Already started this 3 times before I got bored because is too frustrating (I´m playing it on hard because it says is recomended), and I´m about to start a new game to try to finish it after all this time (bought it when it came out). What advices do you have for a mostly new player (the part where you first meet the alien is the longest I´ve played it)? I really want to like it, Sup Forums , everytime you guys talk about it I feel like playing it because I feel like I´m missing out a good game (I´m also a fan of the first two movies and Prometheus ), but I end up way more stressed than I thought every time I play it. Should I just lower the difficulty?
Already started this 3 times before I got bored because is too frustrating (I´m playing it on hard because it says is...
Also, is stress something you get use to the more you play this game? I can´t even read the emails or search for anything in the game without feeling nervous, I´m really not enjoying it like this
>I feel stressed and afraid in a game that's designed to stress and scare me what should I do :(((((
fuck off
Play on normal until you stop being a pussy.
You can also get over fear by just rushing to die until youre over it.
>Already started this 3 times before I got bored because is too frustrating
Maybe it's not your type of game. Stop forcing yourself to play games you don't like. Or maybe you're just not in the mood for slower games.
Try playing this game in 2-3 years, because I didn't like it on release but tried it again last month and had a blast. Taste changes with time
>complaining about feeling stressed and nervous
>in a horror game
not "comfy" enough for you?
It's a fucking horror game you brain dead scrub. You're supposed to be stressed constantly because there's a fucking xenomorph stalking the vents TRYING TO PENETRATE YOU DEEPER THAN ANY OF YOUR BOYFRIENDS EVER WILL. Pop a fucking xanax and grow some balls
I'm about an hour from finishing it according to my friend, I haven't been stressed at all since I hit the 2/3rds point. Turn the difficulty down you if it's a problem you stupid fuck.
But I have no problem with any other horror game, in fact I kind of like the genre, is this one in particular the one that makes me make an effor everytime I think on playing it, when I should be feeling otherwise.
Don't hide in lockers. Hide under beds and behind obstacles.
Always try to figure out where the alien is, if you're pretty sure it walked the other way, get up and walk where you want to go.
The alien has trouble seeing you behind waist-high obstacles and can be trivially kited behind crates and such.
Shut up and play it pussyfart
what would be the main difference between difficulties? The way the alien "senses" you?
OP play it on a lower difficulty first and when you're familiar with the game then play it again on a harder difficulty if you get the kicks from the game. I bought it off the last sale, should start it as well soon.
Played it on my PS4. It detects sound in apartment and makes the alien to react on it. Also don't shake your controller when you are hiding near the alien.
That´s what I want to avoid, that fucking message from the developers saying "yeah, we recomend to play on hard the first time, you pussy" is what is keeping me away from enjoying the game. I think is hard to accept for me the fact that the recomended difficulty level is too much for me.
I read that the alien detects you if you have your playstation camera pointing at you, but I´ve never read anything like the "don´t shake your controler" thing, is that an option I can able/dissable?
what's the difference between hard and normal? this is on my shortlist
The motion detector is loud enough to bring the Alien to you
>I read that the alien detects you if you have your playstation camera pointing at you.
The camera is needed for head tracking when leaning around corners.
Any mic allows the alien hear you.
This but
1. Almost always crouch. The only time you can walk around is when you're in a story section or you know for a FACT that you've left the alien behind in a different area. Even so, you can only walk for a couple of seconds before it tethers back to you.
2. Don't hide in lockers too often. The alien will learn and find you. Try to hide under beds and desks and stuff when you have the option.
3. Always look where you're going. There is shit you can knock over all over the station and doing so will alert the alien to your location.
4. The motion detector makes noise. Only use it when you want to know in which direction the alien is and only for a split second.
5. Noisemakers are your friend
Also, if you stream I can tell you a better way to go about things.
>not playing Alien on Nightmare mode