He didn't pre order the GOTY
Other urls found in this thread:
i-it's coming also on Steam powered!
A-and in fucking 60fps!!111
Did you forget the "delayed" articles about it coming to steam? I get that you feel compelled to shitpost because you're a sony pony, but at least try to shitpost within reality.
Got bored of the demo, no way I'd pay full price for this
i-it's still arriving in my steam powered!!1
I-I'm going to enjoy it in fucking 60fps in a 0ms lag gamerĀ® monitor !
may I add, delayed to implement denuvo v4 and fill it to the brim with triggers
>6/10 sequel to a 4/10 game that even the "fans" said wasn't very good
No thanks. I'll keep my money. They only put a cute girl in it to hide the bad gameplay and manipulate lonely otakus into buying.
Cause I haven't played Drakengard or the first NieR. Hope you guys have fun with it though.
Drakengard is one step above Big Rigs tier or a community college project in an intro to game design class. NieR isn't that bad it's just very, very boring.
>Has 88 on Metacritic
Jokes on you. I already pre-ordered a steelbook edition
>pre ordering platinum shit
PC Port status: never ever.
my time is already split between yakuza 0 and bloodborne, the last thing i need is another game right now
Because I played the demo and I didn't like how simplistic the gameplay was and hated the semi-fixed camera.
>Not pre ordering with a bonus NIER AUTOMATA TEE SHIRT
I already preordered the game, it's coming out next week.
Pre-ordered it with the t-shirt too, senpai.
How did you get a picture of me?
Taro is quite a mediocre writer.
Those of you worried about prequels, don't have to apparently. You'll miss out little nods to them, but nothing major.
But apparentky it's the crazy ass design of those games that you've missed and will definitely be in good game too (although not by too much).
I doubt this'll turn into a text adventure half way through.
>preordering videogames
Greetings, Reddit.
Jesus almighty christ
What's wrong with reddit?
Why not? Serious question.
Nothing, they have better discussion than we do.
>Playing it for platinum and not for Taro's shit.
>Square Enix
Fuck them
Alot of things. But gotta admit...
They are the masters of the me-me lol
I have my doubts. The first one is shit, and so are the Drakengard games.
What's supposed to make me feel like this will be any better?
I actually canceled my preorder after they delayed it on PC. I've never seen a company this anti consumer in my life before. But since their shekels are their only concern I'll gladly pirate the game now instead.
I did first time ever
I want the steelbook and t shirt
Bought it physical with NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! NieR: Automata T-Shirt! .
Will probability sell the game once the Steam version is out.
nice blog faggot
>What's supposed to make me feel like this will be any better?
They hired Platinum to handle the gameplay for them.
Lol, I'm not paying full price for Square Enix trash again
The absolute madman.
This is so accurate
what was the last game you bought?
Nier automatia t-shirt
Shit square enix
because I'm poor as fuck and will wait for a price drop because Taro games don't sell for shit
japanese games can't be GOTY
that's why but the girl is cute
>the girl
toobie is a superweapon/sex android with an artificial uterus made for buttbreeding purposes
in the future there will no roasties be left because of her
only horny neckbeard weeaboos like us and sexbots
not paying 70 bucks when I will be busy playing zelda anyway
I still have odin sphere and bloodborne to finish and yakuza and nioh and gravity rush in my backlog
by the time I get to it it will be on PC so I can save my money and I don't give a shit about the tshirt I'm not 15
But I did.
Not him, but probably because they're incredibly hit or miss
I will on the first. Need to make sure I have the cash before I spend it.
If it gets decent reviews and Sup Forums doesn't absolutely despise it I'll buy it from Amazon within the first week. The demo was quite fun. But I'm not about to preorder a game.
>yakuza 0
My fuckin wallet has never had a workout this good from video games in years.
No matter how good or bad the game is the impression you'll get from Sup Forums is likely to be that it's despised. At least during early days.
Sure, but I can also take a look at why it's despised. For instance, is it an unfinished mess? Is the production value a fucking joke (aka Zero Dawn)? Or is it just Sup Forums hating because Sup Forums hates everything and there's no coherent narrative?
I ordered the Black Box edition so I'm going to have to wait for that.
I guess I'll have to avoid Nier threads for awhile.
Nier: Automata is a standalone story, though. Completely different roster of characters, the setting is shared and nods are highly likely, that's it.
Nier 1 in itself is a spin-off from Drakengard and has even less to do with Drakengard than Automata has to do with Nier 1.
You can just watch the 4 hour cutscenes on YT if you absolutely want to know the story of Nier 1 before Automata. The game has a great story, atmosphere, music, etc. but tedious, shallow gameplay.
Ah okay.
Only platinum game ive played is revenge able, but can see that.
I don't buy 30 hours (max) games for full price.
>not using Amazon prime
every new game is 20%
How old are you?
20% off*
No, I don't have a job.
>30 hours (max)
Yeah if you do the main story and absolutely nothing else and then never play the game again.
You're kidding.
30 hours is the playtime with all the playthroughs to get all the endings, which probably includes acquiring and maxing out all weapons.
I actually regretted being so blunt about it after asking, I didn't consider that you just might have to be more scrupulous with your money.
I was really more interested in the length of the game being so crucial to you, it just sounds bizarre when you grew up with games that mostly were designed to be finished in one sitting with no save functions.
>digital is overpriced
>physical is overpriced if you want it early
Fuck that I'm just going on blackout
>maxing out all weapons.
That wasn't required in the last game, and there was also plenty of side content that wasn't mandatory to clear all the endings.
25 to just blow through the story, 55 if you want to do it all, according to Platinum's QA, which of course you're welcome to disbelieve.
Yeah, I understand. Unfortunately buying a game where it's over 2 bucks per hour of gameplay just seems like too much nowadays, so I'll wait for discounts. Persona 5 will hold me over anyway.
Well, at least you are in a budget you can get an amazing console with dozens of exclusives.
That's a pretty reasonable length for a full price game with high production value if you're not autistic, though.
running 60fps on my PS4 Pro :^)
how do we stop sony?
>iwatas fucking skeleton is there
Not that guy, but persona 5 is a good call.
I'm older and working but still in a crappy situation with money for certain reasons.
Was a toss up between day one buying ff15, automata or persona. Might regret automata, but god do i need a jrpg of sorts.
[spoilers]game prices drop insanely quick these days too. Rarely worth buying new. [/spoiler]
I'm concerned about the localization changes, but can't find any details about the previous ones. How was Drakengard 3 and Nier actually changed from the Jap version (Papa Neir aside) and how bad was it?
Nier wasn't too bad aside from some stuff being toned down and obviously Papa Nier being mostly a different character
Drakengard 3's made people a lot more crass and angry than they were in the original though but I still thought it was alright
>not being idort master race
You really shouldn't concern yourself too much cause it's all we're gonna get as non-jap speakers.
Playing with jap audio won't free us from the localisation because it's the same subs from the english audio script.
NieR wasn't changed too much and Automata probably doesn't have a lot of the kind of thing that would be at risk of getting changed.
kys false flagger
>I've never seen a company this anti consumer in my life before.
Literally overrated
Someone spent time on this. Someone disturbed
And Horizon got a 9.3. Your point?
Point is that reviewers seem to always give games scores way higher than they deserve.
>Just arrived from neogaf: The Post