Has gaming negatively impacted your health?

has gaming negatively impacted your health?

No. I have negatively impacted my health.

its not the games that hurt you, its you letting them

It's given me back pain and muscle atrophy, poor sight in one eye, low esteem due to not "gitting gud" because I still have a low rank, disconnection from reality and depression. Maybe even hair loss

It use to when I was a kid. Was a skinny mofo. When puberty hit, I was exercising and doing sports for a bit, but health stuff kept me from participating and I simply just stopped. Got more into computers and art stuff. It wasn't until five years ago I decided to get fit again. Boy, is it great to have actual meat on my bones.

No, but my job is, sitting for 8-12 hours a day does weird things to your belly.

video games have made me the womyn i am today

I preferred you skinny and cute

Gamers from what I've seen in general and at a distance as I pretend to be normal, have truck driver bodies.

Bodies formed and shaped from long periods of sitting and eating.

He must have had a major spinal injury of some sort. Perhaps he fell as a child.

Fucking right-wing people. I shouldn't have to take responsibility for my actions, it's society that made me this way

Nah. I watch my calories and drink water. Besides, the stress/anxiety relief and fun outweigh anything negative to me

Gaming has helped me lose weight.


My back must be shite and one of my eyes must be fucked up

Not really different from having an office job, I guess


who /givenup/ here

Or maybe he's just an estrogen monster. That ass can't be achieved by pelvis tilt alone. His body is storing most of his fat there as it would with an obese WOMAN

>tfw have an office job

this. before I was addicted I was a lazy fat sack of shit and a failure in life. I eventually started eating much less than before, and became a lazy skinny sack of shit and a failure in life.

Yeah don't know why but I get aroused now only by playing videogames, not even hentai games, any videogame will get my aroused and the biggest boner know to man, however nothing else works, so now I just play any game and masturbate with the other hand

I used to get a boner to Call of duty mw 4 sniper rifles

>vidya weakens your eyesight
Is that actually true or just a meme old people created?
I have been playing video games since I was 4 and my doctor always compliments my vision.

Sitting too close to any screen for too long will mess you up. So will having a bright screen in your face if the rest of the room is dark. There are easy ways to avoid those (proper distance and not watching Netflix in bed)

>Guns don't kill people, is you.

But that's true. A gun left on its own isn't going to kill anyone. It needs a human (or perhaps an advanced primate) behind the trigger.

The doctor complemented my vision for being above 20/20 when I was 9. Now the vision in one eye is shit and the other is slightly below average. And my back hurts

This guy literally walks like a 75 year old obese woman.

I sure let it happen.

>180 lbs obese fatty

>lordosis, not as bad as guy in video but noticeable

>right hip, hell entire right side of my body getting fucked up from years of shitty PC chair posture

>bad neck posture, so pelican neck

>no sun for years and years, so while I've managed to look young for my age as a result, the lack of sun nutrients increased the risk of all kind of disease

It's taken me over 2 years to royally un-fuck myself: started jogging, started hitting the gym, stopped eating like a fucking idiot, minded my posture, etc. I'm still at skinnyfat status, but in the best shape of my entire life. No longer a fucking t-rex since I've gained good amounts of upper body strength.

Now I'm good at gaemz and fit, and slay all manner of nerdgirl pussy while frustrated whitefats look on in a dark rage. I have zero sympathy for them, since I know what it takes to climb out of that hole, and if they never figure it out and just want to be little bitchcunts then fuck em.

I also voted for Trump. White people who didn't vote for Trump are typically the ones who will remain fat losers crying about how no women want to date their gay pony-loving asses.

Nah. It just makes your eyes get tired faster. But going for a walk or closing them for 10-15 minutes gets them back up to speed. You know, like every video game recommends.

Leave a gun on a table, if it gets up and kills someone I'll give you one million dollars.

Also fuck you for trying to bring politics to Sup Forums

Yeah, fucked my back. Maybe my eyes too. And honestly that's about it.

How tall are you? 5'2"?

I see faggots like this and all I can ever think is "where the fuck are your fucking degenerate piece of shit parents?"

You always get the impression that they live in some home or halfway house where they get fucked in the ass by orderlies on the reg.

If you fucking faggots think that OP webm is something acquired "naturally" and not the result of a disease you're all a bunch of retarded childs. This dude probably went through some shit.

180lbs overweight, dipshit, That's officially obese even if you're tall

Single moms
Oh well excuse me for reading what you typed and not being some psychic so let me fix your first implication arrow for you

>I was 180lbs overweight and an obese fatty

Worse than the video games is the fucking shit food I've eaten all these years as a result of my mother refusing to cook for the majority of my life.

They're around, they just don't care. They're enablers. We're a generation of people whose parents didn't give a shit about their kids' development.

We live in a society were every kind of degenerate behaviour is not only tolerated but also encouraged.

People are lazy and stupid.
