>Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
>the only good way to play this shit
Will defend what?
>defending this pile of shit
I think you mean /r/v/ or something, none of that shit here thanks.
>there People that know the context of this screenshot
What are some games with actual multiple endings and dynamic outcomes based on the decisions you've made?
eating tacos?
Fuck this game's ending
>Pick sacrifice Chloe
>Later on check out the sacrifice town ending
>Damage wasn't even that bad looking yet everyone is ''dead'' for some reason
Even Telltale is better with their shit.
just like in real life
Silent Hill 2.
Ending is decided on how you played the game, not what choices you made.
bae 4 lyfe
I love chloe
this. anyone who sacrificed Chloe can go to hell with the rest of the town
They don't show anything. I counted 2 bodies, i think. As far as we know, they left the town where there were many, many survivors. They obviously didn't want people choosing this ending.
the ending shit is unexcusable
but the game is *hella* good
There's no defending the entire last episode.
>he didn't see that coming since the first time you played
it's like you never watched/played a time travel movie/game
What spoiler? It's the very first choice in the game.
Bay > bae
Can we all agree that he did nothing wrong?
Bay < Bae*
Episode 5 was a mistake.
>90% of the game was set up making the prescott famly look involv
you know what i dont even give a fcuk
is this an E;R thread?
>27 minutes of some low test beta american prattle on about internet memes and SJW shit
i think i'll pass
he killed that one grill tho, how is that """"nothing wrong elel""
Just hate played through this game. Still a better story than 90% of video game plots.
>people actually played this high school drama simulator 20whateverthefuckitwas
you deserve everything you got
is this supposed to be a hard decision?
I was happy to finally be able kill off that cunt Chloe. God I hate her.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2
I really don't understand why people talk about how they enjoyed the characters in this. They felt less like actual young adults and more like how some 50 year old THINKS young adults behave. It kind of reminds me how the Big Bang Theory doesn't really cater to the actual hardcore geek crowd and more people who see themselves as geeks just because they played Super Mario 64 this one time.
>Still a better story than 90% of video game plots.
That doesn't really say much though does it. Being better than trash doesn't automatically mean it's suddenly good.
>God I hate her.
You're not Max, though.
Some of what Brote had to say was true, but he was overall way to critical of it. If he wasn't so busy getting triggered by memes he probably would have enjoyed it more.
I played through the whole thing and it was really fun and engaging for me. I just sort of wanted to get lost in arcadia, it's like the cozy nor cal place I never got to grow up in.
Games like LiS are probably much more fun to play when you don't have to perform for a live audience at the same time.
Get cucked on.
Planescape: Torment and Silent Hill 2
I chose the ending that presumably wiped out the whole town just so I could fuck Warren over one last time.
It matters in terms of how it affects you personally. If what you did and your interactions in the world and story make you care for Arcadia Bay citizens then the choice is easy, if the story and choices to you made you care about Chloe then you pick her.
This is what people don't really get. The story and ride and journey or whatever you want to call it influences how you answer that final question. The change is in you.
I find these interactive style of games more entertaining than watching movies or tv shows. We are in a drought gaming wise for my favorite genre, FPS multiplayer / RTT Mp so I played through this.
I just want one of these games where there are multiple endings that you can have based on your previous actions. Hopefully the david cage game delivers.
go back to your shit general faggots
What was he trying to tell us?
Warren and Max is the only acceptable answer and any of you fucking lesbian peddling cuck degenerates that say otherwise need to be ended.
This is bait. This has to be bait.
Nobody's this stupid.
t. Warren
Heavy Rain
He's a gentleman.
Do you have valid criticism to what I said? Because a response with just a series of lazy insults show that you don't really have a firm argument against my point of view.
I tried to go for the most hetero game possible and went for Warren every chance I had. All I got was a quick kiss.
This game has a fucking agenda, I know it.
Heavy Rain, ironically enough.
To this day it's still the best modern 'adventure' game.
>MC still cucks him no matter what
i feel bad for warrencucks
warren is for try hard beta males that fantasize about their classmates on facebook that they will never romance.
delete this
he's right you know
I hate warren and play this game just to cuck that tryhard beta loser.
"Oh if I show Max these cool movies and take a punch for her she will give me vagina"
Fuck off nerd.
Alright I'll bite.
>It's how it affects you personally
With shoving Walking Teenager Archetype #4 to #12 in our faces
>If what you did and your interactions with the world and story make you care for Arcadia Bay citizens
If you've seen any, and I mean literally form of television media, chances are you've come across the poorly done characterisation shown in this game. And "been there done that" does not make for good immersion or investment.
>If the story and choices you made you care about Chloe then you pick her.
Picking Chloe actively puts several hundred lives at risk, and goes directly against her own wishes. The only choice is "One vs Many" which, again, appears in so much media and as such a generic plot-device that it's hard to take seriously, especially when Chloe is actively and needlessly the cause of a majority of problems and conflict in the game.
>This is what people don't really get.
No it's you being drawn into a poorly written story because that's all you know, you mouthbreather.
>The story and ride and journey or whatever you want to call it influences how you answer that final question
Everyone past the age of 10 has a decent idea on where they stand with "For the benefit of one vs the benefit of many" and the concept of sacrifice. Meeting a WOW SO QUIRKY FIGHT DA POWAH character like Chloe does not change your entire worldview.
>The change is in you.
The change in me having to pause an actually decent video game to type this shit out had more of an effect on me than the ending of LiS did.
>no option to sacrifice self
so simple solution
Thanks for an actual response. Now we can actually talk.
I 100% agree with you that this game is filled to the brim with cliche characters and plot lines. And please note that I am not saying that the choice itself and what is being presented is by any means effective or handled well.
What I was arguing was against the idea that "the entire game is pointless because in the end you only have 2 options." My point is that the entire game is, in theory, supposed to present you a narrative that will influence how you make that final decision. So when people say it was all for nothing, I say it was not because what happened may make you make a certain decision based on how the story seems to you. If the story to you was about Max and Chloe's relationship then her sacrificing the bay for her may make sense.
As far as the 1 vs Many morality question, i'd agree that most people know where they stand on that. But i do think a person may change that opinion based on the context of who is that 1 and who is that many. For example if the town was full of characters I hated and I loved Chloe then the choice is easy.
tumbling down tumbling down
>chose bae without hesitation
>didn't even bother to consider deep moral questions since they never provided enough evidence to me that sacrificing chloe would fix anything
>there's actually a bunch of evidence that max's use of powers and the storm are uncorrelated (massively fucked with history in the au, removed auto-Max's knowledge of her powers too, got exactly the same set of supernatural phernomenon happening at exactly the same time = no correlation)
>also a chance that fucking around with the timeline again could make things worse (a la "killing the cats" during the bubonic plague.)
>only evidence for sacrifice chloe working was that supernatural things happen at around the same time as Max's powers
>though even that fails since she gets the future dreams before she changes the timeline
>no other evidence at all.
>warren 'i am science' gayram seems to think it's the case
>his arguement is illogical and only further turns me off picking sacrifice chloe.
>tells me its pure cause and effect, chaos theory
>i radically changed the inputs, the causes, in the au, and got exactly the same outputs, the effects back you dipshit
>(it doesn't help that he's an insufferable fuck either)
>leave without hugging, dissappointed there's no option to kick him in the balls, explain he's a failure at science, and laugh haughtily that he's going to die in his "E6" (wrong name warren it's EF5 tornado)
>Max doesn't bother warning him after using his photo (lel), she and Chloe don't bother to warn anyone else either
>Realise the only logical reason for this is that they are literally retarded
>Would be wrong to sacrifice someone of that limited mental capacity (like muslim terrorists who made that retarded child wear a suicide vest in israel/palestine)
honestly dontnod, if you want me to bite on your deep 'sacrifice for the greater good/let go/whatever else you've plagurised from other media like star trek' bait, at least make your scenario self-consistent
I'll take the town over that moron any time
This game hurt. I know it's fucking choices don't matter Gone Home tier trash, but it resonated with my life, so it stuck.
The girl, my oneites, was a lesbian who loved acoustic guitar and shitty hipster sentiment, who also let herself be a bit of a doormat way too often. She was Maxine. The girl who made sure I wouldn't have her was Chloe. A fucking hair-dying fringe manipulator who loved to string her along. I was Warren. I was her best friend for ten years and she always slipped through my fingers. This game played out my experience and I relived it. I sacrificed Chloe the moment I could, creating a narrative in my head that maybe since she was gone Warren would finally have his chance.
Everything that has happened in my life has been my own fault and this shit game gave me a sliver of vindication that left me feeling more empty and disgusted with myself.
And if that ''moron'' was a person that you love?
Warren sucks and its embarrassing watching him chase Max like a puppy who doesnt get the hint.
>I was Warren
I feel bad for you.
Obviously, Japanese games oftentimes go for true/good/bad ends depending on your choices and actions (or lack thereof) during the whole playthrough. I think he was talking about westernshit.
Honestly, Warren is a lot more annoying than Chloe.
Playing this game made me realize why girls put boys in the friendzone.
>tfw no chloe gf
>Sacrifice a town to save a girl
What did they mean by this?
What exactly are we defending or not defending here?
The illusion of choice, and how the logically correct choice is the good ending?
chloe is the one true friend who will do anything for you and if you sacrifice her you will forever live in regret and possibly depression. Saving chloe also counters the idea of destiny and reinforces having free will.
The storm wasn't even that bad, all the people had to do was go into their basement.
Not much of a moral dilemma desu-senpai
You should have hooked up with brooke, you pathetic cuck.
chill out pussy lmfao
This implies the game actually is so well written it would have a lasting emotional impact on whoever played it.
Warren shows us what pure love it
I had a Brooke, and I didn't realize it and missed my chance because I was too busy chasing my "Maxine." Like I said, every single part of this game echoed and reminded me how I'm a fucking idiot.
nu/v/ will openly admit they played this game and talk about it.
Dog's Life graphics.
>tfw avoid killing Mason and save the carrier fleet with hack girl.