>Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
>Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
Are there ANY other worthwhile PC exclusives coming out in 2017, or is this seriously it?
>Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
>Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
Are there ANY other worthwhile PC exclusives coming out in 2017, or is this seriously it?
Why the fuck did it have to be randomly generated levels?
>mfw they all look like shit
I know you're baiting but i can't wait for butterlord, I'll easily put 300 hours into it and that's without the mods
Honestly, that bothered me a bit too but I'm glad it's done that way now. Gives the game a reason to be replayed
I'm not baiting. I'm putting together a list of games to purchase this coming year and the PC section only has those three games.
Vietnam is broken as hell ATM but Bannerlord is looking great.
Isn't bannerlord also coming to consoles like warband?
You got all the games Microsoft is pumping out this year
probably not
Multiplats are PC exclusives.
They're games that was meant to be played EXCLUSIVELY on PC :)
Pathologic remake hopefully
Probably in like 5 years.
>gaming on pc
Cant believe you fell for this meme son
>gaming at all
excuse me, are you seriously indulding in this activity?
Who cares about exclusives?
Nier Automata, Senran Kagura: Estival Versus, Atelier Firis, Monster Monpiece, and Zero Escape: The Nonary Games all come out next month.
Yeah but why would I want to play a game with zero level design?
Pradox dropped M&B in 2014 dude, they have nothing to do with it
I actually switched back to the consoles instead of upgrading my PC. There is literally nothing that interests me on PC, except Squadron 42, which migh end up shit and it is going to be released maybe in 10 years.
Why there are no good PC only games that would justify buying gaming PC?
>Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
Arent both games announced for consoles too?
>I actually switched back to the consoles instead of upgrading my PC.
Same, for the most part.
Steam bloat was another big reason. With consoles I have more friends online to play with, and I can actually browse digital game sales without having to sift through a billion shovelware early access games.
>people actually browse the Steam store
You're literally complaining about have more choices. Who the fuck uses the Steam store to find games? Everything I find out about I find out through Gematsu or word of mouth.
Also GOG is shit and Atelier Sophie and Love Ribbon are genuinely good games. They don't belong in your image at all
Atelier Sophie is unfun casual shit and a disgrace to the Atelier series.
PC hasn't had a good exclusive since the 2000s, good thing it can emulate 10 gorillion console games and has a great multiplat selection.
>Who the fuck uses the Steam store to find games?
If your storefront makes finding games MORE difficult, that's a huge problem.
>Arent both games announced for consoles too?
Dunno about Strafe but even if Bannerlord does show up on consoles no mods is going to suck
I know the mods meme is thrown around a lot here but M&B with mods is a lot more enjoyable
To add to this, you wouldn't actually go into IRL stores and browse their selection, would you? It seems like a waste of time.
>going out exploring finding resources via scavenging and fighting monsters to use those resources to make things for odd jobs
>while participating in daily life and seeing events happening almost daily, each character having their own lives
>not fun
you shouldn't be browsing the Steam catalog. Only use the search to find the exact game you want.
Total War Warhammer is breddy good.
I would say Crysis was the last big one, than literally nothing, then The Secret World and then literally nothing until now and still counting.
Also Haydee is a good game as well
It has great exclusives if you like FPS, strategy or sim games. Games like Civ 6 and Planet Coaster are great games, it's just that Sup Forums is more filled with children now, and those kinds of games appeal to older guys.
what are those games
literally who?
It's said there are some petitions online. You can enjoy them in 4k with 120 fps.
>Mountain Blade without mods
No thanks
>Atelier Sophie
Wait there's an atelier game on steam
buying it
Focusing on exclusives only makes sense on consoles since they can only be used for playing games.Buying a machine based solely around a handful of games is retarded.
Which is why I won't buy gaming PC.
Serious Sam 4
Is it wrong to want more games that fully take advantage of KB+M controls?
Firis also comes out in about 2 weeks
Because thats the whole point? Theres a million old school shooters with non procgen levels. Thats strafe's drawing point. Having one procgen shooter is fine. Itll probably be fun.
Yes, gamepad is more comfy.
levels are designed. All the rooms are hand designed. Its the order and sequences/enemy layouts that are randomized. It keeps you on your toes and allows slightly altered experiences each time. Thats the draw to procgen.
>Games like Civ 6 and Planet Coaster are great games
Civ 6 is bad and planet coaster is okay, not only that but they run on my budget laptop I use for work.
>sim games
Not fun
Arma 2 was 7 years ago man, don't try to pin the fact that PC is the platform with by far the worst exclusive selection on "Sup Forums is filled with children". Only worthwhile games are autism games that run on toasters.
Shadow Warrior 2 tried this and turned out to be mediocre.
However, Strafe's graphics aren't nearly as resource intensive and they'll probably be able to play around with more/larger level designs. I'm optimistic, but uncertain.
i cant fucking wait
>PC exclusives
Why? PC doesnt need to justify itself. Its not a locked down proprietary box that can only play games. It doesnt have worse versions of multiplats or forced online, inferior hardware, lack of mods, and no backwards compatibility. PC doesnt need to convince you with exclusives.
yeah but shadow warrior mechanics just werent that fun. And it had obnoxious weapon drop systems. Overall it was just implemented poorly.>Civ 6 is bad
>PC doesnt need to convince you with exclusives.
Than why shoud I buy it for gaming if it doesn't have games I want to play?
>>sim games
>>Not fun
>ignoring all the grand strategy games
>ignoring total war series
>somehow games not being shittly optimized like the average console port means they don't count as exclusives
This consolefag logic is fucking retarded. PC gaming is both the big expensive rigs and the budget laptops.
Because it has other games that you probably want to play, and because you'll always have those games and keep getting more games on it. Its a platform that never goes obsolete essentially, so its extremely convenient for keeping a lot of games on it. Also handles them better, making games more enjoyable than they already are.
If it the platform that can play the majority of all games ever released doesn't have a single game you want to play, you've picked an odd board to shitpost on/
Because it has the most games. A backlog spanning several decades. Better multiplats, a few exclusives, more control options, mods, no paid online, better graphics and framerate, emulators, use whatever controller you want, multitasking abilities, better sales, multi monitor support, mouse and keyboard support, genres like simulators/city builders/grand strategy/rts that are largely absent on console, faster load times, non-gaming functionality.
If it doesnt have games you want to play, then don't get one. But don't pretend its value lies in exclusives. Its not as bare bones and restricting as a console. Besides, there probably are games you'd like to play, you just dont know about them because you are console only. You only know of games that get marketed to you. I've never met someone who got a PC and went back to consoles exclusively. They always realize its better.
To make full use of its more capable hardware and more variable control scheme?
Unless you think Cities: Skylines can be played just fine with a controller or something.
>it doesn't have games I want to play
You shouldn't.
Good thread, have fun with buying the new switch or ps4 or whatever.
It's not like pc gaming is some sort of team where I need to convince you to join me to beat the other team. This console warrior mentality where you feel the need to root for your corporate overlord is retarded
Did you even read my post? I'm saying the exclusive lineup for PC is garbage but it more than makes up for it in other areas. Grand strategy games are all it has as far as exclusives goes. I'm not a consolefag, but name a single PC exclusive on the same level as SotC or an average Zelda title like WW? And I can emulate both of those in 4k while playing on PC making it the definitive platform for old console games and multiplats.
>I've never met someone who got a PC and went back to consoles exclusively. They always realize its better.
TFW I built a PC to play JRPGs and am glad I did
Because if pc has no games you want to play you dont buy it.
I got mine because i love strategies and fps games, i never could care less about multiplats.
Recently i picked up berseria and i had a blast, if the next tales of games will be good and console only. I shall get a proper console.
>be me
>see discusting and immature behavior of PC gamers and especially PCMRetards
>don't want to suppport platform with such a shitty, immature and hypocrytical audience
>literally stopped buying games on PC
>havent bought a game on PC for like 2 years
>pirate and play everything on PC though because I want to play the best version
>buy console version instead so I have a legal copy and devs get my money
>on the same level
What did he mean by that?
Off the top of my head, games slated for 2017?
Total War: Warhammer Standalone
Squadron 42
Dawn of War 3
Expeditions: Viking
Battle Brothers
Endless Space 2
Frozen Synapse 2
Some of these will inevtiably get delayed and some of them you won't like, but that ain't a bad list.
I didn't even include stuff like Subnautica or Starsector that don't have official dates but are getting huge content updates soon.
Not everything is on the Steam store, chief.
>Rising Storm 2:Vietnam
think battlefield vietnam but hardcore only and designed around hardcore only.
>Strafe: roguelike combined with quake or something.
>Mount and Blade: Bannerlord. (if you don't know what mount and blade is, buy "warband" next steam sale, it looks like shit, it's got annoying UI, the AI is retarded, but it's worth playing regardless).
weird, because most multiplats are consoleports and not the other way around
>I'm saying the exclusive lineup for PC is garbage
It's objectively better than any other platform. I mean what are you even comparing to?
Xbone where all the games are on PC and is basically just making PC better because you're just getting two platforms worth of games?
PS4 where it only looks like it has games on this tiny corner of the internet where obscure weeb games like Gravity Rush 2 (that fail to even sell 100k copies in Japan) are treated as some super significant blockbusters?
Already said this
>Total War: Warhammer Standalone
I'm having a lot of fun with TW:War but I dunno if I'd count its expacs as new games
>Squadron 42
Probably not coming out this year.
>Dawn of War 3
Gameplay makes it seem less like either DoW game and more like
>h-hey we can be Starcraft II too!
which would, admittedly, be a step up from DoWII IMHO. I'm pessimistic, but hopefully it'll turn out good.
I remember my cousins having the old tabletop game, but I didn't know they were making a PC version. Might be worth checking out.
>Expeditions: Viking
Wasn't really a big fan of Conquistador.
>Battle Brothers
Hadn't heard of this until now but it seems like it could be neat.
>Endless Space 2
I thought this was due for 2018. Are they all done with the Endless Legend DLCs?
>Frozen Synapse 2
I thought this was vaporware.
I guess this answers my question. Thanks user.
If you're hot on Strafe check out Desync. It's coming out in a couple of days apparently, and the gameplay video makes it look like it could actually be pretty good.
Endless Space 2 is almost certainly going to have its full release this year. The Early Access is, as of right now, a more full-featured and complete game than EL or ES1 were at release. It needs balance, stability, and AI passes, though.
on pc you can enjoy no games in 6 gorillion frames per millisecond and high quality pixel indies
>Might be worth checking out.
Better play older ones. Like mechwarrior 2.
Darkest Dungeon is getting a content update in march if what /vg/ said was true. No idea if the update going to the console version.
i dont know how you kids deluded yourselves into thinking that PC is the platform with no games
ye, you can play them on console for that no mod 30fps silky smooth experience
Joseph Anderson shit on it
But Doom SLIGE mod was awesome
I don't know who that is.
>promoting exclusivity
fuck you
Why would I be sad? I have every platform
And all of my gaming will still be on PC this year because outside of Yakuza 0 and BOTW, everything else looks like garbage
What games come out on console that are interesting? Seriously, 2016 only Hitman and Blood and Wine were games that interested me. I just feel there isn't much to get excited about anymore.
good games don't need mods
>muh kids
just look at this thread
there hasn't been a good pc game for over 10 years
>customization as an option is bad
sure. now defend the 30fps and the 60 euros per title money grab, ill wait
>30 fps meme
nothing wrong about 30fps and many games on console run on 60fps not that anyone cares besides autistic retards
the only reason you need mods is because you play games from the stoneage for 1k hours because there's nothing else to play
>60€ is alot
nigga I've bought zelda ooc and c&c red alert in the 90s for 60 bux each and if you ever heard about inflation then you'd know games got even cheaper you tard
face it, you fell for a meme machine
shut up
>nothing wrong about 30fps
If it's not action oriented game, yes. But what the most hyped AAA exclusives on consoles?
Rather have those and good multiplats than Nioh, Gravity Rush, and .webm related
>spend $1000 building pc that runs everything on ultra at 60(or above) fps at 1080p
>just bought ultimate doom and have been playing wads instead of most triple A titles while using idlemaster for cards
its fun af, I'm surprised I can run ark on ultra at above 55fps consistently
>nothing wrong about 30fps
well ok if you're mentally retarded or blind you can't tell.
>60€ is a lot
ye it is, considering that the only appeal of consoles is to be cheap. why would anyone buy a shit performing piece of trash when they can buy a pc for 1k euros and download most titles for free?
you are either a shill or a filthy casual. there is literally 0 reason to buy a console
Fuck you
I'm an idort and Gravity Rush 2 and Nioh are great.
PC gamer here, ther are no good exclusives coming out this year, Bannerlord, it will be delayed probably.
But there are good multi-plats to play:
Dark Souls 3: The Fire Fades Edition
Ace Combat 7
NieR Automata
>b-but muh shill webms :'(
>and download most titles for free?
yea you can also go to any game store and just steal a console game
where are the arguments, seriously?
Torment: Tides of Nu-men era might be decent. That comes out Tuesday
Why would anyone want to buy a new game for 60€ when you can buy Civ5 for 5€ and spent the next 2 month real world time with it? Face it, modern games aren't competetive in the saturated market. Consoles will continue to buy 80€ exclusive pre-order digital collector's editions while everyone non-retarded will just grab a cd-key from G2A for 20€ the following month.
Quake: Champions
UT4 - but I doubt full release will be 2017
Serious Sam 4
Dawn of War III
Stellaris Expansion
Div:OS2 (console version "may or may not be announced in the future, according to the dev though)
>because I can't play with mods on console they are bad
How embarrassing for you.
>>b-but muh shill webms :'(
pc only fags are just memelords just wait when they get ported to pc and they start praising them like this anonI rather pay 50€ for nioh instead of 5€ for a literally who shit game I don't give single fuck about