Hello, Sup Forums. Can you please review my first "gaming" PC and see what I could change for the better?

Hello, Sup Forums. Can you please review my first "gaming" PC and see what I could change for the better?
I already have a 1080p 24" 60hz Benq monitor and Rosewill keyboard.

I could go as high as $1,500 as my budget.

All PC gaming thread. Post your builds and setups so I can see what others have come up with.

Other urls found in this thread:


>1080p 60hz
you already fucked up senpai

go on...

You wanna post a build or were you expecting us to choose the parts for you?


SHIT, sorry.

If you want to spend that much cash then get ;

A, a 144hz monitor as it actually looks straight out smooth with every day use.

B, get a higher resolution monitor

C. kind of a budget option but i really prefer it, get a Ultrawide monitor as it's nice for everyday use.

>C. kind of a budget option but i really prefer it, get a Ultrawide monitor as it's nice for everyday use

Yeah don't do this. Ultrawide monitors are literally a meme and you will regret buying one.

Shit, I like all the monitor options. Very hard decision.
I kinda want an all in one lol but I know that'd be very pricey.
If I go with a 144hz should I get a 1070 instead of a 480 card?

If your gonna half ass everything you may as well get a console, and get rid of that shit i5 while youre at it

holy fuck building a PC is fucking crazy...
How is 1070 half assing anything wtf
Why do I even go to v for advice lol

Yeah, the other guy is not memeing you. If your budget is as high as $1500, it'll be wasted on a basic monitor like that.

Get an asus or asrock motherboard, heard lots of bad things about MSI

>lol dumb console toddlers
>hey guys I wanna build a PC

MSI isn't great for overclocking, and if you are getting a 6600k, it's best to overclock

Ignore this faggot, also for your budget might not be a bad idea to get an
Intel Core i7 6700K and a better motherboard... or wait until march 4th and see how the Ryzen performs and invest in that

Nah you're a complete faggot

Found the poor fags, this hobby probably isn't for you, also
>ignore this guy, proceed to give the exact same advice about the processor

Now this issue is 1440p or 144hz

how much ram do you have?

grow up faggot, people like you give real pc guys a bad name, go ask your mom for some tendies fedroa lord

>video games aren't a hobby
>proceeds to call others fedora lords

OP here. Scrapping that whole build. Going to just say fuck it and get a 1440p high end build now.
Back to buildapcforme

Don't ask for advice from here, people here are too young or stupid to build a PC