Why are these things always so shit in video games?

Why are these things always so shit in video games?

They're amazing in Max Payne 1 and 2

because they're shit IRL

because they're shit in real life.


Because its a muzi.
You should get an uzi instead.

It's like comparing the piece of shit in pic related vs a regular AK-47

They're the strongest weapons in the original tomb raider.

>tap for pistol
>hold for antiair

ITT: Antisemites

Fuck off Sup Forums

Fuck you these were my go to in san Andreas


name THREE (3) games where these are shit.

In games pistols will have higher damage for single bullets, shotguns will be better at close distance, rifle will do better damage, and have better range.
It's a shame, because I got a weak spot for smg

This user gets it.

I've shot both muzi and the proper version and the latter is way, way better.

It's a shit gun. If you take that personally i don't know what to tell you.

Dual wielding them was so much fun

Israeli made weapons are shit overall


Nigga fuck you galil is my raifu


What's the desert eagle?

I dunno about two others, but Toss the Turtle is definitely one.

Are you high? It comes with a bottle opener ffs.

>gun flies out of your hand

>What's the deagle?
the most unreliable handgun you will ever shoot?

A useless range toy?
>It's a "CoD kids lecture people about guns" episode

GTA IV (mp5 was much better)
GTA V (same reason)
Every CoD that featured it because it was in a sort of purgatory where it wasn't complete trash but it wasn't good either


Considering I never used one.
Fair enough I guess.

What film

Best gun confirmed.

Which kino is that?

True Lies.

>10 luck 1 agi


Imagine being the gun in that scene

>Fallout 2 luck run

Someone turn this into an overwatch POTG

Loved dual wielding them in San Andreas.