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Video Games #3680
Video Games
Gaming is dead
ITT: Games that killed their Series
Looks pretty good famalam
Will the hell house survive the FF7 remake?
How does a game series with silly anime kids and Disney characters manage to take you on such an emotional...
Rank the Rare 3D platformers
Terrible janky animations and clipping
What are some good game where i can be a mouse?
Well, what to get, Sup Forums?
Fuck this stupid BITCH
Bloodborne experience thread
Fire Emblem Heroes
ITT : Characters with good writing, playability...
What is the fastest you've ever gone from opening the game up to requesting a refund
Should i play this with English dub or Mexican dub?
Mitsuda recording songs for XC2 with a Celtic ensemble, having a bigger role than XC1
Guerrilla Games
Review embargo doesn't lift until March 2nd
Tfw you used your mother's credit card to buy 90 dollars worth of games
I love Nier Automata's tryhard edgy marketing. Reminds me of 90's MTV
Turn Based RPG Recommendation
Anyone every get their ISP banned?
Enter match
Morrow wind online
300 word essay due tomorrow
Why aren't you playing again now that Johto update has finally rolled out?
Alright not tryint to meme here
Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much?
League of legends appreciation thread
What are some games where I can be a dove
Ivy and Samus
*Blocks your path*
Are you going to buy Horizon Zero Dawn, Sup Forums? Or are you too proud to admit you were wrong, again?
What videogames let me attack with my butt?
This is officially the trendiest gamer in the entire industry
What game is this?
Sup Forums eternally BTFO
SFV Discussion thread
"Good night guys!"
Girl joins the guild
If you don’t marry her you’ll watch her live out her life lonely and alone...
Things that made you quit a game
Steam playtime thread
What the fuck was this thing?
Pcpartpicker thread
Breath of the Wild could literally leak at ANY MOMENT
FFXV 60fps
Tales of Berseria
What happened to cheat codes, bros?
What went wrong
The villain is you from the future
Tfw just found a mouse in my house
Playing a game on an emulator doesn't feel right!
Nintendo Switch Zelda other hastags
Team starts losing and people yell at me for being bad
RE6 comes out
ISP warns you mid game about your data usage
Which one did you pick and why?
Boss ignores core gameplay mechanics
Press 'x' for destroying the entire universe
Oh shit, Karen brought her stupid Nintendo thing to the party again. We’re DRINKING, Karen. We’re having CONVERSATIONS
Damn. Look at these incredible boss designs
That look on your face tells me you have no recollection of me, however
Man this game looks amazing! Best graphics I've ever seen hands down. Only on PC
The Sess is after you, and only the last video game character you played as stands in his way
This is how a system seller triple A game should perform
Let's play game Sup Forums. You like games, right?
Friend with a good PC gets this
What do you think of the MUs in recent Fire Emblem games...
What went wrong?
Whats her name Sup Forums?
I'll be honest. I admit i'm rather annoyed that this game is getting good reviews...
Here's your game back, bro
Is this fun?
Apparently, Karen showed up at that recent Switch event. Is she officially a part of the Nintendo Expanded Universe now?
Yakuza 0 is amazing
Brb smoke
At what age should men stop playing videogames?
*teleports behind u*
ITT: So-called "villains" who did literally nothing wrong
Will we ever get to see a new Soulcalibur game? If we do, should it be 6 or a proper full on reboot?
I can understand liking it. But how the hell is this anyone's favourite game...
What's the best guardian spirit? Also, talk Nioh
For once I don't feel like making a b8 thread and would like to discuss these two games seriously
Some may call it 'rehashing' but I like it when sequels revisit locations from past games
This is Ashly Burch. Her new game Horizon: Zero Dawn comes out next week...
What the fuck is this shit?
Can someone red pill me in this game (And nier)?
Is it worth getting this console if I want to play :
Halo wars 2
Now that the dust has settled, and the Mega Man-babies are done throwing their little tantrum...
What the fuck was her problem?
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Mass Effect Andromeda
ITT: OH YEAH, that happened
So Mr. user, do you have any hobbies?
Die to the assassin in your home town, supposed to be an tutorial
Ugh. This boss. Blemish on an overall great game
This game is just plain masochiostic
Sup Forums plays Advance Wars
You plan on buying any new vidya figurines,Sup Forums?
What makes Link so... Link?
Todd is working on 3 new games
Game that had the biggest influence on your life?
When was the last time you made a friend from a multiplayer game?
Japan level
Why is it so boring, Sup Forums?
One Game Is Already Too Big for the Switch's Internal Memory
This console has been out 3 coming onto 4 years and they have only released 2 games for it...
Do any of you ever get tired of all the console war BS?
So, who would you say is the sexiest female character in video games?
Has Peach's design finally reached perfection?
The last video game character you played as has to kill this man. How do they fare?
PS Vita
Hey Sup Forums, what's your opinion about Planescape: torment?
Which is scarier for a horror game in your opinion?
Total War
>Horizon Zero Dawn got a higher score than Nioh
Why can't I get stable 1080p 60fps even in older games?
*blocks your path*
Mass Effect 2
I can't think of a single console game with graphics this good
This is a 15 year old suicidal Japanese NEET with severe social anxiety and a dead mother
Saw this earlier. Managed to claim best Koopaling
Is cheating in single player games wrong?
PS4 Emulator
He didn't pre order the GOTY
Why are indie devs so lazy when it comes to pixel art?
Holy fucking shit it comes out next week guys
Redpill me on this guy, Sup Forums. Is he a more credible critic than ign?
What's your fave room in the classic Resident Evils?
Bogpill me on pc gaming
Are you man enough to carry a Rorona bag around town?
Will it get ported to the PS4?
Why is WaW the perfect shooter?
Does Sup Forums like shmups that aren't Touhou?
What's your favorite Mario Party MINGAME?
Godlike soundtracks!
Are you ready for it Sup Forums
Is he a bad guy
What is the most patrician FPS?
Walk up to a save point
Yay! I just beat zelda switch!
I've never played one of those dating sim things
Watch my channel with adblock off
Nier Hype train
Admit it: You're going to buy it
The year is 2017
Why must us Berserk fans suffer so much?
Degenerates like you belong in a New Vegas thread
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever
You are going to love this
Relatively unknown/underadvertised indie game Night in the Woods is released tomorrow at steam for $20 after 4 years of...
What are some games that appeal to LGBT players?
Only 60.000 copies sold LOL
Will Japan ever stop with their pandering to pedophiles...
Anyone else going to buy this game out of principle?
Game is all about going fast
ITT: Fuck you I like it
Physical version is rare and overpriced due to collectorfaggotry
So now that Automata has confirmed English text in the Japanese version, are you going to get it in 2 days?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
46 years old
What the actual fuck Sup Forums you disappointed me
Best FPS games
Wait, why was he arrested? There was no evidence
Hello I have been in a coma for 5 years and I am now catching up to what I missed on PC
You are tasked with making a supernatural game
ITT: We name our all-time favorite exclusive
Hey Sup Forums former WayForward employee here
Am i right?
ITT: Post a seemingly ordinary item. Have others give examples of games where its used to great effect
What fighting games feature characters with OP, broken mechanics that will never, ever be fixed?
Friendly reminder to never add someone from Sup Forums
Ragnarok Online has fallen so low it now has a furry race
Physical or digital?
Why does the 3ds.library lack compared to the ds?
"consoles can't have stunning graphi-"
Since pirating has been taking a hit lately with Black Cats going down how have you been pirating? What site do you use?
Jack is the best villain in all of RE
Hi guys new to video game thread
I loved Far Cry 3 and Primal, do you think I would like Horizon? I've got a 50€ gamestop guft card to burn...
Thinking it's okay to buy a non-Japanese Nintendo Switch just because it's region-free
What is the most obscure or bizarre glitch you have ever found while playing a video game?
Tales of Berseria
What happened to Samus between Brawl and Sm4sh?
Sir what is going on there?
So, you think you're ready to become a Bowman?
Post your face when not Ashley Burch
The fat man speaks
What's the best stat in vidya
Dark Souls
Mobile gaming
Best FO
How accurate is this?
Do you prefer top or bottom?
DF - Horizon is a 'technical masterpiece'
Fucking Christ
Daily reminder
Already started this 3 times before I got bored because is too frustrating (I´m playing it on hard because it says is...
Fuck the Nintendo Switch
PC Gaming
The only below 7.0 score comes from a SJW weaboo who was hired on Feb 14 to be "Assistant Editor"
Making a 2D MORPG
This PC game's graphics are literally off the chart! My 980ti is loving it
Take vidya quote
Comfy Switch thread
Where were you when Valve won everything?
Itt: games that aged like water
Steam profile pic thread
This is a hobo
BoTW Hype / General
Brain thread
I have such a huge crush on Sophie holy shit
Dont Trust Horizon Reviews
Is this really as bad as people say it is?
Which League of Legends character has best tits?
3DS thread
Risk of Rain
Nvidia fanboy murders AMD fanboy
The cut content/cancelled games that hurt you the most
Have video games impacted your health in any noticeable way?
Where is your game?
Heroes of the Storm
Have you ever read a good video game fanfic?
Why doesn't China into video games?
Nintendo Sued the PMDT
Be honest Sup Forums, do you regret buying an xbox one?
Keep it vidya, Sup Forums
Demon's Souls was amazing
Should kiddos be banned from vidya?
Another breath of the wild thread. I'm liking these
Despite its relatively simple rules, Go is very complex, even more so than chess...
Does "so bad it's good" apply to video games?
How is this game getting so many high scores?
Explain this
Friends are friends
Who's gonna end up profiting from this?
What went so horribly, irreparably wrong?
Its another Fuze accidentally kills the hostage match
My local
It's another "I want to play a game but nothing comes to mind that sounds fun" day
Who's your favorite male vidya character Sup Forums?
Is this our game?
This game is coming out in 3 weeks
Top 10 Games
Post worthless party members
Games that aged like bread
Have you ever taken a handheld outside to play games with?
+++ DONT BUY +++Horizon Zero Dawn is an anti-white, sjw multicultural dream +++ DONT BUY
I never played much of the Mass Effect games, but I always had an interest in Jack. ME3 version, preferrably...
Well Sup Forums? What Icon are you picking?
PC version of Nier delayed will also possibly include intrusive DRM
What are some good DS games to play on my phone?
Jim Sterling wants you to pirate Nintendo content
Playstation V
Torment thread
Why are all the normies flocking to 0 praising it and shit?
What went so fucking wrong, sonybros?
Can we all just play on a vanilla minecraft server like we used to?
Meanwhile on normie-Sup Forums
Has Sony killed Zelda?
Only played Disgaea 1 and 2 about 10 years ago. How is Disgaea 5...
More like BREASTS of the wild am I right? Lmao
Games that you weren't sure actually existed
Game is panned by critics but loved by the audeince
How do you propose fixing the horror genre?
Why It's Morally Okay To Pirate All Of Nintendo's Games
Killzone studio gets rave reviews for finally making a non-Killzone game
Why do normalfags like the Switch so much?
Do you get mad at videogames?
10 minutes in and I can already see why this game got shat on
Play a female character
What strategy games have you been playing Sup Forums?
Don't you just hate it when that happens?
So, who was the target audience for this sort of puzzles?
We need to send a message to Capcom and Inafune that Mega Man is NOT dead! If we support Rozenkruzestilette enough on...
Would you rather the game had been delayed until the holidays?
Why does sony aleays get all the good exclusives?
And so Eli, Psycho Mantis Jr. and a bunch of African child soldiers stole the most advanced weapon in the world...
Are we hyped for Breath of The Wild? Will it be better than Horizon?
Yakuza 0
I want to buy it to play Zelda but the disturbing lack of games is putting me off
Come up with a trilogy that is ranked in each possible order without ties
It's going to suck because this area looks like Sonic Adventure
When was the exact moment that you realized Nintendo is a dead company walking...
Filename thread
Reminder that if you buy Horizon: Zero Dawn you are giving money to Ashly Burch...
My girlfriend and I are moving away from WoW due to a recent falling out with out guild
You play a bully and you have to attack nerds??? WHAT THE FUCK?!
So will there ever be a third game in this series?
Just an 88?
ITT: Shitty free to play MMOs you played as a kid
Dark Souls
What did pcucks mean by this?
Antagonist is justified in his actions and arguably more in the right than the protagonist
Sony loses another exclusive
There's magic in Fallout now
Witcherfags actually defend this
Foxconn leaked benchmark numbers have been translated. Who the fuck knows if its maxwell or pascal or X1 or X1.5 or X2...
Fire Emblem Heroes
Save gaming
Call > Roll
You guys ready for Phil Fish 2.0?
Will Nintendo Switch be good for tate mode shmups?
Switch Preorders, post em!
Blizzard nerfs him every patch
What did he mean by this? The way he delivered this line full of vemom and hatred left me cold blooded
Sup Forums's general thoughts on Vagrant Story?
Is this the fate of video games? Just check off every modern open world game trope and get stellar reviews?
ITT: Games only you played
What does Sup Forums think of For Honor?
Conan Exiles
Did IGN redeem themselves?
At this point it's just humiliation
ITT: games you like that Sup Forums generally hates
Let's talk about Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour
Game takes places in a fictional fantasy world
Are videogames art?
Yeah, Nintendo Switch is the Xbox E3 2013
/v utterly and completely blown the fuck out by gamespot
Hey Sup Forums I have some Sonic Mania information
Ys VIII confirmed for Steam release Fall 2017
Is vehicular combat genre kill?
YFW Sup Forums was wrong... again!
Kirby Thread
Horizon: Zero Chances (for Zelda)
The youtube channel that destroyed the fun of video games
What's the best emulator to play re2 that doesn't have problems? tried psx and it won't load past a cutscene with sherry
"It looks like we really are the last of us, huh?"
NIOH thread I guess
Why It's Morally Okay To Pirate All Of Nintendo's Games
What are some SUPER FUN character builds for me to play?
Why did they have to bring him back? No one likes fighting this boring faggot
Were they gay?
Trico is one of the greatest video game characters ever made
Mafia 3
Defend this
Nier Automata delayed due to PC Piracy
But you've already paid $/£/€50 for the year, right?
So we can all agree that Switch + PS4 is the master race, right?
U guys ar cool
What happens to Sup Forums if it flops?
This guy is neo-Sup Forums incarnate
Pc getting 10+ year old console ports while sony gets games like nioh and yakuza
Why havent you played the Legend of Dark Witch, Sup Forums?
Would you rather play as a cute boy or a cute girl?
Sup Forums tells you a game is good
What is Sup Forums's opinion on overwatch?
Sup Forums suddenly is defending SJW weaboos. Not even neogaf went this low
Finally land an interview for a nice career
I'm Redfield
Why are there absolutely no video games coming out of such a massive country with population of 1 billion?
Every dev should learn from based Poland Dev, especially Nintendo and their shady DLC deals lately
Angry joe gives zero dawn a perfect score
Why aren't you playing her game, Sup Forums?
You guys know video games are free if you just pirate them, right?
Which Tenchu should I play, Sup Forums?
Switch pre-order canceled
Vidya confessions
He bought a wii u
Ken-sama in musou stars
Let's have a Dwarf Fortress thread
Games that if they were announced would make you buy a switch there and then?
You bought Kat's game right Sup Forums?
Switch is a great investment. Buy one now...
Tales of Berseria
Fashionable T-Shirts
Noo! Miku, why?
26fps in a simple house
So, been thinking about getting this for a friend for b-day. Friend mentioned liking games with dragons, like skyrim...
Path splits in dungeon
/v btfo!!!!
>USGamer gives Horizon a 50
He's /ourguy/ right?
Keep saving up potions in games because i might need them eventually
Horizon Zero Dawn
Why aren't YOU playing the Elder Scrolls online?
Get to play a game again after sustaining a hand injury
All memes aside lifelong pc user here. I never played a sony exclusive game...
Now that even most reliable journalists gave Horizon stellar scores...
It's not as good the second time
Andromeda seems to be having the best gameplay the franchise is ever gonna get
Do people really not know what Mario's last name is? It's Jumpman
So this is the power of the ps4 huh?
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
Capcom used to have a bad rep for milking their series. now they don't do that anymore. are we better off like that...
Holy shit is this game terrible
World of Warcraft
This autistic guy said vidya isn't art. What do you think?
Unpopular opinions thread
Create female character
Representations of Diversity in Games (2017) survey
AMD CPU is the real deal
3D platformers on Steam ?
What's going to be the next Overwatch event and why is it Summer Solstice/Beginning of Summer event?
Have you secured your unique user ID?
So who is excited for pic related tomorrow?
It's a dps thinks he can win the game by himself episode
How can we fight against SJW vidya?
I want to buy a Switch
8.8 means it's shit
Pay your respects you degenerates
PC will getting this too right?
Replay a game
Vidya fetishes
That guy who actually picks Mario in the Mario spinoff games
The vr killer has spoken
Why are these things always so shit in video games?
How am I supposed to take this game seriously as a horror game when the player character is armed to the teeth and goes...
Xbox One is literally tumbling down
Holy fuck this game is awful
Why noone is talking about pic related?
Is there any vidya where I can be an elf and do elf things?
What are some games that let me indiscriminately use artillery?
This is a new trailer for Blue Reflection, a PS4 game coming out next month in Japan
Let's talk old sidescrollers
Post Vidya Ideas & Others Rate Them
The PS4 only has one good exclusive, it's not worth buying
So this is on sale right now on Steam and I decided to play it
Creator of mega man leaves Capcom's vice grip to work alone
Bow before me, Sup Forums. You were wrong once again
Has Luck ever been a viable primary stat in any game?
Call me when Fatal Frame 5 will be playable
Why are people so mean in online games?
Why are swedes so good at video games?
Why did Crysis 2 have such a good soundtrack, but such average gameplay?
Play RE Revelations 2
I'm starting to worry Zelda will score worse than Horizon because it doesn't have a female protagonist...
Yes. Andromeda. Have to wait. Can't make informed decision as of yet
Resident Evil 6 was a "success", according to Capcom...
Game begins with the final battle
MMO's Cont
Was this the start of vidya as kino?
What are your honest thoughts about Path of Exile?
So speed runs are a thing
Itt: Times Sup Forums got BTFO
How is RE7 going "back to roots" when the lead characters in RE1-6 were all highly trained elites...
If a game like this can get 9 and above it just goes to show how fucking biased the industry is
Whats a game you replay every year or so Sup Forums?
It's over. Sony won
Humans can pick any class
What is a videogame for smart people?
Nintendo Switch
The Last Remnant
Do you have a favorite pokemon?
RE1 has its own charm that RE:Make lacks. The thing about REmake though is it looks unnaturally colored...
Ywn outline her body with your hands
Vidya cringe thread
Only ten days until everyone suddenly loves Skyward Sword
Explain this waste of material
Neo-Sup Forums will defend him
Between these two item descriptions is Miyazaki trying to illustrate that although the Will of man may want for truth...
I will give Nintendo praise if Link is actually staring at Zelda's ass during this scene
Early Nintendo Switch Systems Stolen And Illegally Resold, Nintendo Says
Well v, what do you do?
Steam profile pics
It's another fifth retard picks a fourth dps episode
This is the optimal way to play fighting game
*5 minutes remaining*
Wake me up inside
Nioh was released on february 7th
144hz or 60z
Click on a twitch stream
Why is video games so appealing to losers?
Holy shit Square...this looks FUCKING AMAZING. ATB combat, except you don't just stand there spamming Circle all day...
Why aren't you playing video games right fucking now?
This can't be happening, Sup Forumsbros. THIS IS NOT FAIR! PAID REVIEWS. FAKE NEWS!
Yay! I just beat zelda switch!
Why can't normies appreciate this masterpiece?
Wonder who I'm going to romance in andromeda
User, be gentle... I'm a virgin
About to play this for the first time, what can I expect?
Gen 3 was the best Pokemon gen, prove me wrong
Most people who post on Sup Forums nowadays had a 360 as their first console
Do you bring your gaming handhelds out to play in public?
Going UP
Post your favorite vidya and be judged by others
Why can't we kill kids in videogames?
Say it with me
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
This is final
This is easily the toughest boss fight in Dark Souls. Makes O&S look easy
Why wasn't Ganon in the game?
Sup Forums like it's 2000
Goobergate 2.0
Trails of Cold Steel 3
How fast can Sup Forums type?
10 more days until the Switch launches
Is it worth it on sale? If yes, Should I get it with Heavensward or just the base game? If not, why?
Xtreme 3
Afro Samurai
Is it wrong to murder Thalmor?
*Blocks your path*
Why does everyone here shit all over the mere idea of an open world game?
Is there a point in buying this at launch?
There is now no excuse not to get into Danganronpa
How come a 13 year old game still has better facial animations than most modern AAA games?
Horizon get 9/10
Need some opinions on a new computer desk. I'm looking to buy one tomorrow, preferably less than $200...
Sup Forums
Why don't you play Dragon's Crown anymore?
Why don't you talk about me Sup Forums? did I disappoint you that bad?
At any stage did you think you were wasting time on Vidya?
Post your Steam avatar and rate others
So after this flops and only sells third of Horizon, will Nintendo bury Zelda just like they did with Metroid?
Post your vaporwave game ideas
This is a 9.3 game in 2017
What does Sup Forums think about this game?
The fact this game is getting near perfect scores is really showing that gaming is going downhill
Dying Light
What did you guys think about metal gear rising?
How do you expect Sonic Mania to compare to the 5 classic Genesis games?
Dawn of War 3
What are some games where I can bribe journalists to give my bad propaganda piece and even worse game glowing reviews?
What's the most philosophical game?
This PC game has some graphics that are amazing that I've never seen before...even on consoles
What exactly was the Forest Temple?
Name a better shooter
Decide to give the Baldur's Gate """enhanced edition""" a shot
How can Sup Forums recover?
What's your excuse for not being total dick to the people in the online games?
First Skyward Sword, now this?
A Sonic 06 reference
How does this make you feel, Sup Forums?
The dark hour
This is a noble Hoshidan warrior, and also a beautiful princess...
What are your favorite games within a game?
Horizon Zero Dawn
Witcher 3 Fans Confirmed For Wish Fulfillment Nerds
Ask the monolith anything
I can't wait to go with Kenny, only for him to be sidelined for Mintberry Crunch
I'd be fine with a MD like translation as long as I understand the basic gust of what's going on rather than not at all
Playing online
Quick question: is Lúcio as fun in Overwatch as he is in Heroes of the Storm?
Don't mind me
Game calls this a football
Horizon Zero Dawn
Haxor skill
Mfw sonycucks will still defend Horizon
What was the greatest moment in video game history?
Be fucking careful around skilled conquerors!
Nintendo needs to let Pikmin go
Do any of you rage while playing?
Visiting a video game company
Am I Furr y trash for fapping to her game
Cliffhanger ending
How can console peasants even compete?
ITT: characters that were mistakes
So which game should I purchase for my PS4 Sup Forums?
If you haven't made a game
Filename thread
How's your new game coming along, Sup Forums?
ITT: Greatest vidya puzzles
What old school fps game should I get? There's so many, but I wanna pick one that would keep me entertained
Just bought Europa Universalis IV, can I get some starting advice?
Do you fags think it's important that I play the first Nier game before Automata?
"Bethesda executive producer Todd Howard hints at three new ‘big’ titles on the horizon at the studio...
Games you thought only you played
They are at it again
Let's discuss video game girls. Why do you think people find themselves in love with favorite girls...
Persona 5
Am I a degenerate for liking Amy Rose?
Is there a single (2) game set in Michigan or the UP?
Quick post your idle animation Sup Forums
Axiom Verge?
Post good Vidya enemy design, regardless of the quality of the game it comes from
Why's she so cute, bros?
Berseria and the Tales Thereof
Here's your game back bro
Sup Forums Jeopardy
You're comparing yourself to me? Ha! You're not even good enough to be my fake!
Battlefield Thread
Well, Sup Forums?
Will you be getting Persona 5 in April?
Post some classic NX speculation shit
Tfw you can't stop playing this game
Why is nintendo so sjw these days
New James and Mike Monday!
Can anybody help me find the physical dimensions of the switch/joycon/dock/box it comes in...
Monster Hunter
If the reapers were capable of dark space travel, and had been alive for hundreds of millions of years...
Lets start this
Even Nu Male's Sky is better than Nintendo "beloved" series
Degenerates like you belong on a New Vegas thread
What are some games where players will bully me for being a piece of fucking shit?
The patch is out early and despite low expectations, the framerate seems to be staying near 60fps
Were you THAT kid, Sup Forums?
Why did they do this? Why the FUCK did they do this?
So why FFXV fuck itself?
Sup Forums do you have good reflexes and dexterity in your games?
Zelda killer and GOTY
Why is there no kart racers on PC besides Sonic transformed? Why is there no PC mario party...
Starting up New Vegas for the first time in a while. New build suggestions...
What games have fun, realistic Japanese swordsmanship?
I got this for PS4 for cheap. I also have Watch Dogs but haven't played it...
Haha, video games
How many failed consoles would it take for Nintendo's stock holders and financiers to force them to go 3rd party?
Why are you guys always sucking off this failed piece of junk company?
Game lets you make phone calls
Remember when Fire Emblem had dignity?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...