Meanwhile on normie-Sup Forums

meanwhile on normie-Sup Forums ....

Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina.

Me? Yeah im a big gamer, i got around 80 hours clocked in skyrim

>pcucks when they see sony masterrace talk about exclusives

You guys play the newest COD? I just got my first prestige :)

80 hours?! Is that over the course of like 3 years?

nice one user

>normie-Sup Forums
So, regular Sup Forums?

Been playing it almost every day, thats how i got to such a high number of hours

does anyone know how
To get more gems in clash of clams? ??

Do you play Destiny?

Everything's the same
>mfw been browsing Sup Forums and they're even more normie

Wowie!,video games have me beat.

who wants to shoot some hoops?

I don't like weeb games because I don't understand the appeal of grinding and waifushit

nothing would change
this shithole is already full of normies

Have you guys played For Honor? It's so fucking badass!! You can play huge vikings and throw people off ledge!

Seriously tho FH is dope

Not even normies play destiny anymore. They've all moved to battlefield 1.

I love Bruno Mars~!

Anyone want to play some csgo after school?

normies weeeeeee xd

*Glub Glub*

wait, shit. Did you say underwater Sup Forums?

My fetish is short hair

what is waifu?

Horizon is GOTY!!!


Switch preordered ;D

Horizon Zero Dawn looks AWESOME. I preordered it today. Yeah I'm a pretty fan of awesome stuff, and this definitely looks awesome. Nice to see that women characters can be awesome too!

Do normans play for honor?

Far Cry 4 was better than far cry 3 in small incremental ways, but enough to be superior


> browsing Sup Forums
> Outed yourself as a pedophile

Guys check out what I found on facebook, pretty much describes me LOL

i cant wait to play the new zelda with my girlfriend
man nintendo has the best games

Of course they do, it's a brand new AAA game so normies will flock to it.

Then they'll sell/trade the game because it's casual filter.

>browsing Sup Forums
That means you're the "normiest" of them all, normalfag.

thank you kind sir, i came here to post this now i can spend my time thanking someone instead of making that post

But user that's not "normal"


are you me? lol

That's /soc/ actually

thats the average normie belief irl ,faggot

Yeah! I've heard you get to fight robots with nothing but a bow, must be hardcore as fuck.

Transphobic scum. Die.


Yeah gotta play Fifa with the #senpai

good one sir it T O T A L L Y relates to me xDDD

Sooo... the truth?

i don't know this feel...

Literally me. Dead.

>screams subnauticly

Who's your favorite e-celeb guys? I really like northernlion and pat and woolie

A normie RP thread eh?
Great, now I have an excuse to use emoticons without getting yelled at or putting a ^ in it.
xD =)

Hey, howya doing?

Wow, have I really been here for 20 whole minutes? I'm gonna take a shower and get to work, later guys!

>everyone trying hard as fuck
>it's the same Sup Forums


Just came home from work, working on a stack of slapjacks from the ol' missus. Bought some powerups to beat Candy Crush level 379, it was tough nut. What level are my anonibros on?

feminazis disagree, you white privileged straight male

I just played a full match of CSGO. I'm pretty hardcore ain't I?

top kek

do you like Pokémon XD?

So what is your rank in overwatch ? Noobs

20 minutes? You might be addicted.

LOL, I'm such a nerd!!!

Man you guys are such nerds. LOL

Any anime girl.

People who don't have a girlfriend and watch anime should be lynched am I right bros? They could shoot up a school or something.

everything looks exactly the same

Have you guys ever considered masturbating to a video game character? Lol

Nothing's different. Sup Forums is already normie infested.

>tfw you get your first GF in high school and the first thing you do is take her to the computer lab to introduce her to the people you RP with on an Advance Wars forum
>tfw you get a second date

Quick, give me a meme image about suicidal depression and how I try my hardest to repress it with memes and ironic humor while knowing it's slowly killing me inside so I can post it on reddit and facebook!

You guys know any quick and easy games I can pick up and be good at without much effort?

Yeah dude total creepers man, just be chill you know?

Wtf no lol college and teen tag only haha

LOL! Fuck that nigga, das fuckin' gay af senpai. Get sum pussy instead you lil freak.

How do I beat the endless mode in Plants vs Zombies guys?

Overwatch is the best game ever

Why is that guy just a torso

Honestly, I genuinely think the Mass Effect series (Especially 3, despite common gamer whining) is the most incredible video game series ever made, and honestly may even transcend games to be considered genuinely one of the best stories ever told in any medium. But only if you play as FemShep. (By the way, can we PLEASE just call her "Shep" and call the male version MascShep? It's 2017 guys.) Honestly, I think Andromeda genuinely looks like a masterpiece already. It might honestly be the best game ever made.

Yeah but I haven't played since red an blue :/ all those new designs look too lame or edgy and i don't feel like memorizing all those new types -.-.

>Sensing that he was being mocked, the normie makes his appearance, humbling bragging to a bunch of losers on a video game imageboard.

Lol! Jk that's fucked up. Like those kids that jack it to those Chinese cartoons

is this loss?

This just describes Sup Forums as a whole

manly at Sup Forums

Cuz he's a Sup Forumset

lol, look at this nerd who doesn't like women who look like women.

I came here from a Reddit post

>tfw there's this one autist in my class who keeps raving about videogames
>tfw he has over 2000 hours in them
Like, how can someone even have that many hours in videogames? Don't these people have life? I play 1-2 hours a day, and even that's too much if you ask me.

>it's a "Sup Forums pretends it's not already the normalfag board on Sup Forums" episode

What are some awesome games every pc gamer should have played? Already played every valve game, GTA V, Skyrim, Fallout 4 and Rocket League

implying reddit is normier than Sup Forums nowadays

kys you pretentious faggot

I know right, like literally how can you not have a girlfriend?

>tfw you are too autistic to behave normally in regular Sup Forums

lol what are you?!

a 14 year old virgin!?

>2 hours a day
Holy shit lol. How do you have time to check your Facebook and snaps?

You are quite welcome. I posted that so someone didn't have to and instead spend their time thanking me for making said post. That way I could reply to their post thanking me and say "you are quite welcome."

Nioh is the Dark Souls of the Ninja Gaiden series.

lol are u a virgin or something?? looser haha

I don't get where you found anything approaching humble in my post.