My girlfriend and I are moving away from WoW due to a recent falling out with out guild.
Should we go to FFXIV, or something else?
Pic most likely related.
My girlfriend and I are moving away from WoW due to a recent falling out with out guild
>My girlfriend
Looks like it's time you got your priorities straight before she leaves you for being a dumb normie manchild.
I've tried suggesting something other than an MMO, and she really enjoys MMO's, so I'm kind've stuck with it.
She's a qt asian
bump for desperation
Get out normalfag.
OP bumps don't work that quickly. It's been that way for three years.
What the fuck is wrong with your finger?I was just letting the people in the thread know I was still here to chastise, or perhaps bestow gainful insight upon.
I'll look into it.
Sounds like some aftermath from someone else's "Girl joined the guild and ripped it apart" greentext story.
I mean, if you like WoW, XIV is your best bet. It's pretty similar, and it's getting the next expansion in a few months.
>girlfriend and I are leaving our guild because of a falling out
I'm willing to bet the last four of my social that it's because some item dropped that your girlfriend wanted and someone else got it and it became a big fucking deal for no reason and now we're here.
Yup. One of my officers wives.
Play wildstar. Please.
you're a fucking ayylmao
>still playing WoW
>thinking of playing FFXIV
worse than my last dutch gf. Actually... Tumo and Laura, that you guys? I advise suicide before I advise playing any asian MMOs.
>2 people dating im my guild
>make a big deal about dating as much as possible
>leave when they realize no one gives a shit
>My girlfriend and I
Unless she's a toy figure or a dakimakura, you have no right to be on this board
I bet your whore of a girlfriend caused the fallout in the first place.
>quitting a game because of a falling out with some other players
do MMOfags really do this?
mmos are social games, user.
Because I say so.
Sell me on it.
lol xD
nah, too much work. Just go play it. It's free.
Fuck off, nigger.
p2w model?
is there an end game?
Raiding/making your house look nice/begging people to pvp
Sounds underpopulated.
Congrats OP. Triggered everyone by saying he had a gf even if its not true. And Sup Forums pretends like it isnt reddit or tumblr incarnate.
>normie WoWfugee
Stay out of XIV.
And Sup Forums too.
you'll fit right into ff14
Hey man. Quit with this normie shit. I have a hangover from last night, and I just want a video game to play with m'lady
I bet you say praise kek in public you autismo.