Is he a bad guy

is he a bad guy

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He's a bad guy with a heart of gold

i mean he kills ppl for money but who are we to judge, if that works for him i'm fine with that

His targets always have it coming, so no.

Sorry, but there is no such thing as a good guy

have you played hitman tm, i'm pretty sure you kill a fairly innocent actor, two building potentats and a lawyer who's only crime was defending chink mafia

Hes not even a real guy hes a clone made in a lab

Nah, just think of him as a human weapon.

does that mean he is not a person ? He has good taste in food, lot of hobbies that vary from making sushi to playing drums and likes expensive clothing

his fashion sense is terrible and edgy tho

every person hitman killed was just a job to hitman he does not care

Killing is always unjustifiable except in self-defense. No one "Has it coming"

innocent Actor? De La Hunt? Child abuser. Read your briefings. Lawyer in Hokaido, Providences hand so she had it coming.

>black suit with red tie

was speaking about the one in sapienza bonus episode, his only crime was refusing to stop shooting a movie

Well, a contract's a contract. Also, how is a lawyer defending mafia innocent?

what's so bad about dying?

>Terrorist is about to commit a terrorist act.

Are you serious?

>If you kill your enemies they win

>He didn't find the easter egg in The Icon
Dude, it is strongly hinted in his trailer that he ate a baby or something.

He's not a good guy
He's not a bad guy

it's the worse possible match also aggresive in meaning and supposed to intimidate i would call it edgy

because he's doing his job? lawyers are innocent unless they lie.

>swing king
>had it coming


As far as we know, it's our only spark of existance. It must be preserved at all costs.

Okay, allow me to requalify: In self or other's defense.

Even then, the police force combating those terrorist should made the utmost effort to aprehend those terrorist non-lethally, and only fire if fired back, if they open fire on innocents, or if it is evident it will be the only way to deal with the situation.

Ruthless, calculated murder, however, is never justified.

Who re you quoting?

isnt it said that the agency pretty much only takes contracts from the CIA,FBI,MI5,6 etc and they dont usually take contracts from enemies of the said agencies. I mean technically you can just go through every game killing only the target without collateral damage

i'm not a huge sucker for hitman lore and plot(mostly skipping cutscenes) who was the guy with a sniper rifle in the movie after colorado mission ?

has he ever caught a super hero?

he's a professional

He's just the guy believe dat bbgurl tater tots sufferin succotash

more like ICA doesn't take contracts against their intrest, privat contracts are a huge source of profit for a "rent a killer" type of agency

What's the deal with his eyebrows? I've read he has no hair so there's no DNA left behind etc. Does he draw them on?

Is 47... dare I say... on fleek?

He's an artificially engineered killing machine and every time he tries to put down his gun some asshole who's after his DNA ruins it. He really doesn't have any choice but to do what he does, at least he's good at it

He's the "shadow client" that was manipulating the Agency into taking out Providence's agents throughout the previous missions. Dialogue implies he's another ort-meyer clone or at least someone raised from birth to be an assassin.

isn't there a single person that remembers the time when 47 killed a delivery guy and this sweet little bird


Neutral, he kills for money regardless who it is. Although he might be a misanthrope and dislikes people since he still killing even after making enough money to settle down as a millionaire.

Even though it's mostly bad guys he kills, he obviously also has no qualms about killing off normal people.
I hope they throw in one or two more morally grey ones at least in the next season.

also is he a virgin or does he fuck Diana on regular basis ?

>Responsible for an accident that killed 36 people
>Let some guy use his closed down park as cover for his crack trafficking ring
He sure as shit had it coming.

S2 when?

It's a bit unfortunate that the current Hitman game seems to be returning to 47's origins as a major plot point. That stuff was always extremely goofy and wacky to me. I loved the vibe of being a small, but important part of an enormous web of international espionage that the season had maintained up until the finale.

Silvio Caruso literally did nothing wrong and I felt bad for killing him
>cucked by his own mother
>develops all kinds of fucked up disorders
>designs a virus to kill bad people
>people exploit him for this and want his virus

47 wouldn't still be alive if he had any sort of sex drive.

he's a big guy


anti heroes are heroes with unconventional moral codes and punctuations. Where Superman saves the day because it's the right thing to do, Deadpool does it because there's money involved.

>2 handed aiming stance
interesting since he doesn't do that in the final game
guess it was a leftover from Contracts before they changed it

he's amoral, but only ever as bad as his handler(s) allow him to be.

basically like asking if a bullet is a bad guy.

He's far too autistic for sex.Some autists obsess over trains or mlp, 47 is obsessed with murder.

Apprehending terrorists non-lethally? Are you a fucking cuck? They want to kill as many as possible before their own death. You want to risk police lives on that?

do go on

so we are pretending that absolution did not happen, right ?

He never killed for the money. He kills because it's what he's good at.

Seriously, no matter how shitty your childhood has been, an adult should know that they're fucked up and do something against it. Or not behave like a fucking child.
Also, Caruso had the Berlusconi wannabe killed - by 47.

This could prove to be way off base but the new game doesn't seem to be concerned with his origin despite the fact that they've returned to the beginning of his story. Yes it's early in his career, but the plot seems to look strictly forward at what's going on, who's abusing the agency, etc.

in the intro of tm he says it doesn't feel good nor bad he is a socipath

I'd argue the Colorado killings are pretty morally grey. Berg and Graves, at least.

he literally murdered his mother so no

he is a bald guy

nah being part of a terrorist organisation / militia and ploting an assassintion of a buissness man is not morally gray

Accident lad, he told me in therapy and I believe him over some slut.

They're fighting against the Illuminati and killing their agents, not bombing civilians.

well if you were you'd want to take them in non-lethally because killing's BAD MMKAY?

What did Jordan Cross the singer guy do wrong?

also wasn't Berg a sadist that got off on torturing ppl with chemistry (i may be wrong i hate colorado)

murdered his gf

Except pushing his gf from a balcony because he's a whimp?

He pushed a bitch over a rail, idiot.
No guilt whatsoever considering he's gonna accept Daddy's "bail out of jail free" card and continue his career instead of turn himself in.
Plus, he'd do it again and proves just as much if you arrange it so.

but killing is bad

nah i wasn't the pacifism fag i just like illuminati and masons and think that jews should rly run the world through various agencies

What is it about 47 that makes him strangely likable despite basically being a stone brick? Like I really can't stand someone like Golgo 13, but I suppose what makes 47 work is that they don't take him too seriously with how he'll occasionally deliver a one-liner before killing someone or how he's absurdly talented at the most obscure things just in case he needs to in order to blend in.

except dancing, as seen in blood money

can we blame him though

guilty feet have got no rhythm

and wrong.

does anyone else has a feeling that all hitman targets are written in a way that it'd be hard for the player to sympathise with, sometimes this are like small things but they almost always are unrelatable and unlikable

You're retarded

He's not a bad giuy. He's a weapon. There's no such thing as an evil or moral gun, it's all in how its used.

So anyone has a clue how does 47 know how to play drums, prepare sushi or make fancy drinks or do yoga on high lvl ?

He's a genius and probably spends all of his free time improving himself and learning new things to better blend in.

>i believed him
i killed him

Except he plays drums so he has rhythm

read anything about male fashion or elegancy and then say that again. Typical "power tie" and an ugly suit may be good for a prom but not as high class outfit

Contract killing is pretty immoral.

There's this though

so we still are ignoring the fact that he killed a delivery guy and an innocent bird in a cage ?

It's because the devs aren't tryhard in making him a badass hitman or anything like that. He is just aloof about everything, it's like killing people is just another day for him.

>mfw 47 prefers shit charts because they're harder

I'm sure that's what they were going for. No matter who the target is they always have something off about them.

chaotic neutral?

Doesn't even matter if the people he kills deserve it or not. Killing people for money is pretty evil regardless.

>you have the right to remain silent
>anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law
>you have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future
>if you do not have an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning, if you wish
Everyone, even criminals and mafiosos are entitled to an attorney. Wanting a good defense attorney gone makes it less likely your wanted criminal gets the not guilty verdict.

more like lawfull evil

>that video of his voice actor advertising alcohol until he takes a drink and starts choking



Yeah fuck off

47 has no redeeming qualities. He is just a monster.

Genetic engineered to learn things extremely fast and execute them with accuracy. Think of him as a savant except he can do it to many different things instead of a single one like a normal savant.

The thing is, most attorneys for mafia tend to be highly connected to them and involved with their business. It's not a one time thing.

t. wehraboo

He's a bad guy, but not the worst.

That guy in the middle with the bag always gets me

more like coming from a wealthy family so i gotta know how to dress not to look stupid at social events not to embarass my parents even more

That game was very underwhelming visually.