Casual Filters

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>not Shadows

Hardest thing about Agni and Rudtra was the fucking camera.

cerebus is like 2 missions before that

Actually no, hell vanguard stomps the shit out of people, and that's just mission 2, DMC3 holds no prisoners




i never died to anything in this thread before and i wasn't playing on easy for any of them

>hell vanguard stomps the shit out of people
Cerberus is totally understandable but him?

This is the true casual filter

not even

fucking cerberus was

some people are bad at vidya

yes, people get hit by teleports and try to rush down during his scythe swipes. I know vanguard is the basic of basics but we're talking about casuals here.

Nah you can get through Cerberus by sheer luck and spamming Helm Breaker

Meanwhile A&R take several tries to figure out their parry window and dodge both of them while doing so, and then once you take out 1 guy and thought you are safe, DUAL WIELD

That stupid shadow cat that appears shortly after Phantom in DMC1.

>tfw gave up on these cunts on hard mode
hard mode is Japanese normal iirc so i basically didnt actually beat DMC3. feels casual man.

>y sord no work?

The respawning Grace and Glorys were a lot harder

huh really?

i dont have a ps2 anymore but how was the steam port? kinda want to try it again

It is literally unplayable unless you install mod. But it's the only version that have mods so


I did eventually beat it, but man I did not do well.

It's literally not

Framerate gets botched because the sound engine is fucked, if you remove all the BGM the framerate magically works again

>but I Want to hear taste the blood on repeat for 12 hours straight

yeah, don't worry about that

The style switcher mod is best it's ever been, got updated a week or so ago. On top of style switching, you can now swap between all weapons as well.

He has it confused. Our normal was Japanese hard. Our easybwas jap normal.

Got it backwards, US Normal was JP's Hard mode

And SE use Jap's Normal

how many games have the first boss be the casual filter?

Hard mode/Must Die will throw 2-3 of them at you at a time. Shit isn't pretty.

God Hand


>we're talking about casuals here
oh shit my bad, seems reasonable.

pic related

That fucking fight Jesus Christ

Literally a perfect game

Always thought it was funny how he's so hard at the start, but when you fight him again at the end he's pretty easy.

Bloodborne if you fought Father Gascoigne instead of Cleric Beast.

Does it count if it's late in the game? This guy blocks the casuals from reaching the endgame missions and the difficulty jumps up way too much when it appears.

I thought Cleric Beast was 10x harder than gas coin


I had to look up the hell vanguard


How fucking casual are you?

Tutorial boss

That's a real nice AC you got there. Would be a shame if something happened to it.

>Complains about a boss being too hard for casuals in a casual filter thread

don't be that guy

only died once lol

Now i want this mod

Where do i get it?

>not wanting to hear Vergil's themes

DMC3 OST is amazing wherever the guys decide to shut their mouth

Casuals were stuck at the stealth missions

That's literally the first boss though.

A little bit too much.

Anyone can kill that without knowing what the fuck they are doing. Are we talking about casuals or people that never played video games?

>Played Ninja Gaiden as a kid when I was bad a video games.
>Hard as fuck and only beat the guy after countless tries.
>Go back years later.
>Game is still hard as fuck and I've managed to fuck a save and might have to start over.
Fuck I had forgotten the legacy of Ninja Gaiden.

He's only hard because you have zero abilities unlocked, and zero time to get a handle on dealing with bigger enemies prior.

He's simply a poorly paced boss more than anything.

what game

>He's only hard because reasons that fuck a casual over
Yes exactly

Wait, there were stealth missions? You mean the ones that you can literally just walk directly past all the guards?

Freedom Wars.

A little clunky, but still fun.


Beat Cleric Beast first time on both of my runs.

Gascoigne took me like 20 times until I found a way to get him stuck between a tree.

Yes those.
A few friends of mine got stuck on those because they treated it like an actual stealth game

Khezu is a casual filter in MHFU. Cerberus is just poorly placed.

I really enjoyed this game however the lack of content, pointless localization changes and that stupid fucking ending, not even all of lucifer gifts could make me happy after that shit, even though I completely eliminated my sentence and reached second class citizen status, the game on the end seems to have been incomplete

I don't see what placement has to do with anything if he still fucks over casuals hard

The entire point is casual filter but you are saying he's not one because of reasons that fuck over a casual harder than anyone else

>Getting stomped by Cerebus
>Getting stomped by the first fucking Hell Vanguard

did any of you beat bloody palace on DMC3? the longest I reached was level 7000+ something, was doing pretty good till I had half life and went to next level only to encounter a vergil bossfight, that moment I knew this was the furthest I reach, also those spooky faces on the menu the more you advance

if you rip and convert the music yourself it doesnt fuck the framerate

I havent been able to get vergils to play though

I don't see how, but I suppose that makes it fit the thread even more.

Yeah, unfortunately it's a bit of a mess.

Still worth checking out, if people haven't already.

no, because I get bored, if they had checkpoints where you could fuck with your loadout I'd probably like it more

>zero abilities unlocked
The game gives you the shotgun that takes out the ice in 2 hits up-close just 2 minutes before that.
You should also at least have Stinger by that point, 1 health upgrade to get close and tank hit, and the game gives you a Life Star in mission 2

>zero time to get a handle on dealing with bigger enemies
Hell Vanguard is big, and the point of a boss is that you have to learn to fight him.
The lock-on also pans to the feet for you most of the time if you are away from him

For DMC3 I would say Cerberus, A&R and Vergil 1 were all casual filters because they require very different tactics and skills, generally

That's only because the game hasn't done anything to teach players jack shit about the game at that point. It would be like putting Lagiacruz as the first boss in MHTri and calling it casual filter when you never even put the player near water. It's just bad enemy placement and pacing on the game's part.

By the time you reach A&R, you should have a handle on how to deal with bosses, yet they still slap casuals to death effortlessly. There lies the difference.

W-who is him? i just passed that mission and dropped momentary last raven because i was getting my shit kick and picked Nexus because you can import your AC

Level 3 Warlord bot in For Honor. It's better than 95% of the people you will find online.

Vanguard isn't a boss just because they decided to slap a health bar on a common enemy for the literal tutorial level. Cerb is the official first boss of the game, and you encounter nothing like him or his mechanics leading up to him. If there were some ice shits on the way to his fight you were forced to shoot, you would of had a point, but nothing like that exists. it's just a really poorly placed first boss.

The reason why pic related is a good, but hard, first boss, is because the mechanics needed to beat him are practiced and laid out for you the entire way leading up to him.

This was the only boss that gave me trouble in Dark Souls.

And by trouble I mean I probably fought him 20+ times.

several times
After I 100% the missions I usually stay to the bloodpalace

Hardest level is the one with all the hell vanguards towards the end simply because you get put into a blender of them and you will start getting parried by 2 of them while you are targetting a third


I don't know why, but it was the opposite for me.I beat him the first time without breaking a sweat but when i fought him as the last boss i found him really difficult

>CTRL+F Driver

>playing For Honor
Dead game in less than a month. See you next year for the sequel.


>tfw I beat him first time in my first playthrough
>Never had issues on subsequent playthroughs
O & S always dick me though


A superboss can't be a casual filter

Hey friend if you socialized you would realize a lot of those people are in the same group. Dmc series in general is a casual filter. Trust me, watching baddies play is excruciating.

Somebody warned me about this and it still got me, although it went down on the second try.

Pretty sure this fucker is hard regardless of being a non-casual.

>Elixer-check: The Boss

My wife could beat this cuck of a boss. You're all fucking children.

I can see Gattuso being casual filter. Vesperia was my first Tales and even a level or so above Gattuso he was still pretty annoying.

but the casuals would have been filtered long before that

literally just need def+hp accessories and mp rage
one of the longer keyblades helps also but I use him to level from 50~to 99 every time I play

Pretty much, yeah. It's really amusing how half of Sup Forums doesn't realize that's the cycle of all ubisoft games by now.

>not just hitting him out of sin harvest

You don't see anything that can be disarmed before A&R either, in fact the parry aspect of Cerberus (the weapon) is barely touched upon unless you discover it by chance

Cerberus is a bit unfair in the original DMC3 due to the misplaced difficulty, but in SE he's fine since he doesn't do the head snap at close range on Japanese Normal

That's why you do it so that both of them are at very low health before you kill one of them.

Well, I never played SE, so perhaps there in-lies the problem.

Took me ten tries on Hard. Not gonna lie, I ignore them where possible.

Was i the only one who didn´t have problem with them or something ? I spammed Helm Breaker over and over and that was pretty much it. On the first try. Granted, that was 10 years ago and i probably wouldn´t be able do it now.

Fuck that dual wield part
I must've been 13 in 05 and never played a DMC before that
I was so relieved when I thought I would just be dealing with one

Are you a casual?


Some nip beat him at lvl 1

Basically force teaches you how important buffs/debuffs are.

DMC1: Shadows. You can cheese Phantom on Normal with Devil Trigger.
DMC2: Mission 3 and 4. You need the patience of a monk to not fall asleep by that point.
DMC3: Cerberus, though many casuals end up unlocking Easy on Hell Vanguard.
DMC4: I dunno. Second Dante fight? It's a pretty easy game.

Just beat these 2 this week. Once I figured out how to parry them both it was a breeze, aside from the camera of course. Of course I made sure to lower their health equally because the buffed form is tough.

>insert obligatory gascoigne

>DMC2: Mission 3 and 4. You need the patience of a monk to not fall asleep by that point.

The true answer here is bolverk, nigga has a FULL MAP horizontal or vertical swing, and he has two dipshit wolves attacking you at virtually all times.