Vidya cringe thread

vidya cringe thread

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Open any popular letsplay channel and try to last more than 20 seconds

The peanut gallery should fuck off but at the same time admin killbans are the most autistic fucking things in existence

Every time I see a thread started with pepe/wojak shit.

I will continue to like Jesse Cox. Or is sub-1 million not popular so its ok?



Context? Just looks like retarded forum drama without it.

What do I win.

Name one (1) thing that cringeworthy that my boy, Markiplier, does.

I'll wait.


His hair

he's not really a LPer though. Most of his videos are more of a talk show with gameplay footages

There's literally nothing wrong with his hair

That's pretty cool that he made fat old hags into cute anime girls

I love how anime triggers these types of people.

They can't stand the thought of something just being pretty.

Fish and chips. Eat them with a knife and fork though

What exactly is the reason for Tumblr's obsession with Love Live?


Crying on camera

Generic power tripping admin banning people he dislikes and censoring any complaints.

He overreacts to alot of things just to be wacky. If you could cut through alot of the fake voices and obvious overthe top spiel, he's great. but you'd have to dissect the video at that point.

The fuck is this?


All of Sup Forums.

I didn't know that this was a YLYL

Are those names backwards? It seems to me Ruggarell was born for the name 40%.

Every time.

Oney plays is fantastic, but he also doesn't upload with any kind of frequency.

are you a teenager

underrated post

I used to be.

Look, I have a desk job where 20% of the time I'm doing very important time-sensitive work, and the other 80% I'm playing with my phone or watching Youtube. My standards can't stay too high with all that free time or I'd run out of content quick.

He's actually better when he's ill.