Swim straight to the shore, stick together, and look for others who can help you. You're not the first exiles...

Swim straight to the shore, stick together, and look for others who can help you. You're not the first exiles, and you wont be the last.

What is this?

A promising game that got ruined

Tell me more? Got a name?

nerf hillock too strong

okay but what game is it jfc

fuck you it's fun

Path of Buy Stash Tabs or Fuck Off

path of exile?

It's Path of Exile and the dipshit above is buttmad about something stupid. It's a Diablo-like with a substantially different leveling mechanism and a player-driven market. It's got shitpiles of content which gets to be pretty difficult towards the endgame. It's frequently updated too. I believe this year they're set to release 6 acts and remove all the difficulty levels so you only need to play through once rather than three times.

eh if I wanted to play diablo I'd play diablo


I remember when I was a kid.

Do you really think you should be allowed to play a game with as much content as PoE without paying a single cent? Grow up.

nigga it's the most fair f2p game I've ever seen. I think I put like 100 hours in before I bought stash tabs. Christ they let you have loads of characers, you can just make mules if you're a total jew/(man)child without an income.

Like goddamn. Most games say shell out sixty dollars or fuck off, this one says "hey when you've put enough time into the game to be seriously crafting and storing gear for high level characters could you pay like 20 bucks please"

So you are admitting its p2w. If your game is good there is no need to sell stash tabs. Selling just cosmetics would be fine. Also I spent around 100$ on the game already.

>If your game is good there is no need to sell stash tabs.
No and fuck off.

I played PoE up until like chapter 3 when it first came out, don't remember why I dropped it. What is the end game with PoE? Is there end game high level PVE solo or group content? Is it just a game of getting to see big numbers and clear shit faster like Warframe? Is it fashion also like Warframe?

>What is the end game with PoE? Is there end game high level PVE solo or group content?

Sorta, yeah.

> Is it just a game of getting to see big numbers and clear shit faster like Warframe? Is it fashion also like Warframe?
Definitely more of these. It's different from in Warframe since instead of grinding for mods and frames it's a lot more about theorycrafting a good build.

>2.6 this Friday
>AoE Manifesto just released and they're fucking everything up

I'm pretty excited.
Got my friday night all planned with bro op action, i'll get me some unhealthy snacks during this week some i'm prepped.

You can beat the game like any other ARPG like Diablo or Torchlight. You can keep replaying trying to get better gear/build and beat harder difficulties.

There are also leagues where you compete against other people for stuff like speed running the game or how far you can go without dying.

You'd much rather pay twenty dollars for a necromancer?

To quote the lead devolper:
"Once the player gets to the Atlas of worlds we own their soul"