Why It's Morally Okay To Pirate All Of Nintendo's Games


Sup Forums told me he was shit but this fat fuck isn't half bad.

Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe if his opinion had half as much weight as he did he'd be worth listening to.

>nintendo steals all (a small portion) of my money (which I wouldn't have any of if Nintendo didn't make the game) so it's ok to pirate current gen games that are just being released
Why are youtubers so spoiled? They're like those kids that think if everybody isn't sucking their dick they're being abused.

I pretty much go out of my way to pirate and play first-party Wii/3DS/Wii U games that I would have no interest in otherwise, just to stick it to Nintendo by accruing more hypothetical lost profits. This is what they get for Brawl.

It is morally wrong to pirate video games, but it is also morally wrong, even if it's legal, to invoke overly strict IP laws.

but I pirate all games and I don't care if it's morally right or not.

While it' strue I hate Nintendo and Sony for verious scummy practices, and I hate the alt-right anti-piracy trash that has infested games, those are only small reasons I pirate- the main reason is I don't want to pay money for games. That's all. I pirate fucking everything. Music movies TV you name it. I'm not justifying it beyond "I am too cheap to pay for it".

Can't wait for his totally unbiased Zelda review.

>Wahh I'm a fat youtuber, 0/10

the day e-celebs are banned is the day Sup Forums becomes great again

Pretty sure the last thread was deleted

He's very opinionated and tries to mask his insecurity with a vale of false arrogance but he does occasionally make reasonable statements backed by facts and logic. He is often hard on games which is something we need more of in game reviews.

>PC gamer
>Hates Nintendo with a passion

See a pattern here

not just jim, every e-celeb should be a bannable offense

no exceptions

>I pirate because of tripping

god you're autistic

>SEGA gamer
>Hates Nintendo with a passion

See a pattern here



Nintendo had basically no presence in Europe in the 80s, and barely tried to in the early 90s. There's no real nostalgia for their name over there.


stop using buzzwords user. do you even know what alt right means other than "nazi/white supremacist" or "person whose opinion I disagree with"?

sega fans never recovered from the 90s console wars.

He is litterally asking buyers to boycott Nintendo products to solve his personal issues, cmon..

Isn't the point of vidya to get away from real life shit like morals?
If you're going to pirate a game why the fuck would you care about morals? Just pirate and play the game.


Entitled youtubers

Nintendo never really had much presence in the UK.

It's not surprising that people don't have rose-tinted glasses and call their bullshit out here.

Man, he is really butthurt about the blacklisting of his tranny friend, isn't he.

britbongs were Sega's most loyal fanbase in the 80s and 90s. Nintendo wasn't shit over there since the gaming crash was mainly a north america thing and they were still gaming on PC. The Mega Drive was the first home console to gain a mainstream foothold in the UK.

The UK isn't entire europe. I believe Nintendo was bigger than Sega in central europe.

>I can't make 10 dollars off of my YouTube videos that talk about Nintendo which means that it's totally fine to pirate

He's seriously so butt hurt about this that he's calling for people to pirate for something so minor that only affects him and other people on YouTube? Then just don't bother making Nintendo videos that give them coverage. Every fucking video of his that involves Nintendo now is always 90 percent of him just constantly bringing this up too.


>This fat fuck still thinks "fair use" is applicable to a fucking video uploading site.

It's a legal term that only has power in a court of law. But these bitch niggas will NEVER attempt that minefield, because deep down they know they'd lose, then it wouldn't just be Nintendo taking their revenue, and their easy money days would be over.

>he gets paid $10k a month from Patreon to spout nonsense like this.

So if it's fine for him to pirate, then it's fine for me to use adblock on his videos.

I dunno about current gen Nintendo games, but if you buy stuff from the VC you're an idiot who literally pays for ROMs.

Not even original Nintendo-ripped ROMs, just shit they downloaded from a third party website somewhere.

Reminder that Jim is a literal cuckold, if you could even believe that someone would fuck his fat wife.

If Youtubers seriously believe that they're free advertising for Nintendo and that Nintendo is in the wrong for this, why do they continue to make videos about them instead of protesting by not uploading "free advertising" videos about Nintendo?

Because when you dont have millions of dollars to waste on a legal battle it's pointless.
>easy money
Why don't you do it?
And don't tell me you're too proud to make money in such an "easy" way.

>this is what pirates believe

Laura Kate Dale apparently leaked some half finished demo thing a while back. Nintendo got pissed and blacklisted her ass. Jim and Laura have a podcast together, so now we are here.

>he really shoplifted some pence card packs just to prove a petty, facious point

Yeah I've been to the new york nintendo shop he is full of shit. They have bag check ins for anything larger than a handbag and cameras everywhere. He probably waddled to a wal mart and nicked those cards.

Beat me to it.

What if I told you Nintendo games deserve to be stolen the most out of all games.

>that entire video
Law student here. Fun fact; he actually just committed a crime. In England, it's considered an inchoate offence to encourage a crime. He's also based in England, which is so jail-happy that they abolished double jeopardy just so they can throw more people in jail.

I give it a week before that video quietly disappears when he realizes this.

Are you faggots stupid? Both of them have videos on their channels gushing over how much they loved Nintendo's handhelds

Fucking hell Ashens has like 70 billion Game Boy accessories

Didn't he die of ass cancer yet?

his videos don't have ads user. and if they do he doesn't put them up himself.

Wasn't TotalBiscuit doing this with Sega?

fatboy is mad because Nintendo slaps ads on his channel when he has a patreon so he doesn't have to have ads on his channel.

he's 100% right, fair use is the law, and nintendo disregards it

not that I didn't download the entire Nintendo No-Intro sets before I knew any of this.


Fuck that, he's wrong. By uploading a video to YOUTUBE he's agreeing to YOUTUBE'S policies.

One of which is to let the owner of the IP do whatever the fuck they want.

Some youtubers are millionaires themselves, and you can challenge things like this as a collective.

But again, they know they'd lose. They know other companies would jump their ass once the legal precedent was set. These petty clickbait videos and angry rants are their only options.

>He's also based in England
Sadly no. He lives in 'murrica.

he is britbong BORN but he resides in the swamp's ass of burgerland now.

I quite remember years ago Jim Sterling was more or less liked here on Sup Forums when he was writing reviews for Destructoid years before the whole GamerGate and politics thing exploded, he was called the personification of this board, I guess because he was a contrarian that ruined Metacritic scores.

Or maybe it was a fever dream.

you realize the reason he has a patreon is because he doesn't want any ads on his videos? Nintendo force ads to be put on his videos by abusing the content id system


Why do fat retards on the internet have so much trouble understanding that this is not the way fair use works?

Ok I will sue because I represent Nintendo. Kill yourself

That's fine. Just don't bitch about it and say it's "morally" correct to not give a company money and instead pirate their software because you're butthurt YT can't give you 10 dollars for your Nintendo video.

If you don't like a companies practices, that's perfectly fine because captalism is like that. It'd exactly like saying it's okay to steal from Walmart because "they can afford it"

Fuck nintendo, but fuck sterling even more. I sincerely hope nintendo find a way to sue the everloving fuck out of him.

Youtube only has those policies because of IP holders flagrant disregard for fair use. Otherwise they would have no reason to remove the videos because there'd be no risk of getting sued.

I don't understand why you're so convinced that they'd lose.

I had LP's convince me to buy multiple games that I wouldn't otherwise.

Pretty much this. Once you make and account and upload something to youtube. You are at the mercy of the TOS you signed by making the account with youtube.

You may hate Nintendo with the burning passion of 1,000 suns, but that doesn't make it right to respond to illegal activity with more illegal activity. And, technically, Nintendo isn't violating the law, they're just being uptight assholes about their intellectual properties. Jim's argument is "waaaah, I can't hide behind "Fair Use" with Nintendo because I don't suck their dick and participate in their Youtube program, PIRATE ALL OF THEIR GAMES!"

You don't fix this by yelling at Nintendo or Youtube, go complain to lawmakers and tell them how outdated the Copyright laws are now in the internet age.

putting an image from a shitty game saying truth doesnt make your baseless opinion valid

>Or maybe it was a fever dream.
No, he was always universally disliked on Sup Forums, but it got worse after videos like DoAx3 and JammerJate.

>Sup Forums told me he was shit

No I fucking didn't

The only reason why his moral relativism counts here is because Nintendo emulates too and has never sued an emulator

He lives in Mississippi now

>One of which is to let the owner of the IP do whatever the fuck they want.

Under that logic I can take down ANY video containing my image or name for any reason at all like saaaaay being negatively critical of me or my work by chance?

Didn't they try to sue Snes9x?

Don't even need to read any post past this one.

Nintendo isn't even the only video game company to make copyright claims on videos using their footage. Why is it only Nintendo that draws all the hate?

They went to court over emulators. Its not illegal. Rom, bios are another thing. But software based emulators are not illegal. Also They went to court over NES clones aka Famiclones.

Well shit, jail would've been a step up. Why in God's name would you willingly live in Mississippi?

Actually wouldn't this whole think put him into trouble regarding the Digital Homicide lawsuit against him?

this is his first good video

yup and people and companies have!

>all those teenagers praising Jim because they think they are morally right to "damage greedy companies and oligarchs"

I can see the Che Guevara shirts from here. What a disgusting and vile bunch Jim's fans are.

Broken pedestal.

I'm obviously not too well-versed into the exact details of their policies, but I guess so, yeah.

Does it make absolutely no sense? Fuck no it's ridiculous.

Still doesn't mean you can say "Hey laddies, just go ahead and pirate all of their games mkay?"

Same, but I do it for their terrible handling of Star Fox and Paper Mario.

Closer to his KKK meetings.

>I don't understand why you're so convinced that they'd lose.

Think Mystery Science Theater 3000, which used to be used as an example of what youtubers do before they realized how retarded they are. Those content creators needed the makers/rights holders of those shitty movies to give permission most of the time, except for stuff where the copyright had expired.

Now apply that to the internet age where lardass "talent" beach themselves in front of a green screen and talk over other people's content. It wouldn't end well for them.

>It'd exactly like saying it's okay to steal from Walmart because "they can afford it"

No stop, Walmart atleast provides shit products for cheap with the occasional good products.

Nintendo jews their obedient dog fanbase over the same series being rehashed on their private club hardware. They also practice limiting productions of products to inflate their sales and psychologically fuck with consumers.

>which is so jail-happy that they abolished double jeopardy

Haha what


the above is a more compelling argument against Nintendo's pirate/ROM kikery

>Youtube is shit
>Fuck Nintendo

>PDP is a neo-nazi
>Jim is advocating piracy
>Trump is president

So his wife can get more pure BBC

If he uploads Nintendo content.

You know what could stop this? Either not uploading Nintendo content or using another website.

This is all I needed to read, I'm out. Good thread OP

>atleast provides shit products for cheap with the occasional good products.

so does Nintendo.

Then maybe people should use a different video streaming service that doesn't have those policies.
But they won't.

I mean, I'm not saying they're all good, but the people I watch, let's talk about the Jimquisitions since that's the only content of his that I watch.
Taking aside the "on purpose" clips to get him into the copyright block, I think fair use absolutely applies to his videos, I don't think it's abusing to show a short clip of a game when you got a fucking essay written about the topic.

>pdp is a nzai
epic heres a retweet

>Nintendo stops selling a game
>never intends on selling it again
>I own the game on physical, but the console is broken
>despite all this, they cry about people downloading roms

Screw you Nintendo. I play by your rules, only to get worked over when you want an extra penny. And you expect me to feel sympathy?

doesn't fair use only apply if you're non-profit or a student

did it change since I learned it 7 years ago in high school

Actually that is why some episodes of MST3k will never officially come out digitally or on dvd etc. They licined the movies, all of them. Except for some of the serials and shorts. Most of those are under public domain. Everything else there was a contract with a set time they were allowed to air the show on tv. Then around the time of DVD, best brains had to go get new contracts to release the old episodes. This is actually why Best Brains themselves encouraged tape trading because they knew of the legal quagmire they gotten into.

>Piratefags pretending they're some pro-consumer Robin Hood heroes again

You. Want. Free. Stuff.

Pretending you have some moral justification for it is like a Nigger shop-lifting from a convenience store and saying it's the white owner's fault he needed to do it.

They dont cry. What are you on about? You seem to be the one crying over nothing

I don't play anything from modern nintendo anymore anymore vast majority of shit I emulate is games I already own or have owned, that and Fire Emblem games including older ones which are impossible to play legitimately in English.

literally who?

Companies disregard fair use
No, more like entitled shits try to misuse "fair use" when their bullshit doesn't abide by those laws, especially since Nintendo is not a fucking American company you retard.

Fair use is an American legal concept, it doesn't mean "I can do anything I want with the intellectual property of others as long as I call it a critique"

>buying consoles
