This is a video game..
This is a video game
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this is true
Good thread
this is a fucking video
A thread died for this
Its a screenshot of a scenery.
The actual gameplay is not included.
i-i can't handle these truthbombs
No way, it's a picture with photoshoped UI
>white viking
Lol. Good one
Came to post this you fucking BLOP
>being this retarded
The fucks he wearing 3 random bones around his thigh.
Why do games have such stupid character designs? I guarantee 100% no fucking viking in the history of man tied 3 bones around his thigh.
>Create breath-taking graphics
>Shit all over them with Chromatic Aberration
Why "video game"?
...for me to poop on.
Looks like a shitty video game to me
photographs aren't video games, silly user
>I guarantee 100%
I wonder if you autists completed middle school sometimes
That's not the same game as OP you retard
They also didn't have fucking horn son their helms, nor did they send their women into battle.
This game is trash, and anyone that considers rock-paper-scissors a compelling concept has high level autism.
The game's for fags, like the rest of ubishit's offerings.
Prove they are white then?
You're nitpicking 3 bones when dindus can be pre-feudal japs, vikings, or knights? There's no spearchucker faction so they gotta get in there somewhere.
I will give you a you so tonight in bed you cry yourself to sleep knowing you made this mistake.
And yes i am aware you will probably going to say the joke is on me that you were just trolling.
please user, tell us which multiplayer game centered around competing with others not a variant of rock-paper-scissors
skeletons are spooky
he's spooking the enemies
Prove nordics aren't white first
>For Honor
choose 1
>Muh realism
Go play outside than, oh yeah, you're too much of a loser for that
Are samurais the most powerful
how can I post as cool as this guy Sup Forums?
>raided small settlements that couldn't fight back
>thought they were Kings, (vi-KINGS)
>generally raped and pillaged
>stole shit (viking funeral sites have fucking Buddhas statues and shit among many other stolen things)
>killed anyone christian (white people)
I can go on if you want.
I really hate the guy who taught Sup Forums this word. Every try hard defaults to MUH CHROMATIC ABBERATION as their default complaint
Why are they doing this?
You have to learn to use those epic meme arrows, friend.
And maybe, and just maybe someday you will be a shitposter just like that user.
Yeah, looks like Assassins Creed.
>thanks user
Ah so you couldn't prove me wrong eh?
Try getting a little more educated kiddo.
>that ugly HUD
Ubisoft can't ever make a good game can they?
really though, what the fuck is with this trend of graphical features that emulate interference in real cameras? chromatic abberation, lens flare, motion blur, adjustment time between light and dark areas, light washing out dark areas, it's all fucking annoying and takes me out of the game by making it feel like a movie. I have to assume the people who find this shit "immersive" have never actually done anything cool in real life and get all their outdoor experiences from movies.
Tons of Chromatic abberation doesn't mean realistic FFS.
I hate it already.
Good, get the fuck out and don't buy it
Fanboy tears are the best tasting.
This is a bullshot
>chromatic aberration
why do little consoleweenies today think this looks good
this is as goofy and dumb as the overuse of bloom lighting in 2005
Not anymore. Maybe when Vivendi buys them they can salvage some stuff.
I hate the CA, it still looks good tho
Style > substance.
literally the same graphics of the Division, except its not open world.
>chromatic aberration
You might want to end your life.
bullshot running on my PC? damn ubisoft did they hack my shit?
division doesnt even have real foliage
can't you just turn it off? a lot of games allow that now. for all the complaining about it I still can't even really tell what it is. at the low levels it usually is doesn't it just change the natural colours a bit?
No shit, its fucking New York.
Though your foliage is average AF. The one in Horizon zero dawn seems better imo.
Shill shill shill
No you cant.
Looks really good. The translucency and AO are well done. Its not "packed"...
now post a pic of your game with short grass.
lmao look at the trees, not just the grass. they look like ass
Thumbnail looks like something with a tail and fluffy posing suggestively.
Post some webms,im looking for my next purchase
Trees suffer from poor lod. But they still look good imo. Again the volume based translucency is well done.
Imo the grass looks average but thats perhaps the lighting which makes every color flat, like Ryse.
The trees are well done.