Well well... What do we have here? Another innocent New Vegas thread. Come here, I won't hurt you... Hah! Gotcha!

Well well... What do we have here? Another innocent New Vegas thread. Come here, I won't hurt you... Hah! Gotcha!

Light Switch 01 a cute!

Help me out Sup Forums. Should I play an a-typical Energy Weapons/Science character, some kind of Unarmed/Science technomonk, or a more "traditional" Unarmed monk like character?

What was his fucking problem?

Traditional Unarmed

ED-E is cute! Cute!

>tfw if you make a lesbian courier she will flirt with you

Yes, but that doesn't answer my question user.

I miss /cfog/.
Energy weapons are fantastic.

Energy weapons computer nerd thats moderately lucky was my favorite build I ever did.

He didn't have a large enough power supply.

Do you remember what kind of build you had?

9 luck with trigger discipline and energy weapons,science and repair tagged.

If you do an energy weapons run make sure your perception is at least 6 because IIRC it plays into the damage formula for energy weapons.

>9 in luck
>moderately lucky
Energy Weapons/Science/Repair is what I was thinking of going with.

Yeah, Perception governs Energy Weapons so it's a good idea not to dump it.

wew, glad I have my mods downloaded

Is the Here and Now perk worth taking?

No. Kill a few more things and then you get a new level without wasting a perk

How about Night Person?

it's literally useless I'm pretty sure


thread with more posters this way

Project Reality or Nevada Skies?



When I´m on the last missions I don't know why the game gets really depressing. I had left most DLCs for the end and after doing OWB I can't wait to finish a couple of loose quest in the Mojave before the Hoover Dam battle so I can get to LS and end the game.

For Me OWB is kinda the same way. A comfortable but depressing experience. Wandering around learning more about the think tank and Möbius and seeing how the war changed them while listening to this nice jazz music.

So what’s with all the Project Nevada hate I’ve been seeing in these threads lately? Is it legitimate? A meme or just a few really vocal anons? All I see is “Don’t use it, it’s shit” without any explanation really.