Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much?

Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much?

because Sup Forums both wants to return to the ps2 glory days of japanese gaming but also wants it on their western gaijinboxes

basically they r fukin dum and have rong opinions

Sony is american now

>Relevant Consoles
Pick one

why does what trigger Sup Forums?
dumb mspaint pictures?


What did he mean by this?


The Japanese are a busy people and much prefer mobile and handheld games to stationary consoles these days, apart from NEETs.

The only relevant western consoles since pre-crash days are the Xboxes

japan is so fucking casual it's not even funny

it's just plebbit being plebbit
happened to most boards over the years

Pccmaster seething because their $3000 box can't play a game that a $250 box can.

Reminder to post this whenever a Sonygger tries to make a bait thread

>western games

It's a fucking FACT that Japan makes better games, and it's a fucking FACT that Japan ONLY makes games for Sony. Fuck that west-a-cuck shit.

That's just sad

like the autistic screeching webm?
thank god I'm not THAT much of an autist


Why is this always played up so dramatically? No one petitioning is sitting crying and screaming for the game, they're just going "Yo, that looks cool can you bring it to PC?"

OP picture is very exclusive and also has 0 fps.

But Japan prefers Nintendo
Playstation is mostly popular in EU because they fucking love their Fifa

Im a pc gamer, and i could give 2 shits about weeb games.

Pic is me.

>"silent" strike
>stabs in a man in the chest with a spear from the front

thats not the point, but while we're at it have you ever seen console gamer beg for a pc game?

yea me neither

Kinda ironic when japs doujin games, aka the one that matters, are pc gaming true sons and daughters.

>But Japan prefers Nintendo

Yeah, look at all these Japanese third party games that are also on Nintendo's consoles.

more like they don't really get the chance to sit back and unwind

>take train to and from school or work
>take train to meet up with friends
>take train to go shopping
>take train for random mundane life shit

This is a better one if you want to rile up autists tbqh senpai

>that's what sonyggers consider a "silent" strike
Can't even make this shit up, sonyggers deserve to be banned

>what is the entire doujin game market

Wii U still outsold PS4 for a long time in Japan
And 3DS dominates over there

Playstation is only selling so well because EU fucking loves playing FIFA and Xbox committed suicide so all of the CoD and AssCreed normies got PS4 instead since their friends had one.

Again, where are the JAPANESE GAMES for the Wii U? Why are all THE PICTURED GAMES on the PS4, IF THE WII U OUTSOLD IT IN JAPAN?

>muh wrong opinions
fuck off this is not your safespace

>200% Camo Index

How many of the games in the picture you posted are both actually released and good?

BASED Pcucks living rent free in your head.

2 nukes weren't enough

Post the Barneyfag one please.

Reviews have mentioned how shit human combat is, yet it still scored highly in spite of that.

What now?

>it's shit if it's not on my platform

As for released, the only ones that aren't released are Zodiac Age, Dissidia, Exist Archive, DQ11, and Nier. Sony has ALL the Japanese games despite being outsold by Nintendo's console, why is that?

What now? The game is shit is what


not him but yakuza 0, bb, nioh, ffxv, nier automata(demo), dq builders and digimon are reallyfucking good

odins sphere, gr, atelier sophie and gundam breaker 3 are pretty much niche games but I loved em

haven't played the others yet
