What's the most philosophical game?
What's the most philosophical game with its own original ideas?
What's the most philosophical game?
What's the most philosophical game with its own original ideas?
For the most philosophical game I'm going with Bloodborne, which is interested in exploring the hubris of man and how it applies to theological assumptions about the cosmos, transcending bestial existence and the world as will, consciousness and representation.
As for the most philosophical game with original ideas, I don't know.
it's had enough finding philosophies with original ideas that aren't covered in your standard PHIL101 textbook
Metal Gear Solid 2 is extreme philosophy tier, both in theory and execution.
Metal Gear Solid V is the most philosophical game with original ideas (dealing with the fact you're the player and you start to personify the character over time, is it really the character at that point or just you? Where does one start and the other end? etc). The unfinished status only enhanced the story one could tell about the game.
Planescape: Torment had a lot of philosophy in its dialogue. They weren't the least bit subtle about it.
Skyrim gets pretty philosophical until you meet the Greybeards
t. pseudo-intellectuals
At the very least, none of you mentioned some trash game like Xenogears.
The Talos Principal
Post some games then
How the hell is Deus Ex up there everytime I mention it to casuals they have no idea of it. The rest I can get
I hope you're merely pretending. MGS2 is full of sci-fi tropes and postmodernist cliches that were really popular some time before it released. It was embarrassing in theory and the execution was lazy and unimaginative as shit.
the list is probably relative to Sup Forums's opinions.
Bloodborne is shit tier in terms of philosophy my man just like the reddit-tier author they took inspiration from. Even Lovecraft knew he was shit compared to the likes of Hodgson.
Bioshock 1 was a wonderful game at the time that it came out.
It makes me sad that games haven't progressed past Bioshock 1 in a long while.
Let's talk about CHIM
Stop sucking Bioshock's dick, it was a consolised version of System Shock 2 you babby
probably barkley, shut up and jam: gaiden: chapter 1 of the hoopz barkley saga
That one under the sea robot game had the philosophy about idenity and mind and consciousness,
If by "consolized" you mean "better in every way", sure
The Witness, mostly the secret videos within the game, but theres a whole 'feng shui' about the place.
Any of you play The Talos Principle? Fairly basic, but still pretty interesting philosophy it tackles. Milton Library Assistant is a pretty based character.
Nah, The Witness had zero original ideas to share.
That game was pretentious trash.
Except Planescape Torment is actually good
As far as the puzzles went, its pretty decent.
The environment puzzles and videos were meh at best, sure. but that doesn't make it a bad game.
show me another game which has puzzles similar to the witness, im not being condescending i really want more puzzle games similar to the witness's puzzles
They took inspiration from a lot of places, including Plato and Faust.
>its own original ideas
There is no such thing in this day and age, user.
What games let me understand Hegel?
Spec Ops the Line or Undertale, probably, since they actual play into the interactivity of the medium.
I guess Majora's Mask as well though that's only realy true in analysis, not in message.
Also this
What's philosophical about playing into the interactivity of the medium?
The Beginner's Guide is kinda up there, although it's hard to sit through the dev's self-wanking which is the entirety of the game
Faust wasn't a philosopher. Faust wasn't even a real person.
Just in terms of ideas, it had nothing to share. It had the videos, which I thought didn't fit with the medium of a game at all (seriously one of them is like an hour long, that's stupid), and the audio logs, which were just excepts from things written by other people. AS I said the Witness had no original ideas to share.
Fuck off, Aidan.
There is no "philosophical" game. The philosophy of a game depends upon the player, how do you describe the game or how does it speak to you? To some it does not speak at all, to others it won't shut the hell up.
I can think of one game. It felt like a dream, still does in fact. It had a philosophical spin because it was like a mythos, a comparison of our world that doesn't try to relate directly but rather you must relate to it. You forge yourself in tedium or excitement. You are free, but you are also responsible for yourself. If you fail it is your own fault, if you succeed it your of your own merit. Though fate does play a part in it through rng, and dare I say there's a divine hand at work with someone the things people have pulled off. The player is not the center of story, or at least they weren't back when I played. They were average, less than that, a stranger in a strange land. The player had to create themselves by being themselves, they could not take on a persona which was not their own simply because the game would not facilitate you being anyone but your inner self. The only way you had fun in "pretending" was in letting out your inner child, your imagination could run wild. This is what made the game so perfect, it tapped into something, it gave you mental "youth" again. And to have such perspectives juxtapose, that is a truly great feat. The game empathized hard work, putting in the effort, playing the numbers, individualism, audacity, and boldness. It never took itself too seriously either, so you never felt too invested in something "artificial" your investment was purely of your own making. The world had little value aside from what you made of it. Though I am sentimental about it because it was such a comfy game.
This game granted a perspective upon life much like a great novel or piece of religious literature.
I said places, not people. I was trying to say that there's a lot more influences than Lovecraft and some of them are very well regarded.
>hmm I wonder how I can yous today
>lets shit on every game Sup Forums likes, then I get loads of Yous and can show my leddit bros and get those sweet upboats
I would otherwise say Planescape: Torment, but its narrative is very much intended more to entertain by telling stories than it is to make commentary. While its prose is well-written enough to have a good depth to it and it uses philosophy as a theme in a lot of the writing, it isn't written with the purpose of making you the reader actually think about existence and values as much as it is to interest you with concepts relating to philosophical matters.
Faust isn't a place either.
I know that. Neither is Plato.
pretty much this
The job of an artist/dev is obviously to make us feel, that of the philosopher to think; the other way around is why manchildren are forever drowning in bad art and bad philosophy, since they can't even figure out the purpose of any of these things.
Do you see now how retarded it is to seek enlightenment in art/vidya and entertainment in philosophy instead of the other way around?
Do you know how difficult it is for actual philosophers to come up with original concepts, nevermind people who are barely even interested in it (devs)?
to the moon xD
Now I will here say something, no no!, I will say something that will shock you here *sniff* but isn't it strange that video games *sniff*, eh, eh, are seen in this sort of , eh, *sniff* post-modern, anti-intellectual context *sniff* only children play games blabla, and here I am absolutely brutal *sniff* but I claim that behind this friendly facade of oh I'm just playing a game, there is, eh, a much more sinister truth and so on
Wait, The Talos Principal is a philosophical game. All I remember about the game is that it a puzzle game with voice over from Serious Sam.
FF13 with its play of power vs free will.
yes. and i think talos is the most philosophical game there is. its about being robot and having ideas about being robot. there is a lot of text about it through the game. and it really makes you think. every article in the computers
anyone who didnt play the talos, they should play immediately
Ultima IV to Ultima VII, there is no doubt about this. Lord British essentially invented his own ethic codex, toyed around with it and based a couple of games on the different concepts and applications of said system.
Well, both spec ops and undertale play with the philosophy behind player/character agency and how interactity and game storytelling/mechanical conventions play into that.
why not both?
I knew one of you faggots would be in here. God I hate you Obshitian shills.
>its about being robot and having ideas about being robot.
its about being robot and having ideas about being Serious Sam.
I mean the game was clearly about Serious Sam training up robots to become Serious Sam bots. As for the computers in the game, all I ever did with those thing was talk to an ai and piss it off.
Also dem cat jokes.
Overall it a 9/10 puzzle game that never took it self seriously.
wiseguy eh?
Bless you and any other Zizek-posters out there
Let's talk about transfer of consciousness and the self.
Even the greatest vidya philosophers are, at best, mediocre philosophers.
KH series makes every philosopher look like a bumbling retard.
>what can change a man?
Is probably the best it gets to making you think about your own personal belief
CODA, has some interesting stuff too. Also the idea in elderscrolls you can go to space and breathe without any kind of extra apparatus, as long as you REMEMBER to breathe is pretty amusing.
implementing existing philosophical ideas into a game isn't really a bad thing
These honestly
I feel like Bioshock deserves a mention just for exploring the idea of free will in the absolute perfect medium for it, Stanley Parable was basically more on the nose, self aware, spoonfed version of the same subject.
KH is romantic fairy-tale nonsense, like FF and Disney.
>implementing existing philosophical ideas into a game isn't really a bad thing
True but that becomes irrelevant when you realise that the best philosophy that could ever be implemented by a game is to realise its potential to provide pleasure as an artwork,
>only as an aesthetic phenomenon are existence and the world justified
How about Darkest Dungeon?
Replace your heroes with workers and think of delving dungeons as a professional company's job and... Bam! You realize life is like that.
So many themes strewn through the game. It is based on a short story but since the writer helped with the game, I consider them the same work.
We just have to wait for based Dr. McGucken to get to work on his exalted games and then the question will be easy to answer
Fuck off Schopenhauer, you miserable fuck.
>dealing with the fact you're the player and you start to personify the character over time
I never realized this and it's all coming back to me at once
I am the demons
>own original ideas
pretty much impossible at this point
This. Unless you have conceived a world such that you'd require a new philosophy to make sense of, it's impossible to create a new one.
>Fuck off Schopenhauer, you miserable fuck.
You can get rid of the pessimistic-sounding language and it would still be true: the best mindset to experience the world with, is to treat it as the all-compassing game. Agonistic pleasure.
Kreia is literally Jedi Socrates, forcing you to double-guess your every move
nigga you were playing with the Serious DLC activated you absolute retard
yeah i was wondering if he was joking but i think he was not
>Streamlining and cutting important content constitutes improving
Execute yourself
Planescape: Torment but it's babies first nihilism. Still good though, I liked the stuff with the Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon.
This. Top quality game overall
what a fantastic cover
>when Sup Forums users are actually trying to look intelligent
this is actually painful to read
>all using big words and none of the posts are actually coherent
I think it might be a joke
The only intelligent post was and it was virtually ignored.
Dark Souls
Persona 3
If you don't know why you shouldn't even be asking the question
man i sure am ready to encounter all these lenin-quoting vampires
BioShock 1, if you look at the backstory of Rapture instead of the player’s narrative.
It’s basically a criticism of extreme Libertarianism in the form of Randian Objectivism
>Authoritarianism and persecution breeds a generation of people who seek to be free from it
>Russian Communists persecute Ryan
>German Nazis persecute Tenenbaum
>Imperial Japanese persecute Suchong
>All of them go off and, despite trying to break the cycle of oppression, become the oppressors themselves, because they seek to do so outside of traditional morality.
>Ryan becomes a dictator
>Tenenbaum does Nazi-ish experiments on children
>Suchong makes his living destroying lives with Adam-based drugs
Elon Musk talks about it’s display of the Hegelian dialectic here - jalopnik.com
In lots of ways, Bioshock is similar to SS2. But the setting and story is nothing alike. Only the plot elements.
SS2 was about collectivism vs. individualism (The Many vs. SHODAN)
BioShock did most of its stuff better though. Only things I really missed about SS2 were the inventory management and weapon degradation.
ITT: the books i read in college are better than your books
it's about as philosophical as facebook inspirational quotes
>philosophy can't make you feel
>art can't make you think
Amateurs, all of you
this game was neat but so short and pathetically easy