Until this fucking game finally comes out. Are you hype, Sup Forums? Who are you going to play? Will there be Sup Forums lobbies?
Until this fucking game finally comes out. Are you hype, Sup Forums? Who are you going to play? Will there be Sup Forums lobbies?
Fucking finally.
I'm hyped. How much is it?
Launch is going to be $16 because of the week 1 discount.
Hope it doesn't suck.
what is this i must know.
Since you're shilling I have to ask how is it? Is it fun like EX?
Same, what is this game?
River City Ransom with online MP.
River City Ransom Underground
River City Ransom Underground.
I fucking love the game. It's one of my favorite beat em ups of all time. It takes stuff in RCR and builds the hell out of it. Not quite the same as EX but still really good and tons of fun.
will it be fun though
>Tumblr presents: River City Ransom
Why not give us the arcsys kunio games instead?
Words have lost all meaning.
Also, talk to Arcsys about that. They're the ones who don't want you to have it. This has nothing to do with them.
this game looks fun but ill probably get it on a sale.
You better not be lying, shill-kun.
is it sjw?
thats why im not buying torment eve nthough it comes out liek today or tomorrow or soemthing
I've been playing the fuck out of it, man. I really love this game.
Ya backed it and get it early or what?
wait, what? it's actually being released?
I wish they they let you pledge after the kickstarter ended there was actually some cool weapons that no one can get now
there's a Kunio game on Steam. An actual JP developed one.
I kinda agree I don't really like americanized River City indie shit. It just looks like any other indie game out there to me. Does look like it has a shitton of nice features though.
Wow, this actually looks really good. It actually has different movesets and stuff.
A great improvement from Mother Russia Bleeds where you just do the same shit over and over.
"Guys we need to add diversity to our roster. Every character is a white male!"
"Lets add a black guy and a woman"
"Man I ain't tryna make TWO new characters, lets just make a black woman"
"Genius, someone get this man a promotion"
he's a dev who is shilling it and made this thread.
Yeah, I backed for beta access and have been playing the fuck out of it. I helped make the combo video, it was me and one other backer. I also did a stream yesterday of the beta on the hardest difficulty, some of the devs retweeted it on twitter.
>he's a dev
No I'm not.
>Theres a new River City Ransom
Damn how did i not know about this
is this some american shit or is it a pure japanese product
There is a black woman in it.
That is all that faggot has.
I would understand if the characters had tumblr nose but they don't.
It's a Canadian made sequel to the North American release River City Ransom set in America just like the original NA NES game. You can ignore it as a spinoff if you're that mad about it.
oh go drown yourself you joyless fuck
im not mad about it but it's probably very whatever indie fluff
Yeah i don't think a bunch of buff white guys beating the shit out of people is a very tumblr friendly game, shits just buzzwords with no meaning to me on here anymore.
Explain how this is a thing when ArcSys own the rights to Kunio Kun?
Who made this? wat.
You'll probably be surprised when it comes out, but I'm sure somewhere down the road it'll go on sale and you'll get the chance to try it without too much investment.
Before ArcSys bought the rights, Technos was owned by a company called Million. The dev team behind this licensed River City Ransom from Million 3 years ago and started working on the game.
Then years later ArcSys bought out Million and the rights to all Technos IP's, however the contract was already made. They were still allowed to develop the game because the deal was already made.
Hmm.. Weird one.
Ill definitely check this out. I loved the 3DS game. Its the last one i played.
do you know the characters have multiple color palettes, right?
also yeah, fuck if it sounds like shilling, if you want more kunio kun, like, at all, you need to buy this game and supersports challenge, preferable both pc and ps3 versions.
soon the sequel of superssports challenge : River city melee all star SP is gonna come out for PS4, and then probably PC since its the same engine as SSC.
and lastly, theres RCR SP for the 3ds, it is unknown if that game is gonna get localized, at all, so, better try to show your support.
also, heres some preview RCRU gameplay:
Here's another fun video for Underground, fun with hideouts.
This is what double dragon 4 should've been.
Double Dragon 4 was insulting. It feels like a game they shit out in a month.
just found this playthru of the game.
apparently a full run of the game is from 15 to 20 hours if you try to find every secret
all that happened in these 5 hours is only chapter 1: