Only played Disgaea 1 and 2 about 10 years ago. How is Disgaea 5...

Only played Disgaea 1 and 2 about 10 years ago. How is Disgaea 5? Was thinking of picking it up when I get a Switch in a few months.

It's great, probably the easiest to get into in the series, and the least grind heavy if you want to do post-game content (though there absolutely is still grinding once you hit post-game). A main story playthrough will be 40ish hours. If you want to do ALL story, you're looking at 100+ though some of that is grind. Nice visuals, fun cast, lots of fun gameplay elements and side mechanics. One of my favourite games this gen.

DLC (which is included as part of the game in the Switch version) is all cameo characters. They're appreciable but not necessary, since they add a fair bit to the game in terms of evilities and overloads which are a lot of the fun but they're not necessary to enjoy the core game.

How's the story of 5? Heard 3 was really bad and 4 while fun had issues.

I enjoyed all the Disgaea stories and quite enjoy NIS' writing style in general so I might be biased, but I did thoroughly enjoy the story in 5, it and 4 are my favourites in that regard.

5s cast is entertaining, definitely. I liked all of them and felt they bounced off each other well, though like every Disgaea it has its fair share of running gags that might grate on some people who don't like those. The overall plot surrounding Killia and Void I enjoyed a fair bit though it's nothing particularly complex.

Also 5 had Tales of-like skits for when you're in the hub area which I quite enjoyed since it let you see what the cast do in their downtime, which I always appreciate in long JRPGs.

Nice. Any tips when I do play it? Been so long since I've played it and I'm guessing any knowledge I have of 1 and 2 are pretty much worthless for 5.

You are going to want to get a Sage for item world runs. They changed the item world in 5 so that you have to kill all enemies in order to level up your item. The Sage gets a skill that allows her to hit all enemies on the field at level 150 so she can really help speed up the time you spend in there.

In terms of the main story playthrough, don't be intimidated by the number of features/ways to level that are available, you don't really need to use or understand them all unless you're going for the absurd stats for the later end of the post-game. Just experiment with them as you see fit. All you really need early on is to focus on evilities/overloads and abusing them.

Once you hit post-game you'll want to look into powerlevelling and how to abuse the games systems.

Specifically the skill has a native 50% chance to hit (you can't modify this in any way) so you want to give her the evilities of other units like the two headed dragon which can attack twice if they don't move.

And yeah, In this game if you 'master' a class, you can set that class' native evility, which you normally can't do

There's also stuff like the Pirate's evility which lets you steal shit from enemies you kill, and the Rabbit's which has a 30% deathblow chance if you're faster than the enemy.

You can set up to 3 other unique evilities from other classes (these slots are unlocked through doing certain things), and the rest are based on a point system. You end up with, eventually, 20 points, and each evility you set uses a certain amount of points. ones with more critical effects will use more points.

Have no idea what evilities is but I guess they explain it in the game.
Alright I'll just focus on the main story and once that's done I'll look into insane builds.
Guessing one of the endings is based on not killing any teammates again.

Evilities are basically passives.

Like vanilla stuff increasing a stat by x% or more interesting things which tend to be for unique evilities

The Sage's native evility for example is Mass Blaster which increases the damage of her attacks the more people are in an AoE

as mentioned, the twin headed dragon's unique evility is Twin heads, which lets it attack twice if it doesn't move.

They mostly got rid of that after first game, in second you needed like 50 ally kills. DD2 doesn't count them at all.
they are really harder to get accidentaly than D1 one

You remember how in 2 characters had a special ability? Evilities are that but now you can have several on a unit instead of just one.

Cool thanks. Sounds like 5 did a lot of nice things. Anything you feel they fucked up on?
Just wondering because that always got me scared because there were times I fucked up and got my ally killed and had to reset the stage because of it.

>Just wondering because that always got me scared because there were times I fucked up and got my ally killed and had to reset the stage because of it.
yeeep, know that feel
I still have ally kill phobia during first playthru even if I know that there is no such endings
first experience with D1 really buries into your mind
I had ONE ally kill, just ONE dang it.

Does this character have 6 legs?

oh shit never played disgea but want to play this shit. Still no money for switch and probably the lack of a achievment system will be the biggest dissapointment.

They removed several classes that I feel they shouldn't have, and didn't even get facsimiles.

The Sage is basically the Omyo monk (which is the Geomancer, which is the scout) but then shit like the Android/Majin were just removed for no reason.

the DLC is all recycled too. Literally nothing new, and all of are casts from the previous games. 3 DLC generics, which are of course the Female Kunoichi and Female Angel which just get this treatment in general, and witch doctors. So again, recycled.

Other then forcing you to fight in the item world I'm pretty happy with 5. They fixed the chara world garbage from 3/4 being some halfassed item world clone to being a fun board game, the maps are some of the best in the series, and monsters and are better then ever.

no, you can just equip any 3 equipment items in other 3 slots.
it can be three horse wieners

I played 1 and 2 a fair bit back in the day.

But I only enjoy recruiting monsters and having a big squad of dragons 'n shit.


Should I use my tax returns to buy a Switch from a scalper on eBay with a $100 markup, or just wait until, god knows when, they're back in stock.

and then this is DD2 actually but Male Heavy Knights, the guys that have been around since Disgaea 2? Replaced with a titty version. Forever. Despite the lore literally stating that females are a very rare minority.

>Got an ally killed and somehow didn't realize it
>Kept playing
>Got to the end
>No special ending just normal
>Had to NG+ to the ending
At least I should basically fuck everything up quickly enough. Even had fun beating the shit out of the Overload that destroy you early on, Plus the extra Horse Wiener is a nice bonus too.

They will most likely get new in stock near launch or less than a month in. Just wait and you will get it. Everyone says it's because Nintendo is artificially shortening supply. But honestly I really do think they are being ultra conservative after the whole Wii U blew up in their face and they had a bunch just sitting in a warehouse taking up space.

>have been playing Disgaea on and off for years. finally beat it and get that ending cause of one ally kill
>power thru story with killing everything in sight just in one day
similar story for me.
but it isn't the same, user. it isn't the same
we'll be forever tainted by getting wrong ending first

I went ahead and grabbed the complete DLC on a sale or whatever, and it was honestly depressingly disappointing. A few OP abilities to be had but otherwise not worth it at all.

Removing the beast tamer was the weirdest choice I've seen. She had a unique role that nothing in 5 replaced so there was no reason for her to not be in.

>Make monster units better than they've ever been
>remove the class that makes them even beter

I bet the Demoflats did this

While true I honestly really loved the story in Disgaea 1. Something about it worked on every level even if some of the gameplay didn't work well (which from what I've heard was fixed in the other installments).

I play my Wii U almost daily, but buying a console on launch is a poor decision. Give it AT LEAST six months to feel the water.

no one ever will argue that D1 had the best story out there. most arguing comes regarding story of next games which are usually taste depended.
aside of DD2
fuck DD2

Those chestlets have gone too far. All they do is bully poor cowtits.

I like the DLC that gives me stuff that's new.

Disgaea 3 gave us Aramis as a usable unit, when he didn't even have SPRITES in the first game (just a portrait)

Disgaea 4 had that last minute surprise of giving us Krichevskoy, who ended up being a combination of Midboss and the original Krichevskoy. It's probably how he actually looked in his youth.

DD2 gave us Alexander and HUMAN Priere which was a surprise after the Zetta/Pram and Demon Priere wankfest.

Why is the male healer there

boipucci does not count

As someone that only played 1 and 2 what is so wrong with DD2?
Guess its nice the Swtich version has all the DLC with it even if it's full price.

He's enjoying the flat vs fat battle. It doesn't matter which side wins as he's the real winner here.

>Disgaea 4 had that last minute surprise of giving us Krichevsko
I didn't know that
fuck there is so much postgame stuff I know nothing about in all games.

he looks like Miles Edgeworth

I just got into disgaea games only recently, so I play usually all story then a bit of postgame and move onto next one. But I never 100% post game.
Recently got most stuff out of DD2, thinking of playing D5 for story and moving back to D1 for 100% and so on

>As someone that only played 1 and 2 what is so wrong with DD2?
everything story related. Terrible writing, terrible new characters, terrible interaction of old characters with new ones. There is not even consistency, just random shit thrown together.
it's an insult to D1.

nothing wrong with mechanics tho

Mechanically its fine. Its the story that people hate as it and the new characters they added are terrible all around.

Female Warriors, are they chestlets that need to be removed?

Playing the game is fine, but the story shits all over everything that happened in the first game to the point where you wonder why they brought back the original characters to begin with. They then straight up ignore half of the original cast anyway and throw in a lot of the stupidest new characters possible.

She's rather harmless as far as chestlets go and the male warrior would be lonely without her. Archers are the real villains here as they always start shit.

Does full clearing floors in item world affects the item's stats at all? It looks like it doesn't (Disgaea 1 if it matters)

Early games all that really matters is killing the item generals/gods/whatever the third one was. Feel free to tower throw your way to every exit panel you can.

You only have to do that in 5. 1 through DD2 all you need to do is kill the item general/king/gods.

Any cute shotas outside of Laharl?

the switch port of Disgaea 5 is an anomaly for ports in this series and related, because there's literally NO new content. It's just all the old content bundled together (which the enhanced ports always did)

Disgaea 1 PSP added Etna mode
Disgaea 2 PSP added Axel Mode, most of the Disgaea 3 cast along with Magichange and several new generics like the Deathsaber, mass produced Kurtis, and the Disgaea 1 Angel and Ifrit.
Disgaea 3 Vita added two new characters and a story to go with it and most of the Disgaea 4 cast (Desco however gets a mass produced generic)
Disgaea 4 Vita gave us a story set in Valvatorez' past and some other new shit.
Phantom Brave Wii gave us a new story where everyone already died and has an alternate Marona that had to grow up on her own.
Phantom Brave PSP added several new characters to unlock
La Pucelle PSP added a new Demon Priere story
Makai Kingdom PSP added Petta's story, Zetta's daughter that he never knew he had.

This? just a straight port, nothing new. The store page info will advertise 'new' but it's all the DLC.

>76 billion experience

And the enemies who reward the most experience give how much?

You have Emizel and the skulls. There was taro in 2 and 3 but he hasn't been seen since.

how much you want?
cause it's all adjustable via game mechanics.

that's not really clear since you tend to have innocents in your items that boost how much experience you get

you can eventually get to "do this stage once and get to 9999"

Shitloads. The whole point in disgaea is bum rushing the level cap to the point where you can go from 1 to 9999 in a single fight - with mutiple units at once if you make use of magichange.

I haven't played any of the previous games, will I feel lost regarding story if I start with 5?

nope, it isn't related.

Oh. I thought it was like the Neptunia series, where reaching 999 takes an absurdly long time.

great, thank you

Reminder that Majorita is the best Disgaea loli.

Your first time might, but then it gets easier and easier.

You're actually expected to reincarnate (start back at level 1) many times which gives you bonus points to your stats that get more numerous as you reincarnate more.

>Disgaea 5 takes place in the distant past
>Usalia is a titty monster now with Majorita as her sex slave

Anyone else particularly annoyed with the change in voices for CERTAIN past Disgaea characters?

is there is a point to reincarnate in something not Genius tier when you do that first time

>usually Nintendo only
>loved Disgaea on the PS2
>bought a PS4 for Disgaea 5

Still, I did get some other cool games, so I don't regret my purchase. I'm just never falling for the "Only For Playstation" meme again.

>listening to eng dub
your fault

originally it might be because it's too expensive for you. But after that nah, you should always be reincarnating as Genius.

I've always wanted to like Disgaea but it's always the same for me. I finish the story and have every intention of digging into the post-game content but I get bored after a while. It's nice that there's so many ways to power yourself up and unlock stuff but there's always only 5-10 bonus story scenes. I think it would be really cool if they did one where there were like hundreds of little encounters you could have while in the item world and whatnot. That or support for fan-made content.

Desco exists though.

Pic related, best NIS girls.

gotcha, thanks, was just wondering cause I hardly do a lot of post game

That isn't Beryl or Revya.

Just remember not to fall in love

Look, I'm just saying, if they can maintain the Japanese voices, then why the hell couldn't they with the English ones?

>if they can maintain the Japanese voices, then why the hell couldn't they with the English ones?
you confuse NIS - actually decent company
and NISA - piece of shit of company which doesn't localize most NIS games.
NISA hires whoever is cheapest

I wish they'd bring back this sexy hunk of a generic...

Agreed, but didn't they have their original voices back in D4? But all of a sudden everything changed after DD2...

While they are at it, bring back Marjoly.

man I really liked when they brought some classes from other games into mainline.

Chefs from Makai Kingdom didn't get into Disgaea 3, but Champloo is based on them. Similarly, female gunners are based on the merchants from Makai Kingdom and Phantom Brave. Berserkers also from Makai Kingdom got into 3, while Professors got into 4. Eryngi were from La Pucelle originally. Catsabers where from Phantom Brave while their more demonic counterparts, Deathsabers are from Makai Kingdom. Bottle Mails are an NPC only monster in Disgaea 5.

they didn't appear in mainline but a large majority of the food themed monsters from Makai Kingdom appeared in Prinny because it was a food themed game. There was also just the lucky idols.

ask NISA, I'm sure they'll answer it as well as they asnwer why they never patched Witch for PS3.

A lot of Makai Kingdom monsters got a second chance in prinny. The ogre and vampire even were bosses.

>Literally makes bugs that breaks systems
How the fuck do you manage that?

Females are better anyway. Their Evilities are too good.

It's not even the fact that it breaks the system that amazes me, it's the fact that it melts it. Games that brick systems are rare, but they happen. But using a basic spell shouldn't absolutely destroy the physical hardware.

Literally how.

D1's story felt kind of disjointed. When the humans showed up, it all felt really disconnected to what had been happening until then, even if it was all orchestrated by Vulcan us. And Laharl, Etna and Flonne were basically reduced to straight men doing commentary.

no clue
they are specialists of fucking things up
>switch LE is with MALE character posters no one cares about and useless pins

I like how D4 basically confirmed that, as great an Overlord Krichevskoy is, he really is kind of a silly doofus. You can really tell where Laharl gets all his cockiness from.

It was a fire spell too that melts PS3.

and then DD2 happened

>Oh no I need to save my son from a disease
>and the only way to do it is to KILL MYSELF
>oh and it turns out I'm pregnet (i checked)
>sorry baby sicilian pizza you're going to have to die and also not be born :^)
>she's 'reincarnated' as an angel while also having human/demon heritage

How is the PS4 version anyways?

It's okay to ignore DD2 though. Only good thing it brought to the table was girl Laharl

How anyone could have wrote that and have it approved is beyond me. Its like they hired the worse fanfic writer to do the story.

and flonne idol.
that's it

Nintendo is for boys that like boys and nothing is wrong with that

Maybe they should have done Disgaea 4 as well...

Don't forget about Etna's secret brother who secretly keeps her secret universe destroying powers in check. Secretly.

No matter what anyone says, I think Laharl nothing but benefited from DD2. Those benefits just came at the expense of everyone else is all.

>Maybe they should have done Disgaea 4 as well...
I'd love poster of some sardines tho
he is also a siscon
just whyyy

And somehow this got the thumbs up too. You really got to wonder what was going on at NIS during DD2's production.

Etna didn't have secret universe destroying powers. Her body just wasn't strong enough to handle the mana it generated.

Xenolith's power came from the artifact he embedded in his body that constantly drained mana from his surroundings. He basically had the mana of the entire Netherworld. Etna's power was only a small fraction of that.

I don't know why but every one of those dumb sardine jokes makes me laugh. I will always think Etna's thing in D1 are the best mid chapter scripts but D4 was really so insane they were the great.

Disgaea 2's was my favorite as it was fun to see how they tied into the plot while also showing off other random things about the netherworld.

They got ride of the keychain?

they were dumb just enough to be funny. Every intermission is usually pretty damn great in Disgaea games.
but D1 and Sardines were the best