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Video Games #3675
Video Games
What games let me beat the shit out women?
Street Fighter V - Kolin Edition
What went wrong Sup Forums?
Just good or a masterpiece?
This game is perfection
Zelda BotW thread
God what a shit game. Crash was never good...
Why are there so many kids on this board?
Legendary weapon is a lance
Comfy Nintendo Switch thread
How do we do we do we do we the horror genre
ITT: Casual filters
Hey, it's out already
Every day until you want one
Tell me your best scams from any game
I haven't been following the details about the game, do we know what's the story about...
Lowest score in team by far
This is my first time playing a Disgaea game. All I know is that it plays like the FF tactics games...
Kino moments in videogames
Why don't you talk to me anymore dad?
Has anybody played this ?
*blocks your path*
First level is a jail
So in the end, did the PS3 have games?
Reactions thread
Enter a stream where you are the only viewer
Would you teach Nino how to read?
"Sonic was never good"
Should i get Super Robot Wars V next week or Super Robot Wars OG: The Moon Dwellers?
Random deaths persona 3 FES
The first one was supposed to be on the WiiU
Playstation 3
Gamer fuel
What went so wrong?
ITT:Features you would like to see in a game
Strategy game categorize Great Britain as """""European"""""
I'm going to buy a PC this year and I'm building a backlog of PC exclusives I missed
ITT: Sup Forums in the year 2047
So now that the dust has settled, how was it?
Do you have any clothes that reveal your powerlevel, Sup Forums?
How did a character this blatantly overpowered make it into the final release...
Take elements of System Shock, Deus Ex, Dead Space and Bioshock franchises
Attack while it's tail is up!
Post your reaction to the last game be you played
You probably have a favorite game, but do you also have a favorite game that you've never played at all? As in...
So now that the dust has settled and Sup Forums has unanimously agreed that Witcher 3 is the greatest game of all time...
Weird leader choices
Buy for honor thinking it's going to be a multiplayer only game
Its time
Found my sister's husband's gamecube in the garage and brought it to my place...
What's something about the last game you played that you would improve?
Western game devs think this is sexy
So this pretty much confirms we'll be getting all the other Atelier games on PC, right?
ITT: Sup Forums approved gaming podcasts
Dead or Alive
DOA or is there hope? Besides the art direction anyway
MAG appreciation thread
Let's talk about some games that never really get their well deserved spot in the sun around here
Whatever happened to this fangame?
Is it going to flop?
Can someone explain vidoe game SJW-ism in a way that an average joe would understand?
Should I buy it?
If a Western indie developer released a visual novel on the scale of games like Steins;Gate and Fate/Stay Night...
Sup Forums, quick. Remind me, what was that one route in Clannad where Okazaki keeps locking Sunohara in the bathroom?
No single player game made within the last 15 years has challenged me intellectually, philosophically or emotionally
What went so wrong?
Game constantly takes control away from the player
Series with warrior women
I want this
Meanwhile, on Aztec Sup Forums
Favourite AVGN quote
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 leak
Find A Flaw: Best Video Games of All Time Edition
Just started playing this, pretty good so far. Also general gravity rush thread
The entire plot of the game is the antagonist finding a dangerous sword
This is gonna be so comfy to play in bed with
This is probably a scam, right?
Is metroidvania the worst genre?
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
I really liked this game? What was you problem with it, Sup Forums?
What are your thought on this game in [CURRENT YEAR]?
My first gta game
This is a key thread
Do you have a gaming bro, Sup Forums?
OK, Nightmare is fine but THIS FUCKING THING can go fuck itself
Underrated / God Teir PS1 / PS2 Games
Hi Sup Forums I'm Andre and I wonna talk about the Switch!
Nioh is better than Bloodborne
Why did no one ever try to copy this game's formula? I first heard this sentiment in a Ross Scott video on it...
Replay DaS3 since I haven't played it since mid last year and the final dlc is coming out
Is this real?
Can we have a chill XIV thread? What do you want to see for crafting and gathering in 4.0?
Nintendo seriously thought that people will play Switch in their cars
How the fuck is this shit not classed as gambling
Has anybody made a mod to give her an ass yet?
What is the real name of this genre?
This will be the greatest video game of all time
If only, Sup Forums. If only
What's the best RPGs (western or Jap I don't care) that really nails the 'on a big adventure with bros' kind of feel?
Fact: ghosts give the best quests
Aloy is a robot
ITT: Post biggest vidya butts
Offical fun thread. Post fun!
Surface Pro 4 vs Switch
Announcing DLC and a season pass before the game is even out
Do you think Metroid has a chance of getting a proper game on the Switch? It's been a while since Other M...
What Pokemon do you like the most be it powerful, moveset or just visually pleasing and cool?
"You Hear, You Lose" thread
Flash games thread, post your favorite ones
Auto-leveling enemies
The great debate
This smug mother fucker challenges you to a duel. What do you do?
I finished Nioh and like... I loved it at the start but it falls apart as you go
Have you ever gotten angry over a video game? How do you deal with your anger?
Why aren't external GPU's more of a thing?
How do you expose this asshole for the cheating cunt that he is?
Kirby just absorbed you. What power does he get?
Its been 5 1/2 years since he last messaged user
Best Bond game incoming
He said he's going to buy a Nintendo Switch!!
Happy birthday, Vita!
Why dont anyone make games in source engine anymore?
Help me Sup Forums. I want a new collectathon, like the good old days...
Resident Evil
Fire Emblem Heroes
The Us VS Them mentality
What other games does the Wii U have?
Has a game ever made you feel genuinely sad?
How is Subnautica Sup Forums? I like exploring underwater landscapes but I'm not huge on crafting
E3 2017
Gg ez fucking kill yourself nigger
Defend a tablet not having a browser
Whats it gonna be like?
Diva Miku games thread?
Explain to me why you arent supporting the last video game company in the console market for 16 + years
Name a better budget gaming and multi-media laptop
What are some games that stress ABAP?
Which one of the Holy Trinity of FFs on PSX is the worst one and why?
Why is programming so fucking hard to learn no matter what engine or whatever it's with?
The right kid finally died. Let's agree
Hey fegs I need some help remembering a song which I thought was from Sonic CD but I cant find it
What are some games where the main character dies?
Press Y to instantly counter every single attack and never take any damage
Resident Evil 7 has made back its development cost and can now be considered a commercial success
What makes Neptunia the worst series made this decade?
Post some cute characters that are not for sexual engagement
Defend this
Is League relevant anymore or has Overwatch basically overtaken that demograph?
What went right?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
What games effectively communicate feelings of loneliness, despair, decay and insignificance?
Worst 2D Sonic levels
Face it...
Completing the sidequest gives you a new weapon
Why is there no horizon thread?
What's the best WRPG ever made?
An ordinary man in a dead end job discovers that he is actually the descendant of an ancient hero...
What went wrong?
Post one DLC done right
Ahhh shit Sup Forums, you just got 10 years in the slammer. Luckily for you, the judge owes you a favor...
Name my band
You are all a bunch of sad people who prefer to get angry at what other people say is mass media than actually play...
Sup Forums Survey
Is she the final boss of TF2?
Is this the greatest kart racer ever made?
He's coming! Daddy's coming!
Well, Sup Forums?
Just got back home from Gamestop picking up this bad boy
So, will you be picking up Injustice 2: Batshit Among Us or MCU vs Capcom?
Is Ethan in the top 10 vidya Robot buddies of all time?
Shadow of mordoor
Ask the worst player in For Honor anything
HP: ?????
This makes me feel a little guilty
How do we fix the stat system in RPG's?
Best Co-op games
Assassin's Creed Leak Promotion
Urban Legends/Cut content
Playing through this for the first time. Just made it to Nashkel. When does the game stop feeling impossible...
He still keeps his million-dollar vidya gaem idea a secret
What does this mean for Mario lore?
Why cant western devs learn from the japs?
Sony: "After thoughtful consideration, we decided to shift our focus and resources to PS4 and Windows PC..."
Are you ready for your games to require an Amazon prime membership Sup Forums?
Red is objectively best
I'm playing Final Fantasy VII for the first time ever. What am in for...
ITT we resolve a games plot with one line of dialogue
ITT: Post vidya Game characters you hate and why
Attractive female video game character used to be male
It's that time again, folks. Try to replicate a vidya using the Arthur comic creator
Heh heh
Tales of Berseria
Sup Forums will defend this
Tfw you realize video games ruined your life
Where did everything go right?
She's objectivly the best girl
A painter makes a static 2D impression of reality
A.. user.. You wouldnt pirate estival versus for PC when it releases.. Right?
Is this the hitler of japan? He's always negatively depicted in weeb games. Oh yea, I almost forgot, meet Nobunaga
Why aren't there any video games that feature monster girls?
ITT: Post Smash Tierlists
Retarded Items
He got a point there
So, we all agree that John should have stayed with Bonnie instead of Abigail, right?
Why aren't you replaying the best RPG right now?
Why wont they show any gameplay of him?
Imagine how shit Bloodborne would've been if someone like CDPR or Bethesda developed it
What are some good turn based combat rpgs?
PSP Games
When Donut Drake was removed from Uncharted 4 I realised the industry was fucked
It's night time and I'm scared. Please don't discuss horror games in this thread!
DK64 is a good game
He skips the credits
Which had the best soundtrack?
Playing Dragon Age Inqusition
DoA Thread
Will there ever be a female character who will dethrone Tifa as the undisputed greatest and sexiest heroine in video...
I have never played a video game before but I am interested in getting into them
Looking for a new game
Like a video game
Attacking via black sun > meme barrel >>>>>>>>>>> epoch attack
Easy Allies
I'm a straight male
Would you ever get a vidya tattoo?
Who's HYPED?
How do you guys feel about this
Be doc
Would you play a game where you pay as a female spider-man?
Tales of Xillia
What's the bloodiest game you've ever played?
Tfw started a new NV run today
What is your favorite radio station in the GTA series?
Steam Refunds
Uh, the GOTY is literally being leaked and theres no thread about this?
No oshare bones
Destroys Asura's most powerful form with literally one finger
Sequel features a level of the first game
Heyyyy Sup Forumssauce Michael here
Super Mario Bros. 2 may be the best of the original trilogy
What went wrong?
Why does Sup Forums hate Sony?They actually care about games, and it's developers
What happened to Phil Fish?
Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire
Is this, specifically the backlit model, the best handheld ever made?
Are you guys enjoying Persona 5 so far? I love the steelbook
Nioh has bad level design
Filename Thread
COMFY Zelda Breath of The Wild Thread
$380 + tip
Nintendo Switch Online Price
What is the Sup Forums equivalent of this...
Finally got around to building a gaming rig, what should I play Sup Forums?
EZA. Also: What's your favorite vidya?
If Sony made Splatoon they would probably sell it on the digital store for $20, no one here would play it or praise it...
Is this picture accurate?
Hey Sup Forums let's vandalize some vvikipedia
Shit videogame design choices
Red Dead Redemption running at 30fps on Xbox emulator
What's the worst game you've ever played?
Daily reminder you are gonna kill this innocent bokoblin
So what ever happened to this thing?
Do you set the game on the hardest difficulty on your first play?
About to play pic related for the first time
What is the FPS equivalent of dark souls, where guns have appropriate feel and recoil to them?
Le "w+m1" insta kill character
This expansion died even faster than WoD. Why do you think that is?
Post stuff like this
"yeah dude i play video games"
*5 minutes remaining*
How to make the game infinitely more fun by removing one hero
Anyone know a credible source for selling a WoW account...
Name an better weapon that feels good to fire
Not even a real resident evil game
What the first thing that comes to your mind?
Is this the best looking 2D game of all time? This is absolutely stunning
What are some good games with Valentine's events?
Kingdom Hearts Thread
How did this happen? How could they fuck this up?
Early 2000s
Looking for some new games. Anyone care to make a couple of recommendations...
119 day until E3
This is a video game
Upgraded my PC last year
So class what can we say about humanity as a whole based solely on this picture?
Buyfag thread. Keep it vidya
Is it worth reinstalling?
Sony can't win GOTY six years in a ro-
Hi, I like Japanese games with pretty girls in them. Post attractive female characters in Western games
Street Fighter V
Will you be buying estival versus for the PC?
Predict Breath of the Wild review scores
Fire Emblem Heroes thread
This book is pretty big i tell you hwat
Do you like the grindan game?
Which was the real golden age of JRPGs? SNES or PSX?
Filename Thread
How about a thread for the upcoming best zombie game ever made?
ITT: post games where you should ALWAYS be holding down the fire button no matter what
1.6% Drop Rate
What is he up to?
I'm about to start Underrail for the first time
This is Marie. Say something nice about her!
ITT: Times Sony won
Are cartridges gonna replace Blu-ray?
What're the best PC games right now?
ITT: cutest girls of their respective games
Why do people get mad at fanservice in games?
Aliens have visited earth and are interested in learning about video games more than anything else
Find a flaw
Why did they model the balls?
I need a budget gaming laptop something that can run Arma3 and Darksouls 3 any recommendations Sup Forums?
Are there any first person survival horror games that are "rooted in reality" AKA no monsters...
Air beats fire
Why does Sup Forums hate DLC so much? Isn't more content and options a good thing?
ITT: Games with 10/10 OSTs Pt.2
Are they better without the avocado?
You know the drill anons, Post those Game tabs
Bioware doesn't even know their own lore. Peebee is over a hundred years...
Why do I feel like there's little to no hype for this game? I was absolutely amazed by the trailer
Sick of Zelda BotW
Mario Party
Steam avatar is an album cover
This is Iris Amicitia. She is the cutest girl from the entire Final Fantasy series, say something nice about her...
No news since announcement
Daily reminder that Godot literally did nothing wrong
He's still alive
Hey are there any good Dungeons and Dragons video games besides the famous Infinity Engine stuff...
Why do you stupid contrarian memeloving fucks hate this game?
Let's have a chill nioh thread
Who was in the wrong here, Sup Forums?
Why is Nobunaga always depicted as a bad guy? He's always either evil, evil and working with demons...
Are there any real games coming to Switch?
Neck Effect: Andromeda
Where is it Brad?
Harsh truths thread
Based SOLELY on their respective games in the 90's, who really was best?
Tales of Berseria
I'm playing this game on the easiest difficulty - "just the story" - and I still find it really hard...
Fire Emblem Heroes
Should I buy the PS4 ?
Do you pass the controller to your friend after you die or after you win?
Sean Malstrom: Breath of the Wild has no replay value
Let's discuss gameplay mechanics
Fire Emblem discussion. Ready for Echoes? Hopeful for it? What are you hoping for with the new FE game coming to Switch?
How do you feel about video game remakes?
Why are strong women so rare in video games?
Man, this game is a fucking blast to play. I love the naval battles...
Paper Mario
Who else is buying the switch just for Zelda? I am getting disappointed more and more
Why are people so mean in online games?
Guise it took a week but i have enough renown to purchase Jackal or Mira
JRPG Thread
Why is the Totodile line considered by many as the pleb choice for Gen 2...
What are some games where you can dress fashionably
Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy Announcement
Why can't western devs into female, are they being held back by people in their teams?
Kojima hints at Secret Game in BBC RADIO ONE interview
Crash Bandicoot : N Sane Trilogy
I've got a problem Sup Forums
I'll be taking Bloodborne back tomorrow - just infuriating, repetitive, linear, hack and slash bullshit...
Apparently the Switch's Virtual Console games will have online multiplayer
PSVITA games?
Steam Avatars
They actually think this is gonna sell or survive on Steam at all
30 minutes until new games
Wear plate armor
Why is no one talking about these 3d pics of street fighter 2?
Risk of Rain
Though many fans of the series didn't like being forced through a tutorial section each time they started a new game...
Who is your favorite video game sidekick?
Pleb Test
Game has Marriage
Is there a better gamer fuel?
Why are Nintendo such faggots when it comes to cease and disisting shit?
What happened to him after MGSV?
Why were there protestants in Sonic's world?
PlayStation Now
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Overhyped, disappointing sequel
With all the bitching about the zelda DLC i wonder why nobody has bitched about this?
What was the point of Acrobatics in this game?
Going through the fields on a perfectly nice day with my trusty horse
How do you feel about yuri in Japanese video games?
''Be sure to stretch before engaging in rigorous physical activity.''
Biggest Pokemon Go update ever
ITT: We post edge done right
Is Ubisoft shilling on this board?
Meanwhile in prehistoric Sup Forums
Accusations Within video games
Dubs decides which one I buy
Downloaded a ROM of Super Metroid
Is it better than Dark Souls and Bloodborne? Is it more fun?
Can we have a chill and comfy RE thread? No game wars tho RE7 not encouraged
Name me some unknown ps1/ps2 games
So we can all agree that Nioh is Game of the Month, right?
Has gaming negatively impacted your health?
Atelier Firis
Leaves Nintendo shitpost thread up for an hour
P4 > P5 > P3
Battlestations, post'em
Is death stranding supposed to be action, stealth, or horror?
What is he thinking
What is the easiest class to play in Morrowind?
When playing online games...
You are tasked with turning the last game you played into a movie...
Ok so Scorpio is coming in a few months
I had dream about my wife. She was dead. But it was alright
Switch or no
New Prey game by Arkane has memes in it
So bogpill me on this game
Is Zelda a JRPG or WRPG?
Am I wrong Sup Forums?
Best bosses in every Dark Souls game
REVII's Ethan Must Die and Horde mode locked behind 10 dollar paywall
Meanwhile in delphino plaza.... Sup Forums
Does Sup Forums read vidya novels?
But who was the best girl?
He mained Valor
Upcoming Death Battle is Scrooge VS Shovel Knight
Switch is $492 USD on retail in Mexico
Now that the dust has settled, which one had the better games? Not taking into account backwards compatibility
Why western devs make such shitty and ugly women, when eastern devs make them cute?
I really wish there was a good modern version of this game
So, like, how is this even legal anyway?
How have they never made a decent game out of Star Trek?
Is Yakuza 0 fun?
Are you still going to buy the Switch and Breath of The Wild Sup Forums?
Is VR dead yet?
No one plays the objective
Do you think this game will be surpassed one day?
Fire Emblem Heroes
Fire Emblem Heroes thread. How viable are the new heroes?
ITS HAPPENING Philips seeks Switch ban after it claims Nintendo copied patents
That one game you can't bring yourself to finish
Why...? Why the fuck did I do this to myself?
Damn, it sucks that Silent Hills was cancelled. Imagine how much deep symbolism it could've had
So tell me did they scrap prey 2 for the sake of developing this piece of shit? it looks like complete crap desu...
Are the Sonic comics good?
For Honor
Prove It Wrong
I wish they'd figure out which of them is responsible for bringing .hack// to the PSN
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
What does Sup Forums think of the onimusha games?
Age of Mythology
That final case fucking sucked apollo didn't do shit
-swap out the touchscreen for a 720p 3d screen
Game not included
FFXIV The Thread
Will people start loving Skyward Sword in a month?
Why does Sup Forums like this game so much, besides memes and Kojimbo fanboyism? It's QTE-ridden...
*blocks your path*
Why is Sonic a hedgehog?
WTF? I love PewDiePie now!
Is it really that bad?
Why does Sup Forums like a game that's even more casual than Skyrim?
What's your favorite shooter these days?
NieR Automata
Game lets you romance and bang party members
Holy shit Sup Forums, shut the fuck up about Twilight Princess
Berserk & the Band of the Hawk
Steam Account Rate
Why do you fags hate Assassin Creeds?
You know the drill, post a pic get a game recommendation
Does anyone here have a gaming channel? I want to watch some of my fellow Sup Forumsirgins on the internet
Game dev
New filename threda
Why aren't we hype?
Konami's profits increase by 230%, revenue down by 8.5%
Give me one fucking good reason why I shouldn't buy For Honor right now
What game allows me to go full DEUS VULT
I love my PC, and the games on PC are a fucktonne better
He thinks all AAA games are shit
Worse game in their series
Witcher MMORPG
Ey what do you guys think of Pokemon XD?
Name a better game, I'll wait
Bottom line: Worth it?
Are there any games where I can play as a cute lesbian?
Have mods fixed it yet?
Why are sequels and spinoffs called 'rehashes' when Nintendo makes them?
What do you want out of the next Resident Evil?
Official Breath of the Wild CEMU thread
The trio of Sup Forums approved YouTubers
So I've been thinking, is it really worth it to put Denuvo on your game...
Who would win?
ITT: The best character in their respective titles
100% oj
*Blocks your path*
Horizon Zero Dawn
What are some good games to torrent?
Can you recommend some good cyberpunk games?
Are any of you richanons feeling generous enough to gift me Rust on Steam? I'm broke af and I need a new game...
Are free to play shooters the future for multiplayer FPS...
No DOA thread? Let's fix that. Also, china dresses!
Where is it?
How the fuck?
Vulkan and DX12
I want a Paper Mario game on the Nintendo Switch
Media Create Sales: Week 6, 2017 (Feb 06 - Feb 12)
Find a flaw
Nintendo Switch has the same hardware specification as Nvidia Shield TV
Retro Compilation thread V.2
Bloodstained god tier confirmed
Freedom Planet 2 or Sonic Mania?
Pillars of Eternity 2 - Deadfire
You're only allowed to post in this thread if you're intelligent enough to realize that Nintendo has always provided...
Serious Sam Thread
Skinny boys with faggy hairs
He doesn't play with inverted Y-axis
Describe the pros and cons for someone with 45 euros in his pocket that he doesn't know what to do with
Sometimes I'm bored or in a situation where all I could do is maybe play some mobile game for a while
Name 3 good exclusive ps4 games
Post your glasses, others guess what your favourite vidya genre is
Should I buy this in PS3? Have the FPS problems been fixed?
Are there any games where I can pay a cute spooky little girl?
I've always found Super Mario 64 as a whole to be rather unsettling and eerie...
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
Heh! Call yourself a real hardcore videoboy, do ya!?
Will Season 2 inspire you to create your own video game?
Is Tails overpowered in sonic games?
What video game apparel do you own?
Ar Tonelico thread
Xbone has no games and is a rip off
Ahahahahaha download fags BTFO once again. Physical still reigns
Never was into turn based RPGs
Persona 5 rated M by ESRB
Would you play fighting games if there was no complicated hadouken inputs and big training mode autism combos?
Why are so many RE fans completely unpeaceable?
Its a top ten worst Sonic characters list
Hallucination/mindfuck/trippy sequences in vidya
Never forget this day
What did western devs mean by this?
What do you want from Pikmin 4?
The last game you played has the cast replaced with Scooby and the gang
Is this a Remaster or are they actually upgrading textures and tweaking the gameplay?
Tired Gamer General
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Can we have one of these?
Remember when you used to truly enjoy gaming Sup Forums?
What the actual fuck is this, nintendo?
All six titles on a single disc
What are some comfy games like Morrowind that are good for casual exploration and letting yourself get absorbed into...
Be me
Fire Emblem Heroes
Growing up :(
How does this series even exist? What's the appeal?
"I love PS4 but I hate Sony fans" Bill Arensberg
Is there a single more overrated game than this pile of shit?
Breath of the Wild WII-U LEAKED ISO
Gravity Rush 2 Thread
What will video games be like in 100 years?
It is time
I sit through the credits of a video game out of respect for the developers
Victoria II thread
Mass Effect Andromeda
Name ten (10) good 8th gen games that aren't ports, remasters or sequels
"There are no good indie deve-"
Buy this
Who is your favourite character in a todd howard game?
What are some vidya that objectifies men? Preferably one where the men are the main purpose of the game...
Why is it that most Japanese games look so low budget? Even BOTW looks like an early PS3 game
I've never played a Baldur's Gate game before. How are the enhanced versions of them...
Defend this
This is what is behind the "Master race" mask
ITT: games your dick told you to play
Come on, Sup Forums, this shouldn't be hard for you. You aren't stupid, right?
Both of these are official Blizzard endorsed merchandise that can be ordered from Blizzard's very own website
I want to go back
For the first time in a decade, there are too many games to play
Now I'm just double checking here, you're not a filthy chaosfag are you?
Why das3 so uninspired and boring?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...