Ps4Pro Will be getting a 60fps patch soon as well.
Why does sony keep winning?
Ps4Pro Will be getting a 60fps patch soon as well.
Why does sony keep winning?
I don't understand PC gamers. When Fallou 4 came out, it had so many bugs, glitches and frame drops it was unplayable. Still it reached 9/10 on steam in less than 72hours..
28 for a moment at worst. AND IT STILL LOOKS SO GOOD
Reasons horizon looks good:
>different ways to approach combat
>varied machine enemies
Reasons horizon looks bad:
>Terrible Dialogue
>Annoying Fetch Quests
>Tedious bandit fights
>cop out storyline(another user spoiled it for me)
Delete this, please?
>30 FPS
>has to use PS1 era Silent Hill fog to hide the lack of drawn distance
Are you bragging about 30 fps? Do Sonyggers see that as some sort of accomplishment?
Still far from 60fps.
>>cop out storyline(another user spoiled it for me)
please spoil it for me ill never play it but was wondering 'how society fell'
Alright so I'm paraphrasing because I can't find the other thread where it was spoiled but it basically goes like this:
>all humans Aloy encounters are actually machines(synths)
>humans have been gone for longer than you think
>animal like machines were built by humans to eradicate the synth's food source because apparently, the humans and synths didnt get along
>aloy has a choice at the end of the game
>Kill all animal like creatures or kill all synths
>the corruption stuff is never explained because they're planning for a sequel
Still better than Zelda
>30 fps
>sony wins again
Stream lag
Keep telling yourself that, Pumpkin
Some people actually play the game rather than staring at the FPS counter
>Kill all animal like creatures or kill all synths
So you can genocide all the nigger robots? Lmao Sup Forums's GOTY.
This sounds so retarded.
Sonyggers on suicide watch
And all white men are evil and one of the scientist is a hijab black girl who was wronged by stupid white males.
Why not have her get bullied by Asians, Women and other fucking scientists with different ethics?
Bragging about it being stable despite how good it looks.
>how good it looks
That's exactly what I thought when I was first told
sonyggers still on suicide watch
why the fuck would you choose to save the robot deer over the robot people?
i dont get it
dat samefag tho
>OP makes thread about how Horizon looks so good and runs so well with barely any hickups and perfect framepacing
>Insecure nintoddlers come flocking to this thread to show off their 2012 looking game.
This is so damn pathetic.
Nice damage control.
What the fuck are you even talking about m8? What damage control? The game i pre ordered looks insane and runs really good and get's 10/10 reviews all over the place.
Get fucked nintoddler.
>screenshot from a 480p stream of an indirect recording of the game running on a standard ps4 looks better than a bullshot on a NEW 2017 console.
I love it how all the anti-shills are now clamoring to come up with excuses now that Horizon, a trail blazing experience in so many respects, is getting the critical praise it deserves. Watching the same people who devoted so much time and energy to discrediting the game, from spreading lies, cherry-picking cutscenes, to streaming a disingenuous player who did everything within his ability to make the game seem bad, now try and justify how this game has an 88 metacritic score, higher than any monster hunter game has ever gotten, is so incredibly satisfying. What makes it better is that the most credible and worthwhile publications gave this game a perfect or nearly perfect score and only those irrelevant publications gave it lukewarm praise.
Face it, this game, from its varied combat, amazing graphics to the engaging narrative is a generation defining experience that will be regarded as an instant classic.