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Video Games #3687
Video Games
Where do you go when you get burnout of Sup Forums?
Why do we hate her again?
I'm starting to consider Rise attractive. What is happening to me?
Metroid Prime 2 is best Metroid
Stellaris: Utopia "Path to Ascension" Release Date Reveal Trailer
Cemu will offer the definitive Breath of the Wild experience at launch
Shadow of War
What's the most retarded plot twist in video game you have ever seen?
So, has anyone tried this yet?
Zelda confirmed Shit?
What controller is the best? for pc?
It's a Platformer But Everytime You Jump a Dead Meme Appears
Danganronpa V2 confirmed
I'm currently at a used game shop where Derek is working. What should I say to him?
This image doesn't lie
I think it's time for a pure girl thread
And suddenly Sup Forums and the general anti-SJW likes Mass Effect and defends the game to the death
Leaked Assassin's Creed Empire screen
Hollow Knight thread
Switch overview
Why does Oblivion have the best ES quest?
Sonic Generations
I guess the mods don't want/v/ to be fixed Edition
Sup Forums has been infested with casuals for years
What do you expect from th16?
Hype levels are at DANGEROUS levels with public
Guitar Hero Thread
We wuz Lords n shiet
Defend this bullshit
What the fuck is Gabe's problem?
Can Sup Forums make the purrfect game?
Why is this so fucking good?
Left or Right
What's the best kind of coffee to drink while pulling an all nighter to play some vidya
Tales of Berseria
What's next for her (("career")) ?
Japanese game comes out
Stop putting token black people in games
Remember Shadow of Mordor? That one game with gameplay so casual you could play it with the monitor turned off?
Let's have an honest discussion about the Switch and the future of Nintendo
Is this what sony posters look like?
We can agree it's better than Dark Souls, right?
Is there a single game where INT is better than STR?
How bad is your computer/internet addiction?
Are you excited for Marvel vs Capcom Infinite?
The sound of Tolkien turning in his grave
Should I buy Ghost Recon Wildlands ?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Kat's forehead is huge, huge!
Age of Decadence
What went wrong
Let's discuss about the best emulator ever made
You are tasked to make a trailer park boys game, how would you make it?
Play SFV and UMVC3
Nostalgia fags are the WORST
What's the FMA 2003 of Sup Forums?
Who is the best vampire in all of video games and why is it Kain?
What are some other good Undervanias that are available on PC?
Looks like Sony hasn't been able to sell many copies of Gravity Rush 2 here...
Isn't anyone gonna complain about an European samurai?
Isn't the whole point of the system that all games should be TV and Handheld enabled...
What happened to this?
The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth...
You never cease to surprise me blue hedgehog
Just picked it up, wasn't heavily into Souls but finished 1, 3, and BB
Would you?
I realized that you can play Switch like this
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever
I just got a ps4 today (i know, poorfag)
You literally cannot prove this wrong
Switch haters BTFO
Man prehistoric times sure are scary
Inafune the mega man creator laments: Japanese games are dead
What did you like about Fallout 4?
This is the triumvirate of superior open world games
Stores still sold out of NES Classics
Nintendo switch battery life outperforms vita, psp, 3ds, ds, and ipad
Anyone else shit of how blatant the shills for this are? Literally fucking nobody was talking about it a week ago...
Why the need to creep in Africans in every Fantasy universe?
Risk of Rain
What makes it broken?
What's the point of the Scorpio?
How's Enter the Gungeon?
CDPR isn't attending E3 this year or any other big conventions like PAX for that matter meaning no Cyberpunk 2077...
Are you glad you bought a Wii U for these two experiences?
Battleborn thread
Join american server
Degenerates like you belong on a cross
Lets see that gaming channel you are always talking about, but never sharing, user!
What went wrong?
Can someone give me a quick rundown on Steam Trading Cards ?
"fighting" is used very loosely nowadays
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Does anyone even play this game any more?
Prove you aren't a shill. What is your biggest complaint about this game?
Hop on skype, user! We're waiting for you!
Yu-Gi-Oh duel links
Are you buying Breath of the Wild on Wii U or Switch?
Is the whole DnD style class based adventuring-with-a-party game genre dead...
Torment: Tides of Numenera
Reminder that Nintenchildren and weebs are the reason why gamers such as ourselves are being seen as pathetic whiny...
Post your favorite robot from a video game or I'll break your nose!
Will we ever get a proper JoJo game?
Which video game girl has the best booty?
What is the BEST long running JRPG series of them all?
Which is the better game?
Wotlk > TBC > Vanilla >>>>> Cata > Mop > Legion >> WoD
Dead or Alive
What the fuck is he even doing?
Why are you all getting hyped for a game with 2008 graphics and a gameplay that barely evolved since the nintendo 64
Alright, Sup Forums. Which is better?
Wow, even PC gamers are ditching the reddit platform for superior consoles. Why haven't you?
Assault Rifle amirite?
Look at this nep
How is your trip back to Drangleic going? What build are you using?
I just wanted to remind you that Dark Souls 3 is OBJECTIVELY better than Dark Souls. Nobody is forcing you to like it...
Is SUPERHOT the best VR game currently available?
Middle Earth: Shadow of War
What are you guys playing right now ?
What did nintendo do RIGHT to create such blind and loyal drones?
Thoughts on this?
Comfy Breath of the Wild
Yeah, that game may be fun...
We wuz men of the West n sheit
Va-11 Hall-A Thread
Why nobody makes D&D games anymore?
Is being born in 1993-1998 the best time for a gamer since...
Could play any Sega Genesis game
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
I know you guys hate this sort of self-promotion, but even just one of you enjoy what you see it'll be worth it
Do your parents ever play games?
Wattman for Ryzen CPUs
Mount and blade warband help please!!!!
Still a month + until april 4
Personal 10/10s
What's her name Sup Forums?
Hey user, congratulations, you are now the head game-designer of the next souls successor for the FROM SOFTWARE!
Was he gay? were any of them gay?
Assassin's Creed Empire
"Horizon Zero Dawn is like the 2017 version of zelda"
For Honor
Girl joins the guild
Be honest Sup Forums. Do you like visual novels?
NO Redeads
Pillars of Eternity
22 more days
So now, we totally know that Zelda BotW sucks hard, and there are only paid reviews out there
Characters you'd go gay for
What are some short, easy, cutsey games you can play with your normie gf to initiate her to the fine arts of vidya...
Best D-pad made in the last decade?
OHH BREAKING THE Yakuza 0 thread
Looking forward to the new Torment game, Sup Forums?
Hello, Sup Forums. Can you please review my first "gaming" PC and see what I could change for the better?
Is AI-chan the only video game youtuber worth watching?
Be honest, who did you play the most?
What RPGs have the best character creation?
Stop pirating games
Halo 5 MP is free on PC but almost completely empty
Use the same WB logo that has only been used on Arkham City's cover
Shogun 2
What are some games about a corrupt institution propagating misinformation for reasons you have to uncover
Suspect the other player is a girl
Stop playing Danganronpa
Nier runs at 900p on PS4; framerate all over the place
You can have a nintendo switch
Game is longer than 12 hours
Filename thread
I dont usually play crpgs but pic related sounds pretty promising is it worth playing?
PCuck thread
Tfw I like this game but will never ever ever ever be good at it
Intel getting BTFO'd by AMD's Ryzen
Show your steam profile
Switch Pro's D-pad is the worst I've ever tried
Hey gamers
First transgender Asari?
Has there ever been a more awesome finale for a video game? The fights may have been easy...
Who's your main?
Updated list
How do you let your parents know what video games you want for your birthday or Christmas?
What went right?
Demon Souls
What's the point of spending 550 dollars to play games in sub 40fps?
What games let me court tomboys/reverse-traps?
Ready for him to play a stupidly large role in Specter of Torment?
This is (technically) my first Souls-like game and I feel like I'm doing something wrong
Why do people skip tutorials?
Ok, I just bought the Humble Monthly for the first time because I was interested in this game since its release...
They STILL haven't nerfed the Rat King class
Why does Nintendo hate its non-casual fans?
Enemies can open doors
Waist is smaller than each of her thighs
Played through Transistor finally
Dark Souls 2 got BTFO
Heres your controller bro
What is the Garfield of video games?
Post cute female characters from vidya
NieR Automata on PC Bound to Have Denuvo
How is this even fucking possible on a $249 dollar meme box?
What are some comfy open worlds
What went wrong?
915.000 units sold in 4 months
Japan Studio Bloodborne
Berserk Video game
*Blocked your path*
Start a level
What is the objective best story in video games?
Mother Thread
Realistically, how much will the Switch sell in its lifetime?
Do Sup Forums like Second life?
Sup Forums forces the "PS4 has ONE game" meme nonstop
If BotW goes full FE Awakening
Is For honor the best fighting game ever ?
Ai-chan's new video is out. What are you waiting for?
Still no piracy 3.5 years later
My. Fucking. Wallet
Is this worth playing if you want to get into Beserk?
This Friday
ITT: dead franchises
This is Symmetra and Connie
Wear it
Warhammer 40k thread
Am I just a bitter individual for not liking Undertale or is the game just not that good?
The black goo of Japanese unoriginality
How is the dpad for fightan?
Orson did nothing wrong
Misunderstood pixels
Do we need to fight?, Why can we all get along?
What the fuck was his problem?
It been ages since i played any online fps
Tuba Croc
No mans sky
He preorders consoles/video games
This game fucking rules
Playing console games on handheld, anywhere you want in 2017
Female character
Jace Hall announces he's making a new FEAR game
You're going to love this, trust me
Cave hidden behind a waterfall
What are some games where the hero and villain team up?
This is Link
Have you purchased a 4K TV yet?
Mad Max
Why is this old game available for preorder again?
D3 Publisher has updated its “Touch Endurance Starter” new game teaser website launched last week with a hint at...
Which game made you buy it?
What are some games that predicted events in sequels?
49.99 on pc (42.99 preorder)
Popular new releases
ITT: the most reddit weapon in its game
Light attack
Tfw no Diablo like game in a scifi or cyber punk setting
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Fire emblem heroes
He blames the controller for not being able to aim well in console FPS
ITT: We talk about the best Final Fantasy and why it's XII. I'll start:
Free stuff for you guys
We can expect from BOTW
Why does this get higher scores than Gravity Rush 2?
Stupid mechanics in otherwise good games
E3 2006 Sony vs E3 2013 Microsoft
WTF is this?!
30+ oldfag thread
What's your reaction to the last video game you played?
What are some games where I can play as Jesus? Seriously, I don't know any
This is the board that sent Nintendo a thankyou card
Characters that are literally you
You set the Cure shortcut to triangle in Kingdom Hearts, don't you user?
I don't understand. This has something to do with the fact that the Doom engine can't actually create 3D space...
Why did you choose video games?
Am I just a pussy or was anyone else just really disturbed by the concept of Corpse Party...
*Blocks your path*
I don't know what it was brought you to Primm, youngster, but you might want to rethink your plans. New Vegas thread
Why does Borderlands seem to have a monopoly on the loot-and-shoot formula...
ITT: Embaressing shit that scared you as a kid
Why'd you post a picture of Xion from Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days?
Why is this so much better than XV?
Resident Evil Revelations 2
Name ONE (1) game where I can play as a Egyptian
This soundtrack is turning out to be pretty promising
You are not Saren
Post cute vidya characters who doesn't make you want to sex with it
Never forget the one true Valkyria
Convince me not to kill myself Sup Forums, I dumped my gf today, I didn't want to but she was killing me...
What are some games where the protag seems to be unstoppable but gets rekt in the ending?
How can he still be alive?
Stop shitposting and post your all-time favorite vidya'
There are 18 year olds posting here who's first console was an xbox 360
*teleports behind you*
No point in being an early adopter now when a better iteration is bound to come out
*Blocks your path*
What does Sup Forums think of For Honor?
Alternate Joycons
No Man's Sky?
Game of the year 2017, no contest
Is Zelda doomed?
*breaks glass*
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Silver the Hedgehog?
Xenoblade 2
Tales of Berseria thread
Swim straight to the shore, stick together, and look for others who can help you. You're not the first exiles...
Super Lesbian Animal RPG
Sup Forums, UNITE UP!
How big letdown will it be this time?
About to buy a PS4 in a little bit
I love sushi
Why are used game discs always covered in scratches? Does anyone take care of their own shit anymore?
Torment: Tides of Numenera
Are there any games where you can consume caffeinated beverages?
What other PS2 games am I missing?
NA/JP: "A world of adventure awaits before you!"
He believes that a series needs to played in release order
Steam profile pic thread. go!! go fucking right now
Not sure what game I should buy with this money
Risk of Rain Thread
Why don't you own a PS4 yet?
Why is it that Team Fortress 2 never really developed the same kind of notorious players as Overwatch has Genjis...
And the award for Worst Fanbase goes to
What went wrong?
These 3 stop making consoles forever
*walks towards you aggressively*
This is the ADFX-01 Morgan
What would your Shadow say, Sup Forums? Would you be able to face it?
*blocks your path*
Which one to enjoy first?
Funniest looking enemies
They say the Force can do terrible things to a mind. It can wipe away your memories and destroy your very KOTOR THREAD
Games you already forgot about
Been wanting a succesor to nvdia shield protable
Thoughts on Grimrock games?
Which one to play white boy?
What rating will he give to the Switch?
Only interest I have is vidya
How do you like your mecha senpai?
Just how can other senrans compete?
E3 2017
What are your thoughts on this video game character?
I'm lonely and video games no longer fill the void Sup Forums
Beat final boss
Best consoles of all time
Any other Xfags looking forward to seeing if this can deliver on it's promises?
*blocks your path*
Fatman thread
>reviewer gives a game a better score because its "diverse"
This is your date tonight
What are your thoughts on this man?
Challenges you to a rap battle
Who did you go for?
What went wrong?
So why didn't they all fight you at once? Instead of being slaughtered one by one
I wonder how hard the writer at Rockstar beat his stubby little dick while writing Trevor
Do people usually dress robots up in skirts?
This Is great Mazinger Emperor from Super Robot Wars V
I want my money back
This game is so fucking addicting!
Spend billions to develop a bioweapon
Does anyone else only play Hentai games now?
What the hell?
When is censorship in video games acceptable?
Is it happening
Now that Zelda has been confirmed to be shit, will you be getting Horizon Zero Dawn?
NieR Thread
Hollow knight thread
What is a good site to get free steam keys?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Why aren't you playing Revelator, Sup Forums?
Collection thread
We never got an answer to what they were and what exactly did they want
You did finish your Mastery Quests didn't you user? You're not trying to rush them out at last minute are you?
What the hell happened to western rhythm games?
Face it, console is dying and hand held is the only way going forward. Nintendo is just smarter than sony and microsoft
This any good? Do I miss out on anything by skipping the first?
Why dont you faggots play ARK?
Burgers are a health item
Why is this allowed?
Where is the non white palace half of the white fragment?
Was once one of the videogame world's favored journalists
ITT Video game "Villains" who did nothing wrong
This game is not higher then a 7/10 why did it get praised so much?
Bad Character Redesigns
Is the Spy just scouts dad?
How would Sup Forums fix MGS4 ?
I've been playing mobile games for the past 3 months as research, as I got a job at a mobile game studio
Was it good?
Rome Total War
No VC on launch
What games let me SAIL
Comfy Zelda thread
Is there a rational reason not to side with the Brotherhood of Steel in every Fallout game?
The Great Debate
Zelda confirmed to be shit
Teens react to Switch
3x3 thread
Post your Steam avis
Anybody else /WaitingForSwitchXL/ here?
Be Honest
This is your party in the last RPG you played. How fucked are you?
Is the Danganronpa series good? 12 Reload is coming to PS4 and I'm thinking of getting it?
How quaint. We are allies! The Occuria give men power as a master feeds his dog: it is meant to tame us...
What games have the best sword combat
What's Risky's problem?
Death stranding is cancelled
Purpose of consoles
Try this game out because Sup Forums said it was good and I need a good fightan since SFV was shit
So how many weeks till this is expected to be in stock again? I missed the boat on pre ordering
Mama, how did it go from this
This game sucks
A retard reacts to Switch
Post the most recent game screenshot you took. No cheating
Well well... What do we have here? Another innocent New Vegas thread. Come here, I won't hurt you... Hah! Gotcha!
ITT: Be nice to one another about video games
I've seen many gameplay videos and it looks very fun to play but it just can't compare to Horizon in terms of graphics...
Tired gamer thread?
ITT: Characters who would make 10/10 Wife material
Who was in the wrong here?
Sup Forums will defend this
Complains about piracy
Ragnarok Online
What's wrong with this broad?
Go into GameStop
Sold my ps4 for 150 dollars irl, did I do good?
New Harvest Moon game releases
Whoa there
Without using the words Sony, Microsoft or "its cheaper" can you defend paid online?
ITT: games that weren't THAT bad
Leaked cutscene for Breath of the Wild
ITT: your Bloodborne weaponfu
ITT: We post attempts by the game industry in social engineering
Not so fast
Bow damage = 493
What makes me a good demoman?
So Sup Forums, I now own a Sega Saturn and have been playing a few Saturn games I've had my eyes on (Nights...
I'm going to need some music games. Be it rhythm games or karaoke games. Whatever goes
Hey, let me point out the most obvious thing ever, "you can't be in two places at the same time"
"user, We know we've lost against you but we do not have any money. We let you lick our armpits if you want."
Damian Wayne Batman game coming soon
The related Switch controversy got me wondering, Sup Forums, how often do you use non-gaming apps on your consoles?
$100 to whomever can peg Breath of the Wild on the Zelda timeline
Game uses licensed music
Question to all people who aren't buying a Switch at launch and are just waiting to see if it's worth it or not: How...
Which was better?
Should trannies be allowed in female only esport competitions?
Nioh thread
Game Theory: Gaster's Identity REVEALED!
What will sonyggers do when Zelda BOTW gets a 99 on metacritic?
OK so now that the meme flavor of the month game is done, when are we getting REmake 2 and 3?
Betrayals you didn't see coming
Did this ever get solved?
Friendly reminder that the ME universe is still the most interesting sci fi world in vidya and no amount of crying...
Fenoxo makes over $300,000 a year with TiTS
Why don't you own both?
ITT: massive downgrades
Who is the best girl in Stardew Valley and why is it Penny?
Dead or Alive
Black rupee steals your money
Nintendo game
Elder Scrolls 3
*stands in your yu-gi-oh thread*
Recommend me some good porn games Sup Forums. I already have Space Paws, Quest Failed, and Behind the Dune downloaded
"Hey give me money for no reason"
Why would he want to hide those perfect teeth?
Middle Earth: Shadow of War
How the fuck people have time for serious riding in the adult life?
Fire Emblem Heroes
10 years from now...
What's Sup Forums's opinion on the Borderlands series? What do you hope to see in Borderlands 3?
What went so terribly wrong?
Do you feel guilt after pirating a game?
Stop buying games at launch
I found a cursed game, Sup Forums, what do
Calypso offers you 1 (One) Vidya-related wish
Which video game girl has the best booty?
Which one is visually more cringy
Meanwhile at the kame house Sup Forums
Why is it more "fun" to play games on consoles instead of PC?
Nintendo Switch BTFO by its target audience
Another fantastic design by Nintendo
Use auto-detect graphics settings
Normal teenagers reacting to the switch
We've finally reached Morrowind Thread, I'm sure they'll let us go
This is a robotics engineer from 60 years in the future. Say something nice about her
Name a better One Piece game than Grand Adventure
When it comes to horror games, should players have a means to defend themselves or should they be completely helpless?
In all seriousness, Sup Forums, I think it's about time that we discussed the best game ever made
Who's your favorite male vidya character Sup Forums?
What ya playing & sippin on this comfy sunday?
Few days ago
*joins your team*
HOW the FUCK do i kill this guy!
Post gay shit you do in video games, I'll start
Every time a sony game gets good reviews people scream "Paid reviews"
Why was it such a success?
Anyone else notice how Kojima is being really friendly towards Sony lately?
Finished this earlier and thought it was fantastic, can we get a thread about it?
Your thoughts on RPG maker games
Bloodborne experience thread - PLATINUM EDITION
Does it make you upset when you realize that kids today probably haven't played any gaming classics made prior to the...
Is good?
Filename Thread
Companies with no bad games
This design is so close to being perfect
10 years of technological advancement
Risk of Rain Thread
Would you?
How come Sup Forums hates game grumps?
What is the most expensive steam card you have found out there?
How did we go from this
How do we go from this
What is the best AVGN episode?
Dark Souls
Why is it called the Nintendo switch?
You still have yours, right Sup Forums?
Are there any strategy games where you can do that?
Did it have games?
Souls youtubers meme katana as edgy neckbeard fedora weapon
Dark Souls
PC fucking when??
Am I the only one who doesn't enjoy this game? Does that make me a bad person?
What are your plans for launch day Sup Forums
Offical Horizon Zero Dawn Hype Thread
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
Senran Kagura
Opinions that will get you killed
Let's finish this off Sup Forums
What went wrong?
So 1.7. 2 is now available to the public...
What went wrong?
Will Ghost Recon Wildlands be a good game? Will Ubisoft fuck it up like all the other times?
Creates mega man and puts Capcom on the map as a studio
Be honest, will you be picking up or at least trying to get a Switch on launch day?
Who is excited
Got a new PC any good 8th gen games to try out? Willing to try anything except Overwatch
Games that didn't deserve their fate
New SL thread. the old one is on autosage
What went wrong?
Dante's hairstyle
US version: $15
Whats a game that has a great social aspect that isn't second life but an actual video game?
Is Pillars of Eternity any good? It's on sale right now
ITT: games that were instantly forgotten
Battlefield 1 is kill
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games