kidding me
i was really proud of myself
fuck off shill
The bots in this game fucking cheat, I swear.
Can't be a westaboo if you're from the west
I've been waiting for ages, just hoping I'll eventually find someone to duel.
We don't take kindly to wise guys around these parts.
I hate Orochi so god damn much. He ruins 1v1 with his bullshit. Not saying he is OP just supremely annoying.
I think they have like level 3 bots in elimination or something. I was fighting one that constantly would try to use their feats, which I've never seen in dominion.
Fuck skill.
Which class is best looking?
can someone check the concurrent players on PC right now?
>Be in closed Beta and Tech Test
>People are nice in Elimination and Brawl, usually keep it 1 on 1 and will cheer from sidelines
>Open Beta
>Every faggot in Elimination is a gangbang autist who spams 'Good Fight' after 3v1ing you
if you want duels play the duel mode buddy
Get thick blood and watch them sperg out when they realise they're doing practically no damage.
But there's no honor in watching your friends die.
Thanks for pointing out you're a cowardly faggot.
is it open beta?
>Knights, ok cool
>Vikings, near
>Samurai, wait what?
Wouldn't it make more sense to have Chinese dynasties or sandwarriors?
Just block to the left or right when people try to gangfuck you, it's free kills.
>he doesn't main Nobushi
what a pure goddess
Why do Vikings have literally the best everything? No wonder they were the most picked
*blocks your path*
Warden, conq, kensei, and orochi can all looks awesome.
There's even less in a weighted fight.
>click 4vs4 instead of a 1vs1
>get upset when you don't get 1vs1
back to the dark souls reddit honorfag
Pretty sure its like 120k
>muh honor
fuck off.
stick to 1v1 if you don't want ganking. If you aren't shit a 2v1 is winnable as well.
Poison. Dodge into her and fuck her shit up.
It's for the weebs, if we we're being historically accurate the weebs would do no damage to knights and get one shotted by vikings
I canĀ“t fucking heavy attack. If I press the RT outside combat, it works normal. When I lock on to someone though, pressing RT will have the same effect as letting go of LT
Am I a weeb for picking Samurai and main Orochi?
What is my redemption?
Realism is not the point.
China doesn't have a "warrior" that is instantly recognizable like a knight. Most people would probably think shoalin monk if you ask them to name a Chinese warrior archetype.
>What is my redemption?
Not giving a fuck what people on a mongolian basket weaving forum think of you
go on.
Orochi is fun, has to time blocks and can't turtle all day. Who cares if you play it?
peeps like iron pineapple made being a dishonorable cunt cool with their meme videos
don't expect it to get better, ever
Oh, well. If it's just fanwank, then it would be cool if they add other factions from around the world, like Aztecs, or the modern-day African warrior
Is this roadhog's new skin?
Yeah, it's not like the open beta trailer specifcially shows a 2v1 in brawl, not to mention the fucking names of the mode being brawl and deathmatch, right?
>reeeeeeeeeeeeee acshuwally knight armor would completely ignore Samurai weaponry fucking weeebs reeeeeeeeeeee
>sick I get to play as a samurai in a videogame this playstyle looks cool
Autism vs Weebs
The ultimate battle
>or the modern-day African warrior
*unsheaths AK-47*
Ancient Romans/Greeks would have been dope
>Roman Centurion with sword
>Legionnaire with spear and big rectangle shield
The Jew fear the samurai.
Remove frogs. They don't do anything good for the world.
>tfw knights is full of normalfag redditors spamming DEUS VULT
>tfw vikings is full of twitchcucks whose hella frickin epic streamer told them to join
I guess it's the weeb life for me desu. Really surprised knights are the reddit faction though
Stop shilling this shit game ubisoft. Its not good.
Okay so how is it honestly? I can't play it. Toaster PC and no consoles.
>4v4 in Alpha
>Everyone stuck to their fights, would let people finish theirs without interfering
>Would literally makes lines for fights
>People run away the moment a round starts to gang up like faggots
>Game is called For HONOR
>People complain about being honorable
This game is already dead.
>no lawbringer
this desu
I'm talking about the katanas nigga
>modern-day African warrior
I want this now
pretty aesthetic
>The opening cinematic doesn't end with the Samurai and Viking gang raping the female Knight
Well into the trash it goes.
Fucking poor realism.
This game only works in 1 on 1 brawl. This game is designed to be 1 on 1 all the other modes are a fucking clusterfuck of huge proportions.
There will be rape porn soon.
I'm fine being dishonorable, I tried the whole honor things at first purely through social obligation, kinda relieved I don't have to stick to some random etiquette and can just play the game.
Doesn't stop em being cunts tho when they spam taunt and type shit talk in the chat like a big boy tho.
this game is too slow to enjoy.
>82 replies
>43 posters
>He wasn't around for PeacekeeperAnon
>no new classes to practice with
wtf I wanted muh spearfags
its bleed you retard there is no poison in this game
The game is fucking called "For Honor", you tit.
As foretold.
>its a dying from DOT episode
Fuck the devs for this shit. There should never have been any DOT except fire damage.
>Nobushi jabs you with her juicy tip
>Your health gets a purple segment
>Memekeeper gives you sweet kisses
>Your health gets a red segment
I don't understand the purpose of the tiny mob soldiers
And why would anyone play anything other than 1v1 when the mechanics are clearly designed around it?
it is just a fancy fighting game
fighting games fucking suck
What is best. Riposte parry or dodge?
This is a Chinese image board, what did you expect?
they should change the name desu
I can see a lack of honor being a big meme for this game
they're both red, check her movelist and the legend, only a bleed icon no poison icon not to mention the way of the shark specifies bleed