MMO's Cont

Sup Forums, what more can you tell me about MMOs?

A waste of time unless you play it with friends.

You wouldn't say an MMO can still be a waste even if you played with friends?

That's how I felt about XIV, after multiple friends joined me.

The "you will make friends when you are playing" is just a meme and you shouldn't fall for it.

You either bring some friends with you or you live a lonely, boring life inside an MMO.

Themeparks are shit.
The older, the better.

You're just playing the wrong games.

only good if you play them casually with friends. 6+ hours a day of muh lvl 500 tier raid with a shitload of skills are not fun.

I've found lot of good people, some of them also irl thanks to MMOs.

I made better friends whilst playing. I tried to bring friends on board after my desire to play started waning.

But really, the endless treadmill is what killed my desire for XIV and every other MMO.

Agreed that Themepark Design seriously hurt MMOs. Howcome nobody has tried to do anything different? Is 'the market' truly THAT important?

Is that nexus TK?

I used to play that shit, was quite fun

the last time I returned to MMOs I had no trouble finding a very nice guild

Aside from one guy who acted like he was an officer even though he wasn't, I liked everybody.

>Playing a KRU game in 2017

You're just asking for suffering.

If only Koreans were capable of actually innovating as much as they could create great visuals.

Eh, it's still pretty populated and getting regular updates. Wony tries his best, and he does listen to people. 1-99 is free now, can't hurt to come say hello if you were here back in the day.

oh sounds like you have a different GM. I was always a Darkages fag and the current GMs we have are the actual epitome of clueless faggots.

Wony is the CEO of Kru, and he was GM back in ~2000. He's managing the game directly again now, and it's clear that he cares about it even if he only really has a second-hand understanding of how his own game works

I'm still waiting for an mmo that truly exploits 3d movement to it's fullest potential.

Revelation online is almost there, but lacks sky islands, quests, mobs and mini games that require flight.

It needs to have advanced flight mechanics and acrobatics like divebomb, swerve, stall etc.

It needs to have 4 levels or more: underwater, ground, sky, stratosphere and higher.

Seamless world and mobs that punish hit and run tactics.

I'd make it myself but I'm a lazy piece of shit.

So an MMO that basically makes you go everywhere. Underwater caves you require like oxygen buffs to go through and riding dragons to reach sky structures.


That screen shot draws me right in. Knowing it's Korean pulls me back out.

Witcher 3 MMO basically

Depends on how you play and act
>playing wow (nost), questing in wetlands
>bump into nelf rogue
>group up for a few quests
>shitchatting, joking around, jamming to Shania Twain
>add eachother
>start talking/playing regularly
>add eachother on social media
>he wants us to chat using WhatsApp since he hates FB, i don't have a smartphone
>nigger sends me his old Samsung galaxy s3
>chat regularly outside of wow, become good friends
>planning on visiting eachother. He's austrian, im scandinavian. Looking forward to meeting

so you re a homo

W3 doesnt have any interesting underwater content though.

Why should I continue this /v? I've just finished chapter 4 and can start to reclass and forge items but I'm so bored. The gameplay is the exact same each level. I've only ever heard great things about fire emblem but I'm just finding it dull. It's my first fire emblem game.

Wasted potential: The genre. And it keeps going in the wrong direction.

how much fun is guild wars 2 without the expansion?
i played on release and already have a max level elementalist
should i start over or can i do something on the elementalist?

Well yeah no homo

gw2 is cancer, and you should not play it

It's beating a dead horse now, so I'll instead point out how Requirem: Bloodymare had a great fucking aesthetic and I want more fantasy+postapocalyptic MMOs.

Yes, it's garbage and basically dead at this point, you didn't have to ask.

Don't go back.

Like no content at all. I had this game on day 1, played it a lot but then went on like a 2 year break. When I came back I was expecting to have a lot of stuff to catch up on, but within 2 days or so I finished everything and was forced to buy the expansion. They added so many quests but they're only limited time, so there's fuck all to do

come back to us.

just kidding anet are terrible.

i play osrs more often these days.

what do you suppose is interesting underwater content then?

I used to play that shit all the time.
I played more Dark Ages, but I've definitely spent a fuckload of time in NexusTK.
It was like 10-15 years ago...but still.
I loved that you could have a house in that game (I know it was renting, but back in the day that was almost unheard of in MMOs)

Who are you in game, if you still play? I'll come say hi.
I loved DA back when it was in stone client.

The expansion is a big improvement, not full price though. It goes on sale for

Why do you do this every thread

it's fun if you play it every now and then

LOL No. Just sell everything you have and find something better to play.