Are there any strategy games where you can do that?

Are there any strategy games where you can do that?

What, waste the entire value of your defensive shield wall by sending shieldless swordsmen to jump over it?

That's not strategy, that's suicide

You mean negate your tactical advantage by making embarassingly poor decisions?

You can do that in every strategy game.

>throw your swordsmen into a blender between your spearmen and their front line.

yes user, you can throw away your troops in every strategy game.

no, you see, the swordsmen now have the element of surprise!

>Orks taller then dwarf spearmen.
>running downhill into all of dwarves.
>Somehow cannot see a the tall elves standing behind them.

No surprise, only lack of caring for their own lives.

Every webm of this movie makes me glad I never bothered watching it.
I liked the first one, what the fuck happened?

Ruse, then

>Bretonnia free DLC 2 days from now


The Hobbit Trilogy was a mistake.

i'm looking for a good action game where i can do this (without any qte bullshit please)

hackson upped his daily dose of crack

It had its moments.

Your "Lady" is an elven whore

A whole lot of executive meddling and desperately trying to fill enough space to justify 3 movies while working on extremely limited time. It's practically the opposite of what happened with LOTR.

What's the logic behind charging blindly into a spear wall like that?
Shit makes no fucking sense.

It seems like a great plan if you're the dwarves.

Thanks for reminding me that this game isn't available anymore.

Shadow of mordor

>Expecting elves to come up with a strategy that isn't completely asinine.

Dragon's Dogma

is that in the extended cut? what the fuck was hackson on?

Seems impossible, user.

That looks really fucking stupid to do. The force of those running soldiers are just going to push those dudes into the pike wall, essentially forcing fratricide. That's extremely dumb.

i liked the hobbit triology...

>dwarves are straining to keep Legolass standing on their heads
>Legolass is suddenly weightles

Warhams has taught me that a defensive spear wall works only against cavalry charges. Infantry with swords, axes and maces would eat those spearmen alive, since spearmen get do not negate the charge bonus of regular sized infantry units and have shit attack and defense stats. By throwing that unit of elven wardancers against those orks, you have two axe/sword infatry units colliding with both of them retaining their respective charge bonuses against each other and, if the stats of elven wardancers are high enough, they should win the fight, since both parties seem to have shitty armor, so it's not a deciding factor.

TL;DR: that dwarven spear wall was just saved from being routed.


It's the Russian Ruse.
>You have 10:1 army size
>Throw your wall of flesh at the enemy until they tire.
>Overrun exhausted forces with fresh troops who have been spending their days jerking it and drinking koolaid and eating chicken wings.

>Swordsmen get beaten
>Either they're crushed by their comrades shield
>Or the line of defense gets broken

What the shit


But it looks cool XDD

yes it is?

on pirate bay? lol.

>>Legolass is suddenly weightles
Isn't this established, though? Or, that there's at least some magic bullshit going on?
I remember one scene from the first film where you see him walking over snow everyone else is wading two feet deep in.

Like this webm?

Literally Total War Warhammer.

>Elves jump over pikes into Orcs that have momentum
>Said momentum pushes the elves back onto the Dwarven pikes

Is this a Dwarf tactic to kill elves because if it was those bastards are clever

>The newfags and their end time lore

Wait it's not? What happened?

It was established in the novels that elves could walk on top of snow.

I would be pissed if someone tried to pull this shit in a D&D game, let alone a lord of the things movie.

You ain't seen nothin' yet.
I made the mistake of seeing this in theatres and the audience burst out laughing when this happened. The guy next to me completely lost it.

rule of cool nerds

This is so fucking stupid.

You basically had two to three rows of free kills running towards your spear wall but NO let's jump over our own walls and stand in front of the spears and disable it while were at it.

yeah he's supposed to be light as a feather or some shit, still doesnt excuse the continuity error nor make him exempt from the law of gravity

The fuck are you on about, all units get a defense buff if they're "braced" by not moving when receiving a charge, and for all you know those dorfs have charge resistance against all since there aren't any dorf spears in the game.

God I'm really glad I never bothered to watch the last movie.

do americans really show emotions in theaters?

The hastati jumped over the triarii so the hastai can't run away because there are spears pointed at them.

They're very vulgar as a whole.

Yes can you imagine that people actually clap at the end of movies too? Like, who the fuck are you clapping for, the guy who turned on the reel?

It's not even the backwards elf suddenly controlling the winged abomination.

It's the orcs gingerly moving aside instead of sticking that damn elf in the face with a spear

Only 1 if you signed up for tw access.

Ok, but that doesnt translate to bullet time physics negation.

Spear and halberd units have universally shitty attack adn defense stats and will lose against an axe/sword infantry charge 100% of the time, unless they're imbalanced shit like Chosen halberdeers with 120 points of armor.

>the godawful CGI
>the ridiculously over the top combat scenes
>the godawful love triangle subplot
>the character of alfrid
>the drawn out pointless plotlines that are only there so that (((they))) could make 3 movies out of 1 book

Christopher Tolkien was right

Jackson didn't even wanna make this shit I'm sure. he was on point with LOTR. he'd scrap entire scenes if he didn't like the smallest thing. this time he just got lazy and let the cgi team do anything they wanted

>You see Ivan...

Nothing about the hobbit movies is cool.

>have 1.5:1 army size
>throw all your units into a handful of points to overwhelm key tactical positions
>break through sending half your force deep behind enemy lines to fuck up their logistics while sending the other half to points where the breakthrough failed
You know shit about deep battle.


What the fuck is happening here?

Ooo thanks user. Now I can fight for the slut sooner.

Chosen get charge defense vs all compared to empire units which only get the bonus against large. Bret units will also get vs all bonus when they release on Tuesday.

To be fair, even Peter Jackson didn't want anything to do with the movies once Del Toro was not longer involved. There's an interview where he admits that for the last movie they just shot hours of random green screen fight footage before they even had a script, then edited it into something vaguely coherent later.

i really can't stand this guy, this guy seems to try being objective but with a pinch of "fuck you i'm always right",
how can anyone manage to watch his vids? i really wish this kind of people kept it to themselves and just act professional.

>What is some game that let me do [off-topic garbage]
At least it's not a doujin page.

How the fuck is that orc stuck to his forehead?

Smaug is pretty cool.

>asheron's call closes forever

No they wont, they have charge immunity

Stop mixing your terminology. Sword charge v spear = spear wins charge. They may or may not lose the fight then based on what gets involved but having high charge units hit spears is always better than trading equally in charge damage.

The dwarf has an axe stuck in his head, he headbutted the orc so now they're intimate.

The fucking Rock,paper,scissors mechanic in new total war games sucks balls.

God I had forgotten all about this stupid shit

What went so fucking wrong?

How do we go from the best fantasy put to film and an immaculate trilogy to this unsalvageable nonsense?

It was a combo of executive meddling, time constraints, and trying to pad things out as a result of the first thing but failing because of the second. Jackson voiced concerns of even doing just two movies from the material, three was too much. Behind the scenes stuff even outright says that they were rushing to fill stuff in, whereas with Lord of the Rings they had to cut stuff out because there was so much to adapt, and they had ample time to pick both the best stuff and the best takes of it.

Not the same books. At all.

They were heavily armored and heavily armed. They were shock troops and they can break that wall quite easily.

There's a reason he got fired from the university he worked at or whatever it was.

Some of his earlish vids were alright, funny and with some info, then he got too self aware and tries to be a meme.

I saw the first two, I thought they were pretty cool, didn't really live up to the book like the LOTR movies tho
but that's mostly cause the hobbit book was so much better
literally the only time I ever had fun reading

>how history works sucks balls
I agree but you cant complain about R/P/S in TWW when there are so many counters and anti counters in the game in comparison to other TW games.

He's the sort of person who chimps out when playing historical wargames because you painted your sherman tank the wrong shade of grey for the 3rd battallion during July - september 1944.

The hobbit was a story about a personal quest, hence why they cut the army battle in the books. It wasn't the point.
Movies tried to go for the same impact the original trilogy had, with epic battles and epic creatures. Unfortunately, they had to pull the whole shit out of their own asses since this time they had no sources to draw the plot from. As a result, unsurprisingly it all went to complete shit.

The main problem is that he's often wrong about his nitpicking too, see the "spandau controversy".

>spearmen in medieval 1 would have the first two ranks fighting in formation
I miss old CA.

>counters and anti counters
Yeah the game is a lot more predictable now, its sad. The thrill of guessing if your line would hold or not is gone because you know from the get go what would happen, you'd do far less gambles during a match.

>how history works sucks balls
And what the fuck are you on about?

Eliminate the effectiveness of wall by jumping it?

No matter how bad The Hobbit Trilogy was i forgive Peter Jackson .

Because Lord of the Rings Trilogy will always be my favorite Trilogy ever created by humankind.

The movies have everything to be glorious masterpieces.

inb4People saying they miss Tom bombadil{/spoiler]

I was thinking this as well.
Wouldn't it have worked much better if they were already breaking against the shield wall before your swordsmen leap behind them?

Total War is a video game that needs tactics and counter tactics. History has shown that the shield wall tactic is by far the most effective one. Spartans used shield walls with spears and kicked ass, then Romans pretty much dominated the world thanks to their shield wall mastery.

He's also just plain wrong a lot of the time because he doesn't really do research and is blatantly biased in favor of the British

>before your swordsmen leap behind them?
Too many orks. The elves would be literally leaping in the middle of them.

Well, I fucking won't. The Hobbit was my favorite book of them all precisely because it wasn't a fucking dragfest with a million shits going on at the same fucking time like the other 3 and the movies. And then he went full fucking Jew and fucked everything up in every conceivable way. Fuck that fucking fat hack forever.

Spandau Spandau Spandau

>Hackson will likely film the silmarilion

>Spartans used shield walls with spears and kicked ass, then Romans pretty much dominated the world thanks to their shield wall mastery.
Roman shield walls were BTFO by Ghaul great weapon infantry. Spartan shield&spear walls were BTFO as well.

The british thing sounded like a joke at first, but now it seems he unironically believes it.

>Roman shield walls were BTFO by Ghaul great weapon infantry
Which is why the Gauls ended up speaking Latin, amirite?

How would you even do that? The Silmarillion is like a fucking history book and is full of fucking crazy names no movie audience would be able to keep track.

Not that I don't want a SIlmarillion film, but it's impossible dude.