Just started playing this, pretty good so far. Also general gravity rush thread

Just started playing this, pretty good so far. Also general gravity rush thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


Have you played the first game OP?

I want to play this but my priority is finishing Nioh right now, why did all these games have to release so close together, fuck

Fuck you Zoey


No I haven't

I haven't played Nioh, is it worth getting?

Is this game longer than the first?




Much longer.

I'm trying to play Yakuza 0, Resident Evil 7, Nioh, and Gravity Rush 2 all at the same time.

I only managed to finish RE7, but I want to play the dlc too.


I mean, I like the game and everything. It's completely superior to the first game in many aspects but for some reason I feel like I'm slogging through the game and forcing myself to enjoy it.
Everything little negative thing about it just irks me.

Yeah the first game is like 20 hours to get 100% completion of everything, all missions and challenges. GR2 is probably closer to 50 hours.

That's how I felt about the first game. But I'm enjoying GR2 even though my obsession with dusty tokens is slowing my progress to a complete halt.

I literally wont play the next story mission until I send challenges for all available challenge missions and do all the treasure hunts I have.

You should probably just play one game until you finish it. Then play the next game afterwards.

can someone post Kat's butt wearing that exclusive PSO2 outfit with the ultra tiny panty?

I need to see it badly


I'm on chapter 5 in Yakuza 0 and Story Mission 15 in GR2. Which one would be faster to finish?

There's 17 chapters in Yakzua 0. I'm not really sure on GR2 since I only just played some of it a while back. But take that as you will.

oh lord, thanks, and more please!

You're closer to beating GR2 than you are to beating Yakuza.

I say this having beaten GR2 and never having played a Yakuza game. I intend to remedy that at some point though.

So, ya know what? Kat's nickname was gravity queen from the very start of the series. Hmmm...








You should if you get the chance, the game takes for granted you played the first one and you get the references, characters and some clues about the story


>playing 2 without playing the first one




does this game have some kind of replayability or is it "play once and toss it ?"

I just finished the game earlier, fuck what a ride.

>when you start playing as Raven
>fighting alongside Yunica and Permet with this playing youtube.com/watch?v=iX_DXeBXoxw
>she powers up into her crow form and 4:14 on this starts playing youtu.be/u08NEp-HawU?t=4m14s

I went fucking mental, the Raven DLC can't come soon enough.

i had to trade my gravity rush 2 in

>selling Kat's game
I hope you step on a lego.

>Hit triangle
>Everything in front of you dies

I'm really hoping the DLC has a good amount of missions and side missions. 2 or 3 isn't going to cut it.

>mfw playable Raven is the last box in the costume menu

I doubt it'll be that long since it's free.


About 5 hours apparently. I guess it's not that bad considering it's free.

I like how some user put it earlier

>scene changes to Hekseville
>Raven's there
>camera pans behind her
>UI appears


Best songs across both games?

Night Gale, Fire-Bound Lions and Douse Shinundakara are my favorites.


im getting it back in a couple of weeks


A red apple falls from the sky

The old city

Pleasure district



Discovery of Gravitation from 1 and Red Apple are top tier for me as well.

The new city is fucking awesome, spent 1 hour 30 minutes just exploring it and finding gems. Also apparently that huge area I didnt see fully yet is only 1/4 of the whole new map.

thats not hard when the first game is like 2 hours long

>caring about video game stories

>Everyone left and right getting fucked up
>Gravity Rush 2 becomes Kat is FUCKING PISSED 2

Shit was like those moments where everyone is waiting for Luffy/Goku to show up


Let's make Spikat a thing