How to make the game infinitely more fun by removing one hero

How to make the game infinitely more fun by removing one hero

Forget removing one hero, the entire god damn game needs to go back to the drawing board.

How so? The game is unbalanced but not completely fucked like you are implying.

if you can't counter her just wait til you get a load of bastion 2.0

they are working on fucking it as fast as they can, don't worry. every month they spin a wheel to decide who to buff and who to nerf

>currently balanced champs

thats 8

>unbalanced either good or bad
other 15

not bad by modern standards. the fastest way to fix things would be stop buffing tanks so ana is not mandatory to win

I am sorry I can't counter pharmercy all by myself, but the retards in my team spend too much time reading reddit and think that soldier is the ultimate counter to Pharah and then they just ingore her.

>forced to play ow just to play with friends
>she's literally the only enjoyable hero in the whole game
Pharah vs pharah fights remind of soldier ones in tf2 except shittier

>takes skill to play
>doesnt have an insta-"getoutofshitforfree" ability like 3/4 of the cast
>among the most balanced characters in the game
>still makes most of the cast shit themselves in fear when shes around

Truly the most patrician character

>must pick every game or lose

What division are you in?

>symmetra not listed
You're wrong

She's like her breast waist hip ratio

the only reason he has to be picked is because every other "tank" plays like another dps or support class with a higher health pool. rein is the only traditional tank in the game

pharah can be gamebreaking, soldier is the only real effective character to take her down other than bastion (who is countered by a lot of other chars). a good road can do well if he's absolutely great with the hook (and that will go away with roadhog's hook nerf).

machine gun mode on widow is not damaging enough, most other characters either have a delay in their firing or accuracy is too shit to really hit pharah.

Tracer is the most balanced character in the game

winston might be good if they actually gave him armor.

>want to play Reaper more often
>feel like he's atrocious on a lot of maps
>often time playing him I spend way too much time trying to flank and sneak attack to really get anything done
>aim isn't good either

Am I gonna make it bros?

he should have an ability where he has an armor effect whenever his jump is cooling down

Has to be plat or below, the only people who think pharah is anything above good is plat down because their team either expects 76 to effortlessly solo her or your only dps will be a junk one trick and that guy who just got roasted by Symetra so is never going to swap off her this game.

Ana and 76 or zen and 76 should always be enough to worst case scenario suppress her so she has minimal impact, if she's got a mercy pocket and you can just hit mercy first.

if u cant flank and get kills then no, hes only good on some maps
t. high plat n00b

>Played on attack and defense in every single pro game since the patch
>solo players just jump into the enemy team with no back up at all expecting not to die

waaaah pappa blizzard buff the munky hes two week!

>a flying omnipresent rocket launcher
who thought this was okay

yea ik hes actually good at high rank. but when ur under diamond, hes complete shit. why? cuz healers are usually shit,


just get rid of genji

boom. game is 100x better as people will have to learn literally anything else but that guaranteed 5v6 hero.

low health and rockets take 2-3 shots minimum to kill.

balanced out if your team isnt retarded.

but that's the problem, I don't know where this meme came from, if it was on reddit or youtube, but it's like they saw somewhere some faggot say that Soldier is the ultimate counter to Pharah and now they just instantly assume that Soldier just easily and effortlessly counters her all by himself and ignore her. People are fucking retarded in this game, I never get teams as shit as in OW in other games.

That's what I thought. Any open map and you might as well play the Hog for the same effect. Haven't really done ranked at all, again havent played much since like ana release. Only rank 50 or whatever it was.

Thanks though, any idea on maps he's good in?

Plat is a joke.
I spent two hours in platinum playing Bastion every game, in those games I had 2-3 golds and try other teams had TROUBLE trying to eliminate me. After seeing this, I decided to drop in rank to about low gold, where junkrat is considered good.
t.Diamond player

The only problem is if you have team that doesn't know how to deal with her. Get a soldier and it's fine.

Well, you will also need to understand that you don't necessarily need to kill her, just keep her away. I say this because I just played a match with a McCree who was an OK good job of keeping Pharah in check but one guy on our team was screaming at him for not insta-killing her every time she popped up.

It's like some people don't even know what the purpose or objective of the game is. We got the cart to the end, and Pharah wasn't an issue. Mission accomplished. But this isn't enough for some reason. Maybe it's just the plat mindset though.

When you're in a situation where pharah is raping your team you just have to nut up and tell xXjunkgod69Xx to get the fuck off junk or ask your ana/zen/mcree to help.
If you do that either 1. your team chooses to be fucktarded shitters you eat the loss and move on or 2. someone switches/achieves something and you start winning.

>an OK good job

Doing an OK job

Wow. Long day.


>complaining about Pharah when Mei exists



I have so many Ana's in my team that just pocket heal the tanks and the whole team yells at me (because I play Soldier quite a lot) for being shit and not killing Pharaah, meanwhile my team is doing absolutely nothing to help me. I told many Ana's that they can maybe fucking try to snipe the Pharah but it all falls on deaf ears because they read on reddit that soldier counters Pharah and that's it. Maybe I should get off EU, how bad is 140 - 150 ping in this game?

Pharah gets shit on by ANY hitscan character

That's Ana, Widowmaker, 76, McCree, and Bastion. If you don't have at least one of these characters on your team you deserved to lose.

Did they change Pharah in a recent patch? I only play the game now and then.

Just get rid of every asian hero in the game and the game suddenly improves by 100x

No Shimada cancer
No Mei cancer
No Defense Matrix cancer

>just get a soldier xDD

This meme needs to die. Dealin with Pharah requires team effort and as long as people believe that Soldier counters her effortlessly all by himself these shitters will just yell at the poor Soldiers for not insta-killing her while they play FUCKING ANA.

She got her minimum splash damage buffed from 18 to 30, and her jets boost her up 35% faster. But she also got a nerf I cannot remember, something about her regular rockets bouncing people around.

Read the rest of my fucking post you mong.

Then pick McCree you fuck, it takes 3 body shots to kill Pharah and McCree has pin point accuracy.

No, just that the newest map set Oasis is set up in such a way that she is incredibly powerful on it because there's a bunch of high places no one can hope to get to quickly outside of widowmaker that she can just sit at to recharge her thrusters and stay out of fire.

Damage fall off makes this untrue in many circumstances.

>takes skill to play
>sit in the safety of the air taking pot shots at the enemy team
>enemy starts shooting you just land for a moment
>go back in the air and kill whatever hero is shooting you (mccree / soldier 76)
>continue shooting people from safety of the air
>if you are in a pub theres a good chance there is no one to counter you being in the air
really gets the neurons flowing

I don't have a hard time fighting against pharah but when I play her, especially in quick play I fucking dominate in open maps.

This tbqh.

>Playin Rein, doing well enough
>Enemy Pharah
>Our 76 is peppering her with enough damage to make her less bold about positioning and thus making my job keeping shield up easier
>but the team is shitting on him for not instantly deleting Pharah on sight with zero help
>he starts tilting and doing worse

does anyone else see this happening often enough?

Thats not ana

Yes. Happens a lot. Almost every game with an enemy Pharah.

Most maps are cramped enough where McCree's fall off doesn't come into play very often. And if Pharah is using one of the few areas in the game where McCree's damage is falling off pick Widowmaker.

One isn't enough to kill her and if shes better/as good as your 76 he wont be able to completely negate her and damage the rest of their team, he absolutely needs zen/ana/mcree to back him up.

Bad players are going to happen if you're only slightly above where you are diamond in plat, gold in silver you wont rank up fast soloqueuing just get a 2 or a 3 stack and you rocket up to you skill level.

this happens all the time and it pisses me off, it's like people don't know that killing Pharah is a team effort

t. Soldier player

>Pharah flies slower than molasses in the air
>Somehow people being bad means Pharah is uncounterable

Really gets the noggin' joggin'

Try doing this shit in Master where people who play hitscan aren't brain dead morons.

Don't know what Pharah you have seen but no, they don't fly super slow in mid range distance for you to easily kill them. Good Pharah players can stay alive for a very long time.

In master the second she appears shes going to get a snap ana/mcree shot or a dicord orb while the 76 forces her off/kills as a result.
Pretty much everyone in this thread is going to be a gold/plat player where instead of helping the rest of the 76's team will just rage he isn't insta killing her all the time forever while soloing the enemy team.

>TFW pharah main (top 100 pharah stats in the NA to be exact

>you realize that if they play soldier and they suck it's auto win

>if I use pharmacy wombo combo and they don't have 2 good hitscans or their team doesn't target my mercy first I am literary invincible

Your job as a hitscan is to ground Pharah as soon as she's up, Healers are there to heal, you don't need to negate her damage. Unless Pharah has a Mercy on her ass she will not survive long in the air, especially when ranged hitscan like Ana / Soldier / Widowmaker are present.

Can you guess how I know you're a shitter?

It's impossible for me to rank up at this point by solo queueing, so I need to change something. I am pretty sure the problem isn't me, I am doing a pretty good job at any role I pick, but it doesn't matter since I get shit team after shit team. I fell 400 sr recently and just cannot get anywhere.

>palying pharah in high level comp
nigga why I would do that, pharah is a low tier pub shit stomping hero.

>enemy Phara + Mercy
>team expects our 76 alone to deal with it
>blast him relentlessly for not somehow single-handedly taking out this wombo combo

just remember that the 76 youre matched up against is tasked to deal with you both by himself, and is getting chewed up by his team on top of you chain killing him

its probably torture

hello silver player

Rein is a must pick because of lack of proper communication in MM, not his balance. It's possible to play without Rein, just hard to properly, even on high levels. Of course he's useless if you have a very mobile divecomp. If you don't know what divecomp is then you're a gold and shouldn't bother anyway


Pharah just needs to get removed from the game. She is the only character that can fly and be a hard target to hit, requiring 2 people to focus her while she shits on an entire team by just spamming rockets. Who thought that was a good idea.

I never said she was balanced dear user

>tfw I am that soldier player

There is zero reason a 76 should have a problem with taking out the flying retards.

Honestly, it's all about balance.

Because I'm not a shit DPS I can tell you that yes, Soldier does delete her. By himself. The team effort part is bullshit.

Throwing in a mercy only makes it a fair fight. And if she just pokes out of cover then she's feeding your healers.

The point when I tilt, really loose my fucking cool completely, is when I've wiped her face nearly instantly 4-6 times and some fucking no skill character like torb or sym says "deal with the fucking pharah" on mic when I'm dead.

I guess what I'm saying is, yes good DPS wipes her. No dont say "why the fuck can't our soldier deal" when I'm fucking dead holy shit mu rage

That's not mei though

Good pharahs can bully S76s even without Mercy, it's really hard for S76 alone to counter PharMercy. If you're a really good hanzo you can try switching to him, but the more reasonable soluition would be to switch to Widow. If you don't know how to play widow - now is the chance, because Pharah is meta as fuck and there's widow is as hard counter to her as you can get.

Top 100 in quick play? Any high level mcree comp player worth his salt will shut you down before you can get three rockets out.

Except for the fact that flying retards who are good are invincible.

It's mostly due to the game's fucking horrendous map design. With giant, impassable chokepoints like Eichenwalde for attack you almost can't win without Reinhardt.

I honestly don't know how to replay to your post. I think its because you thought I meant negate as in 'stop pharah dealing damage' when I meant 'stop her deleting your healers repeatedly and solo winning the game'.
Because you're replying to me it would imply you think 76 can deal with pharah solo but in your post you say ana should be helping which is what I'm saying so... Yes I agree?

how to recognize console players

>kills 99% of the cast without effort on her 10 mile M1 range
>high damaging projectile for mid range, does 150 on crit
>self heal that contests
>all the applications of Ice Wall
>ult is basically a free point wipe

>bubble one(1) team mate getting fired at
>free 40 charge
>out damage every Attacker in the game with no need to actually aim
>best Ult in the game

I honestly think Zarya just needs her DPS reduced, her M1 fix made her nerf meaningless.

stay sub-silver

Proper pharah's don't fly like retards all the time, though. He wasn't in the meta before because there were too many retards that just were constantly in the air, so every hitscan could counter her no problem. Now people finally realized that she's better played as a poking hero and that's when S76 can fuck up, because if she pokes up close there's fucking nothing you can do against good Pharah, except ult her. She kills you in 2 rockets, you need to really have good aim to outdamage her with headshots or burst with felix.

>play OW
>always imagining pharrah shitting in her flight suit from the g force
>permanent boner

I am mostly venting and trying to find solutions to the solo queue hell

Normally I'd agree but you can't really expect a single Soldier to take out a Pharah with a pocket healer and damage amp attached to her hip. If the Pharah and Mercy are coordinating you absolutely should be coordinating yourself and not just expect one DPS to deal with it.

>hard target to hit

Jesus fucking christ, pick fucking Widowmaker or McCree.

This thread is literally nothing but people who REFUSE to play a hitscan character complaining that Pharah is overpowered. If you sincerely cannot kill Pharah as McCree or Widowmaker while she flies like a pregnant cow in the air spamming rockets then the problem isn't Pharah, it's your shit aim.

please post a video of you taking down pharmercy all by yourself without any help from your teammates

I mean I agree about mei, but how is zarya balanced.

She's used in like 70% of professional matches. The ones that don't use don't use her because their players are shit. She had one period of non-dominance and its because the game creators decided buffing to the point of insanity was a good idea

Are you a console shitter using steering sticks to aim? Pharah floats around slow as fuck and can easily be hit by S76/McCree/Widow and even Ana, though Ana probably has better shit to do than shoot Pharah.

thats not mei

>shoot pharah
>she's getting healed
>can't out damage the heals
>targets me and i die to her nukes

all the while your team is busy 5v6 while their healer builds charge

this, an hero based on explosives in a slow ass game like Overwatch is a fucking crime, I would hunderstand in games like Titanfall where you can get fron one side of the map to another in about 10 seconds and dont touch the ground in the whole match provided you know how to moove around.

the problem is the damage fall off and her always hiding whenever she takes damage in these cramped up maps.

seriously kill yourself

You can't make an ActiBlizzard game fun. It's shit by design.

Instead of having one type of weapon have certain types of starters and scatter the more powerful weapons across well placed areas of the map as for characters trade out health for speed and so on power ups are also either scattered via quake or turn them to scorestreaks like titan fall

Class based FPSs are fun but not for competitive like what overwatch is trying to do

I was gonna say WoW's core gameplay was fun, but that was before they got bought out by Activision and completely fucked themselves over.

Legion would have literally been one of the best expansions to the game if they didn't fucking prune skills again. No class has any flavor anymore.

>went from 3500

>all the way up to 4100

>then after a week of not playing and returning to play again

>went back down to 3500

I am surprised just how fast you lose your muscle memory ,maybe it's because I'm getting old (24), but man I've never been so sad at dropping that fast after not playing for a week

Then why he's top pick in pro games?

She's used in 70% of the matches because she's balanced. Not every hero is supposed to have a a very specific role and a quirk, she's just good at everything. Not excellent, good. Her ult is too good though, I agree, maybe there can be done something here. She's good in divecomp. She's good in deathball. She's good on def. She's good on offense. She's just good and that's okay.

>while she flies like a pregnant cow in the air spamming rockets
It's fucking sad how slow Pharah actually is and how the game is basically set up to fuck her mobility as much as possible. She literally cannot stand on any sloped surface since they all make you slide off and the game's maximum flight ceiling won't even let you clear most of the buildings in most maps. Add to that how fucking slow she is and how everything she does has a clear tell and you end up with a shit character people still have trouble with because they just absolutely refuse to look up and shoot their fucking guns.

Legion was doomed no matter what. None of the legacy staff is on the game anymore, let alone at Blizzard.
It's all just nu-males like Celestalon and Jeff Kaplan now.

>all these shit DPSs calling Pharah a "team effort"

Holy shit, please stick to supports while those of us that can aim deal with her.

That said, quit tilting your DPS by expecting them to prevent her from ever firing a rocket or two in your direction.

She heavily rewards team play and prevents burst damage.

Shoot her head. If she's constantly hiding she's useless, Pharah has low burst damage and easy to dodge projectiles, she won't kill shit if she constantly has to go back in cover. You just can't aim.