Lowest score in team by far

>Lowest score in team by far
>Did nothing but die

That is you I bet

a team can drag down a mediocre player to levels of terrible player
them not being very good doesn't actually invalidate their point

>Lowest score in team by far
>Did nothing but die trying to get to flag
Followed by the usual KD comparisons and "It's a game bro".

>that faggot who always has an excuse to tell everytime he dies (i.e: no ammo,2vs1,bad weapon,etc)like if there was no possible way no kill him fair and square

That's why I avoid online games unless there's no chat

>That guy who treats casual matches like high-stakes ranked matches
captcha: Tibery MANN

Modern gamer who "plays" games by not wanting to win.

Two of the biggest cancers of online gaming right now. And you post on Sup Forums.

>Measuring success by a number
>Not engaging your brain and looking to see who's actually playing the fucking objective

Even in CS:GO the game mode is more active and has more effort than most games up until MG or so. Let people learn by fucking up.

>not a number that ranks players
Shitty game.

Why play the game if you don't want to win normie? Just to waste everyone's time?

You give you team a subpar performance and give the enemy a weak opponent. I will never get this modern gamer attitude and it is a modern gamer attitude.

Did I hurt your xXpr0Mast4xX feelings?

>play game
>waste time
It's not a job. Like I said, your argument isn't actual one since comp has bigger problem than casual with people not trying to win anyways.

Not helping your cause there underage. The ignorance is all telling.

Sad to see Sup Forums this casualized. Straight cancer.

>last one alive
>teammates starts betting with each other how you're gonna die

>I'm silver
Still not an argument.

I make fun of fags getting mad at video games because it's literally just a game bro.

I don't play csgo.

>get carried by teammates
>shittalk nonstop in chat.

Must be a mobafag. Explains the rotten attitude to full extent really.

Older than either of those games, kiddo.

Then why do you still have this problem?
Learning difficulties?

I didn't have the problem till the 2010s when PC gaming finally followed consoles into cancer. Before kids started useing terms like "arena shooter" and "mobo" incorrectly and as meaningless tag describers.

>Why play the game if you don't want to win normie?
Well, I come home after work, I want to relax so I play a game with my friends. Winning is nice, but if I don't it's not the end of the world.

You're entitled to shit on everyone's fun time because you're the only one who had to work? Because no one else plays games as a hobby.

it's always the guy pulling the least weight in rocket league that goes "ugh fuck this team" and it never fails to trigger me.

>shit on everyone's fun time
It's not like I'm not playing the game. I'm just not good at it. Good thing ranked matchmaking exists!

It's literally just a video game.

>you're allowed to shit on my fun time because I substitute work with video games
whine about it to gain more animosity towards people like you

I was quoting myself, yes

Some people take their hobby seriously. Other's just want to be shitters.
Great argument. Because only no lives can be good at video games!

>Some people take their hobby seriously.
Those people don't play CS in Gold Nova, they'll get ranked higher than that. I paid the same amount of money for the game they did, anyway.

being good at games makes it effortless though
that's how I feel about anything I'm good at against other players at least

Why do you keep insisting I play csgo? Is that suppose to be the "hardcore" normy game right now or something?

Not sure why you have a hardon for ranked garbage either.

>Play game with very few players because its fun
>No one else seems to learn after years so become the best player
>It gets too easy and boring

>Why do you keep insisting I play csgo?
I don't. I'm using it as an example because it's one of the few MP games I play.

That's some mental gymnastics right there. Way too earlier in the morning for me to be dealing with that shit.

By that logic, General Custer won the battle at Little Big Horn.


>objective based game modes
>people just running around trying to get a good K/D

Bit sad.

I usually have many deaths in Splatoon because I run on quick respawn

I've noticed it's always the supports that talk the most shit in the games I play.

Support or healing is the most stressful place to be mate. You can't really do anything by force and everyone in front of you is fucking up. The group collapses in front of you and you're basically left holding the pieces.

Im not very good at FPS so I at the very least try to score points for the team in other ways, like trying to capture and hold distant capture zones.
Like try to hold off three guys at once despite knowing Ill buy the team 20 seconds at best.

When I get the occasional kill I do feel pretty good about it, even if it is by accident.

Its kind of fun too. Like I remember spending an afternoon on TF2 trying to sneak a heavy into the opponents base over and over. Managed it a couple of times without getting ambushed by scouts and spies on the way.

yes it does stop whining and carry harder nab

suck less

maybe if you suck

>Guy has lowest score on my team
>Tell him to play safe
>Spends the rest of the game being passive aggressive, complaining whenever I do anything wrong, and starts intentionally not helping to spite me
Mobas are the absolute worst genre of them all.
Shooters coincidentally are also the penabsolute worst genre of them all.
So why the fuck does everyone flock onto Overwatch to create and even worse genre of "Hero Shooters"?

something something 95% something the majority something tasteless cretins

>highest kills on team
>highest deaths on team
>highest player score
What does this mean?

>play with IRL friends in a game
>someone smashes their keyboard against the desk every time they get killed

>playing smash bros in game store with friends
>this kid challenges me to a match, he's maybe 10 or 11
>playful trash talking from me and him
>my friends all insult him nonstop
>"haha user that kid was so fucking salty right"

when did you realise your friends are retards?

>enemy team wins in any game
>shittiest worthless player says "gg ez"

>engineer sits in one spot and doesn't have teleporters
>dares to open his mouth

>left 1vs5 full hp players in cs
>don't win
>votekick user 4 votes

>existence of estus

>absolutely ignoring game sounds, info on teammates being killed, mini-map and etc

I have a friend like this. Unholy FUCK just accept you were outplayed, goddamn.

how about context faggot since what if that person was support for they other players ya queer

>playing cs
>team mate keeps shooting me
>very low hp, im gonna die
>headshot him a few times
>he dies
>rest of team sees 'user has killed asshole team mate' in kill feed
>they kill me
>"fuck off griefer"
>get votekicked 4 to 1
>uninstall game

You played the video game more than everyone else on the team.

>It's a
>dogshit player who actually sucks ass and complains about being "stuck" at an MMR because he's so dogshit tries to shift blame to team mates and people who are "not trying hard enough" because videogames are the closest thing to a purpose he has in life due to being a worthless NEET

I met your types plenty, you go "REEEEEEEEEEE" when someone makes any mistake.
Nobody likes you, nobody cares about you, nobody wants to hear your theorycrafting autism. Just go play singlplayer games and release your vitriol on the bots.

People like you are pathetic.

That you need to get good and die less.

>Dude why do you pick X, they're not even meta

>guy on team takes ball and runs away from goal

>"oh he picked Meepo time to intentionally feed"
>Meepo's doing good
>he keeps feeding
>everyone's doing bad
>game is lost
>"see, he can't even win"

>>highest kills on team
>>highest deaths on team
>>highest player score
>What does this mean?
u sux

I mean... I do this is splatoon maps, but that usually cause I'm the only dipship willing to stand on the payload.

>People who get so worked up by ranked matches in a video game they have 250+ hours and screech at everyone
>People who get so worked up by ranked matches they make smurf accounts
>People who get so worked up by ranked matches they refuse to play, abandon or purposefully hinder their team

No matter how much time I invest in a game this always complexes me

>playing CT on Dust 2
>I'm the only one guarding bombsite B
>T's go for bombsite A 80% of the time
>by the time I get to bombsite A all T's are already dead
>don't get to kill anyone

>my entire team gets killed while still taking one or two T's
>I'm left on a 1v4 or 1v3


>video games don't keep score if you play objective
Don't hurr.

You'r risking yourself too much for score.

You don't need the highest score to win, you need to do better than the enemy does.

CoDfags in CS:GO who just rush for a kill instead of trying to deny it from the enemy are cancer.

>actual cheater is in the game
>votekick didn't pass because not enough players voted
>if you vote to kick literally anybody else the vote will pass in 3 seconds

Cheaters usually play with friends, or with people they're boosting if they're boosters.

>literally stop trying
>maybe even alt tab every now and then just hoping the match will end
>somehow win
>I'm STILL at the top of the scoreboard

>the whole team camps near intel
>still manage to lose it

>bring intel closer to your base
>nobody gets it because everyone "defends" their intel

>average score
>on the losing team
>start bragging about how good our team is and how we won in all caps

Why do people yell at their teammates? Do they think insulting them and screaming their lungs out is going to help their team do any better? It especially baffles me when a teammate asks another to do something in the most asshole-ish way possible. Why in the fuck would they ever do what you say when you're being an asshole?

>I'm a thin skinned bitch
>What do you mean I should play the objective?

gamers are so autistic and socially inept they actually think it works like that

>Nigger has highest kill count but never helped complete the objective

I don't think I've ever seen someone shrieking and tking helping a team.
Someone getting on a mic and giving out clear instructions has but not 'oh my god this team -_-'

>get stomped by enemy team
>they say gg

haha, y-you too

>have LE acct in csgo just having fun and what not.

>have a gold nova 4 troll acct I play with shitters I know in real life.

Some of the most try hard people are in gold nova 2 through 4 rage at everything I do. I usually just troll them like throw bomb down drop down or kill them for there gun. They reeeeeee so hard.

>Playing games with objectives beyond murder


>Other team utterly destroys you
>They say 'you can thank daddy now'

>opposite team wipes floor with our team
>camping, spawnkills everwhere
>literally they own us like a bitch
>nobody trying to complete objective
>game ends

>Play fighting game
>Literally don't hit the other guy once
>He just farms me for points
>Messages ggs



Maybe it was "git gud, scrub"?

he is an old quake or half life mp player. like me.

Jesus christ this
>playin some Hydro yesterday
>Only braindead slugs and people who know how to navigate play it
>get on team slug against team sandbagger
>While getting spawncamped by a heavy/med combo I pick at their team with a Scorch Shot
>Rush out with crit boosted phlog to push them away
>repeat until dominated both
>"IF you continue to use the phlog on me and my friend here I will be forced to switch to the Vaccinator and fuck you up"
They never did but good lord a day, it's only a casual match

i play too much casual i recognize that soldier

>Teaming up to win in pubs

thats sad they sad am sad for them

>enemy with like 0.3 k/d in a mediocre ranking calls everyone killing him a cheater in all chat

Dumb kids with low IQ plz go

What's even more sad is that they seemed shocked that someone would just lay there and take it. Hydro rarely comes up in my queue, and I'll be damned if I let some pugstar rejects ruin one of my favorite maps

The bloke jumps in to impossible situations trusting his heroin-addict like reactions to kill as much as possible. He'll die everytime, but he'll have killed more than he died.

>guy walks right into the clearly visible stickies and dies

>a spy with an ambassador has score higher that the rest of the server combined and kills everyone while looking the other way from across the map
>"seems legit"

TF2, not even once

>bomber dives from spawning altitude to bumbrush a base
>15km away from closest friendly and starts spamming cover me messages until he's shot down
>"wtf we're was my cover fighters?"

>plays an objective based team FPS just to stand around and do fuck-all
>is geniuenly shocked that someone dares to play the game as intended
>hydro is his favourite map
you may have brain cancer

>can shoot through wall or door
>*loud walking sounds*
>shoot at the wall/door non-stop and get headshots eventually
>be called a cheater
>"press shift next ti-"
I've been banned for this shit at least 3 times

>play spy
>use C&D
>sniper headshots me while I'm invisible 5 times
>can't do anything
>have to change class

I'm sure if I said Junction is my favorite map you'd say the same thing

Good supports are nice but if DOTA is any indication, then most are just shit at the game and want people to carry them.

>friend exclusively plays support like shit
>gets mad and tells me to do it if it's so easy
>place wards, stack camps, harass, and deny creeps
>warding and dewarding is incredibly easy because retards put them in the marked spots, over and over.
>we win, but I never had fun the entire game

I think the key to being a good support is knowing what makes someone a shitty support.


key to being a good support is knowing how to get carried and how to make the enemies life hell, getting carried and not being a shitty support who feeds is the most important bit

I mean, it's called support for a reason. You deny the enemy XP/gold as much as you can. The most fun is the first 15 mins, after that depending on your items it can be really fun and you can actually do shit or you walk around with 3 bracers hoping you survive a random oneshot when you step out to ward

> my friend: the thread
> friend sucks at games and when loses never his fault

>I don't play to win
Then why do you play?