NA/JP: "A world of adventure awaits before you!"

>NA/JP: "A world of adventure awaits before you!"
>EU: "Oh look, birds."
Is this the first time NA got a better Zelda box art than Europe?


he's right behind you


really makes you think...

EU cover is better desu

EU got robbed, why this piece of shit fanart got used instead of the real cover? only limited edition has the real one but is sold out already :/ not gonna buy like this.

t. birdwatcher

Should I buy a switch.

as a european I am required by law to not admit that anything north america does is better

Only if you like fun.

sure why not

Sometimes, the NA cover is fucking trash and everyone else's is good(pic)

Personally, I actually like the EU art and if I had the choice, would pick it over the one we get. The colors are really ugly on the NA one imo

My name is Mohammed and the EU cover is clearly superior and heterosexual.

America wins again

Both of those covers are shit.

>>EU: "Oh look, birds."

More like "D-do ya wanna fuck my boipussy, user?"

They're both awfully generic

>The colors are really ugly on the NA one imo
I disagree. It's a simple orange sunset. Not overbearingly saturated like the EU version.
It's not just the colors either, the left captures the "open-air adventure" feeling much better.

contemplating if I should scalp my switch

think what?

*Freeze frame*

*Record Scratch*

Yep that's me. You're probably wondering how I got on the shittier cover

I say go for it, with the busted joycons you might get 70 bucks

NA with EU's color scheme would be the perfect boxart. Blue and orange is so god damn old.

I'd like to think that he's looking back right at the player.
"You and me are gonna go on an adventure."

>"You and me are gonna go on an adventure."

>What Americans and Japs wants the game to look like.
>What it actually looks like.

>that downward angle

More like "i-is it ok if I go to the village?"

i have no idea what im doing

Oh god, the amount of salt XV-kun will generate when this game executes a better open world than FFXV will be fucking glorious.

the one instance where the US cover is better than the EU.