Games that you weren't sure actually existed

I'm not sure if it makes sense, but I thought this game was something I dreamed about like 8 years ago. The reason probably is that it was rather forgettable and no one ever mentions it anywhere
There's more examples of this feel from even earlier, NES / Mega Drive era, except now I actually can't find the games that I'm thinking of.
Did this ever happen to anyone else

Other urls found in this thread:

It does

I have a story about that darkSector game !

>be me
>play online for the first time on my brand new xbox 360
>after a few games of Rainbow Six, i meet a couple cool guys
>let's name thenm cool guy 1 and cool guy 2
>we keep on playing together on various games for a few month
>we become friends
>Cool guy 1 tells me one day that he just bought a pretty cool new game
>it's Darksector
>Cool guy 2 and me are playing together one day and we ask cool guy 1 to join us
>He says he's playing darksector and he'll play with us tomorrow
>Login to my xbox to the next day
>Cool guy 1 and 2 are not on
>Doesn't see cool guy 1 logged on for a couple days, cool guy 2 logs on but never puts any game on
>Like a week later, cool guy 2 sends an audio chat invite
>Hey user
>hey, it's been a while !
> guy 1 had an accident
>oh shit, how is he ?
>he's dead
>yeah, he was on his scooter and a car hit him
>I got to go bye
>Cool guy 2 and I never really played together after that
>And everytime for the next 5 years i logged on my 360, I saw Cool guy 1, offline, last game played : Darksector.

I had this game, it wasnt amazing but it was fun, the last boss was kinda desapointing though.



nice fake news

I wait forever fucking every for this game to come out on PS3.... Only to be slightly disappointed by it.

>Dark Sector
>That emblem
Wait a fucking second.
Is this the lore form Warframe that was scrapped/retconned/not really used but still in the game for some reason?
Im so confued

I don't think Darksector was forgettable, I had a lot of fun fucking up everything with the Glaive, I got to the point where I barely used guns

Dark Sector and Warframe are made by the same devs.
Infact there's more to it than this one fact if you look into it.

there's a pretty neat Hayden Tenno armor for Excalibur too

i just wanted to ask for a source for your pic, and i just read this
i own darkSector btw

Dark sector is the pre-cursor of warframe, they are connected

It's the same company. They reference the game all the time.
>Warframes are called Tenno
>contested areas in the solar system are called Dark Sectors
>the Glaive is a usable weapon in the game
>Excalibur has a Hayden Tenno skin

Isn't the glaive not very good in Warframe though?

I always wanted to play this but never did. I'd always see it at blockbuster but never rented it. Now it's a 7/11 and I don't care


All the thrown weapons are kinda shitty.

You aren't missing much, it's not a very good game.

This game is the official prequel to Warframe.

I'm not kidding.

Always thought is was just the 2013 one.
Is it good?


Not sure, but sometimes I forget shitty PS3 gen games that came out that I played a demo of, and then somehow blur those games into each other making me confused which was which.

Pic related is one of those titles.

Playing through it right now
Why weren't you sure this game existed? Or are you talking about the PC version?

And on that note, I am so glad that the gen of brown shitty military shooters is over.

Seriously fuck last gen, I can pick a handful of great games that released in it and all but 1 of those are sequels (LBP).

Yeh, I suppose it would have fit better in the obscure ports thread.

I still remember when it was a stealth game in space. Turned out to be something entirely different.

Not quite surprising, see above. Warframe design is very reminescent of the original:

Nigga timeshift was great

it had amazing graphics still holds up to this day and a unique time-changing system along with GOAT multiplayer

highly recommend it

It was generic FPS crap with flavor of the month gimmick, and the graphics were shit too.

This game is awesome and quite a looker on PC. It has very aggressive AI, fun weapons, good physics and destruction and time manipulation never gets old.
You can tell it went through development hell but it's fun as fuck.

I always see it compared to RE4, is this even remotely true?

>graphics were shit too
the only better-looking game at the time was maybe Crysis
time changing mechanics were pretty good too, good enough to not call it a gimmick

For a while, the upgraded version of the Glaive (Prime) had this weird niche use for healers…
But yeah, it isn’t very good for normal use.

played this when it came out and saw it as one of the first games to totally jack gears of wars controls

>the only better-looking game at the time was maybe Crysis

Killzone 2
Mass Effect

It's very reminiscent of RE4 with a bit of Gears

Not really, but with Ivara you can control it like Hayden can.

rip 99%dr


That sounds pretty good though

Dark Sector was a game stuck in development hell for years, it went through a lot of iterations and I believe the concept that ended up becoming Warframe was considered at the time. So when they finished DS they decided to make that game as well. It's like how DMC is compared to RE4.

If you like Timeshift you should play Singularity, it's the same game done better.

>game was so bad it drove cool guy 1 to hop on his scooter and an hero into oncoming traffic

Wasn't this originally going to be what WarFrame is now, and they had to completely retool it? Or am I thinking of something else?

>See Mirrors Edge in my steam catalog and think about replaying it.
>Remember that they were working on a sequel.
>Google it to see when it's going to be released.
>It's already been out for 6 months.

I'm going to guess it's shit.

Also pic related is my game.

Is Warframe any good?


depends on if you like mindless musou-like grindy games that take 800 hours to "beat"

Isn't that the other similar game Shadows of the Damned by Shinji Mikami?

I recently went through it. I liked the look of the game and the armors were cool but it has the most barebones cover based shooting, the glaive gimmick is novel, and the entire game does have that "This is a launch title" sort of feel.

Is this the one where you fight in the American Civil War with future weapons?

God I remember the shitshow when this released. I'd watch those old game shows on TV for a bit of info on it and all the sections they showed were just shit.

It was meant to have a revolutionary "choice" system of some sort that boiled down to a change in faction half way through that just had you fighting harder enemies.

You're thinking of Darkest of Days
It was shit

I keep seeing these sort of games (Haze, Timeshift, Legendary, Darkest of Days) for really cheap and consider buying them just to see for myself but end up rationalising that I just have other games to play.

Haze was awful for the hype it got and should be avoided

Timeshift had a interesting gimmick but is run of the mill FPS

Legendary is really strange with how it ever got approved. It at least has monsters to shoot but is standard FPS with no surprises

Darkest of Days has the time travel gimmick but you can tell the budget is very small and it wastes it's cool idea and sequel baits.

Pic related for a game I bought randomly and smashed through the single player but can't remember a damn thing about it.

It's okay
Worth grabbing for 25$ or so

I am super fucking into that shit honestly. I know the "bad movie" crowd has its fans but apparently a game must be 100% on its game at all times no room for error.

I can have fun with most games, even ones that barely function if I have a way around them(its fortunate that Easy mode is one of the first unlocks for Square Enix's magnum opus Mindjack).

Honestly pass, there isn't much here. All the "bad" is mechanical. Especially the jumping god damn.

Its passable, and its full of cheese. What funny is the nectar gimmick stops being a thing like 30% into the game when you join the resistance (spoilers :^)) and all you have is an overpowered play dead move.

>Darkest of Days
The game is janky as fuck and barely works but its bonkers as fuck too. A guilty pleasure of mine.

Its like a dude who died on 9/11 and a dude who died at Custers Last Stand go through time using lazer rockets on indians and machine guns on romans.

I should say those are two small areas. Most of it is uninspired Civil War shit.

>How are they going to end our adventure
A+ stuck the landing

You should definitely check out Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai. Peep this ludo.

I miss the Spider-Man font PS3 era.

Honestly I'd love to try them out. I've already done it a few times. Bought the Turok reboot recently along with Rage, Brink and Anarchy Reigns and I enjoyed Dark Void and Enslaved a while back.

A few more I've had my eyes on:

Heavenly Sword
Blades of Time
Quantum Theory

Enslaved is great man. Finished Dark Void on a rental when it was new but I honestly don't remember much.

Iby Inverted you mean Inversion hell yeah.

Seeing Japan try to do an extremely tragic Gears of War game is a treat.

>I know the "bad movie" crowd has its fans but apparently a game must be 100% on its game at all times no room for error.

B-games differ from B-movies in that you have to play through the game, dealing with bad controls, uninspired levels, boring gameplay, crashes, gimmicks wearing off and having to deal with this shit for 6-8 hours.

I do like playing the crap pack games to see some interesting choices like Dark Void, Quantum Theory, X-blades, etc but it can get so mind numbing when you hit a game that your entire being just wants to stop playing and do anything else.

I remember watching my cousin do playthroughs of this game all the time.

Power through man do it for video games.

Don't wanna be like Sup Forums here you know.

How was Quantum Theory? I've always wanted to know.


It's like Gears of War if it was made by some Chinese company that played the game.

Your character moves a bit faster than Marcus and crew but it's only really there if you wanted Gears of War but only had a PS3. Nothing really unique to it beyond being able to throw the white bitch at guys.

I think it would either be you played GoW and think it's just a boring rip-off or it just passes being average that you don't get mad it but forget the game once you're done.

I actually had some weird memories about Dark Sector. It was announced as some really advanced next generation game sometime in 2005 or something. Then it disappeared. Then they made some ugly looking console TPS. Then it disappeared. Then out of nowhere they dropped it on PC. But I never touched it.

Zamboni Was Right

i focus-tested this game years and years ago

it was complete shit, completely unlike the awesome space-stealth trailers shown a year earlier, and basically irredeemable without rebuilding it from the ground up