How legit is this?
PS4 Emulator
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Is the list of 'playable' games mostly just multiplats that are also on PC?
Enjoy your bitcoin miner you fucking retard
Look for yourself I posted the link.
It says Bloodborne is playable and apparently it's the same people who made the PS2 emulator but idk how legit this is
>PS4 not even 3 years old
>over 76 games playable
Fake as fuck.
It's legit, I'm playing Bloodborne right now
I didnt download it you retard. just asking
Let's wait for a good PS2 emulator before jumping the gun.
fake and gay
Why the need to ask such a retarded question?
Probably a fraud
Do you remember lostboy.exe?
Of course it's real, only real emulators have a compatibility list
It's fake you fucking idiot. You have to be incredibely retarded to unironically ask here.
lol no, nigga
Just read their FAQ, they want your console ID or whatever the fuck it is. It's bulshitty as hell.
Yep it's real, I've been playing Bloodborne all weekend with it. Can't believe Sony tried to force me to waste $300 on this shit.
yes, it's true. Also ylu can download Bloodborne 2 here
Look OP I found BB PC fully playable. Is it legit?!
>ps4 emulator
>97 games
Its fake op. its too good to be true. The ps3 emulator is barely taking off. the newest ones are Citra[3DS] and Cemu[WiiU]
Enjoy your keylogger xoxo
>tfw Sup Forums said we would have fully working 360/ps3 emulators by 2014
I just want a decent ps3 emulator so I can finally play skate 3 again.
yes its legit, ive been playing it whole day
It's legit.
Who the fuck said that?
idiots like probably
is there a good xbox 360 emulator? i really want to play ninja gaiden 2
I know this particular example is fake as fuck, but
>people comparing this to PS2/PS3 emulation
Aren't the Xbone and PS4 theoretically much more simple to emulate taking their x86 based architecture into consideration? It's not like you have to jump through hoops like the Emotion engine or Cell processor bullshit.
I wonder if you can get PS4 software running on a PC though, when you get around the copy protection. The hardware is barely anything different than what's in your PC now.
Yeah just edit config.cfg and put "enablePC=true"
>download ps now
>use free trial
>download all ps3 games
>open games with notepad++
>find and change command
>change 'ps3' to 'pc'
>delete ps now
>play all ps3 games on pc
Sony are finished.
A PS4 emulator being actually functional would be some of the biggest news in vidya. You are retarded to think this actually works with nobody talking about it.
It's definitely a bitcoin miner.
To be fair, ps3 emulation is held back because it's cell based. In theory ps4 emulation would be easier to understand since it's x86 based but yea the whole thing is probably fake.