Vulkan and DX12

99% of the developers still uses dx11 because YOU KNOW WHY THAT'S RIGHT IT'S EASIER TO CODE. Nobody wants to waste so much time for *theoretical* 10% performance uplift. AMD tricked you into buying those rx480 heh. Good goyims.

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the DirectX apis are all relatively similar (although there was a larger difference between 9 and 10) - so the idea that 12 is more difficult to "code" than 11 is not true
similarly Vulkan is largely synonymous with OpenGL, which plenty of games also run

the main reason many games don't use them is probably just because games take years to make so developers can't afford to take the time to reimplement basic subsystems (such as graphics)

market share and becoming familiar with the new APIs probably plays a part in it too

But DX12 does give a boost in performance though

DX12 is probably going to be skipped by devs altogether at this point, sort of like DX10 was.
This gen will just be DX11 till the end.

It isn't theoretical. If you use those cards properly the benefit is huge. Look no further than D44m.

It is why consoles are able to get so much more juice out of it than the same paper spec PC.

They dont use the new better apis because they both give significant performance boost and if they would use that there would be a lot less people upgrading their hardware.

The problem with api's that allow lower-level access to the gfx card's metal is that is increases the responsibilities of the programmers to not fuck things up. The performance improvements are available there and can be quite significant but it's going to take some time before we see the majority of developers being comfortable with that added responsibility.

As a software dev, only morons use dx over oGL anyway.
OpenGL works on every platform DirectX does, and all of the ones it doesn't. It's easy to use, and just as powerful.

Herp Derp, let's lock ourselves to XBox/Windows instead of supporting literally every other console/platform.

Don't companies pay for that to happen? Or it may just happen due to hubris when working with devs?

Microsoft didn't shill hard enough on DX12 for the Xbox API, so there is no surprise that DX11 is now... the default.

DX12 + GL2.1ES fallback would honestly be a nice default.

OpenGL is NOT a replacement for DirectX. OpenGL is a graphics API, DirectX is that and a lot more.

My 3D waifu is old ;__;

I've used both. The only major things DX has that OpenGL doesn't is things provided by DirectInput etc. Almost all of which can be replicated using native APIs.

I think there's a lot of shilling involved, yeah. They'll teach students DirectX because of deals with m$, so those students then go on to use it, since it's what they already know. m$ gives free software to students through dreamspark to help facilitate this vendor lock-in.

Do consoles work on dx11?
What about the ps4 pro and the scorpio?

Ps4 is OpenGL/Vulkan
Scorpio is DX, because microsoft.
DX belongs to microsoft, so only microsoft platforms support it.

Ok, then theres still hope vulkan and dx12 since devs are designing their game for consoles.

Personally, I'd rather develop for Android/Windows/Mac/Linux and not iOS/ps4/xbox/switch because the first 4 are open platforms, where the latter 4 are locked down. You can spend time and money porting a game for iOS for example, only to have apple refuse to put it on the store front.
So consoles/iOS are a more risky propitiation to develop for. But I guess that's a non issue for AAA studios. Ahh, the pains of being an indie.

To elaborate, if apple refuses to put your app/game on the mac app store, you can self distribute via your website/other medium like humble.
Same with Android/Windows/Mac.

No such options for those other platforms.

Yea i was thinking about the AAA dev POV.
Btw does that mean that its a pain for consoles dev to port the game on ps4, then port it on xbox? Or the transition from one API to another is smooth and they don't waste time doing that?

Have you seen literally any digital store ever?
Android has actual malware on sale, Steam has half-finished Unity tutorials with title screens from Google image search.
Better be pretty fucking shit to be refused for sale on any of those.

Smart devs will just write it once in OpenGL, since it's the most portable. But I guess if they want to use DirectX super badly they could transition, they're very similar, but it seems like a huge waste of time, since to support ps4 you'd HAVE to use OpenGL anyway, so you might as well just write it in OpenGL and use that implementation for both.

There's other reasons it can be pulled/denied, it's always a risk. Like that historical war game that was pulled from iOS for containing a confederate flag. With an open platform, even if something awful like that happens to you, you can continue selling via your own site, where as if it's on iOS for example, you just don't get to make money for that game anymore.

But for multiplat they have to use directx anyway.
Does that mean that they rewrite their game entirely or they have some softwares to "convert" from OpenGL to directx?

That's the thing. They DON'T have to use DirectX. OpenGL works on all platforms DirectX works on, and all the ones it doesn't too. There's really no reason to use it over OpenGL.

DirectX Platforms:
Windows, XBox.

OpenGL Platforms:
Windows, XBox, Linux, Mac, iOS, Android, Ps4, Switch, Wii U, Your Toaster etc etc

Oh, ok i get it. Is there a reason why most of multiplat games on PC are in directx though? (i was wondering this since doom is the first game where i don't see directx).

The only reason I can think of is wanting to use vendor specific hardware features that only work on DirectX, such as NVidia PhysX. There's no reasons these features can't work on Dx, it's just they've made deals with m$ to make sure that isn't the case. It still seems like a waste of time to write the same engine twice in different APIs just because of that though. Time spent duplicating effort like that is time spent not working on new gameplay features.

I wish Naomi was my mommy desu

>""""""" theoretical 10% boost """"""""

>crashes on dx11 with 20 frames per second
>keeps running on dx12 with 60+ frames per second

open gl has driver bugs out the ass

I think its more of a problem that DX12 only works on windows 10