How do we go from this

How do we go from this...

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To this

to this


to this?

female pandering.

when a married housewife mother of three is just as capable of completing content as a neet who plays 24/7, then your game is shit.

>inb4 mythic raids blahblahblah
People who care about mythic raiding these days are probably among the first ones in line to quit the game, at this point.


This is true. 2 expansions of hardcore raiding makes me want to quit the game. Every time I come back I tell myself to not do any cutting edge raiding because I will burn myself out. But a few months into just playing casually, you realize you have the itch to get back into top end raiding but in your mind you know you will wind up for the same reasons you quit

Its just casual pandering in general user

>female pandering
the word you're looking for is casual pandering
do you think all girls are housewifes or something senpai?

no king rules forever my son

>cutting edge raiding
Same here. Everytime I think it will be awesome I end up quitting after 2 months top because being that active burns you out very quickly.


To this?

Exactly what point are you trying to make? I can't figure it out for the life of me.

The game is just a laser light show at this point. All of them using so many addons the game is basically playing itself.

Casual pandering is what league of legends did to dota.

WoW, currently, is designed for people who don't really play games at all. Casuals actually DO play games, casual games, like league, memewatch, and hearthstone.



ditch the lich
make the switch

>starts out promising
>gets popular and cranks out hit after hit
>starts making questionable choices
>sells out in exchange for power
>destroys everything it once stood for
>not dead but in a weird zombie state
>sits on top of the world for a bit before dying and turning into a zombie ghost stuck in purgatory forever
is blizzard arthas?

as flame rises, so does it fade

>not posting the most iconic (and most important) boss kill in MMO history

Well played, faggot.

It really makes you think.

that's not the onyxia wipe
>looking at ony lewds
>read comments
>nothing but quotes from that video

Vanilla WoW raid mechanics are literally LFR tier.
TBC was when raids where more than a non-employment check/underage check.

Naxx 40 was a raid where the real challenge was to destroy 4 other guilds so you can progress

The only thing Vanilla did well was world building, which it did very well. Mechanically it was pretty shitty.

>LFR tier
>0.1% of the playerbase cleared it

Only 0.1% of players cleared it because it required an autismal amount of work just to get in.


Because there was no point in Playing naxx when it came out.

they both look the same except that Legion has less buttons and more DBM triggers flashing on the screen.

Because you had to coordinate 39 other people to all be online for raids, plus gearing up for raids took fucking ages in vanilla.
the only bosses in vanilla raids that had mechanics worth writing home about were some of them in AQ40 and Naxx. And even those dungeons had their share or retarded things (FROST DAMAGE for the slime boss in AQ40, and needing 8 fully geared tanks for the horsemen in naxx)

Difficulty comes from impact of mechanics, too; bosses these days may have more mechanics, but they mean significantly less than they did before.

There are addons that tell you exactly what to do in real time, raids are just a test of patience and not being an idiot.

>Naxxramas patch 1.11 June 2006
>TBC January 15th 2007

It was out for 7 months, why was it not worth playing and literally what else would you do? (pve wise)

>Comparing a tank and spank fight to "Literally everything" the fight

What are you trying to achieve, OP? Because, what ever it was, it's not working.

No they don't. Show me a vanilla WoW boss that even compared to Heroic Nu Rag or pre nerf Heroic Garrosh.

>why was it not worth playing and literally what else would you do?
Unless you were already an uber world class raiding guild the amount of time it would take just to get geared would be completely wasted with TBC so close.

>have like 5 skills you need to press
>need 42 addons or cant do it
Fucking plebs lmao

that's not even DBM

Then why doesn't everyone move to wildstar?

by that meme logic why even log onto wow at all for 7 months with TBC so close

You make it sound like everyone sat in PvP for months enjoying the new honor system and oneshotting MC plebs...

Yet the game is harder now. Try again to prove your point ill wait.

No, nope, not even going to rise to it. Shoo shoo.

that's not my point
by the time you got geared for naxx TBC would be very close to release if not released already, so the only people who actually could do naxx were hardcore guilds who were already geared.

>Because you had to coordinate 39 other people to all be online for raids

good, keeps the normies out

Let's take Noth as an example. His curse debuff had to be dispelled for every single person affected. If there was one single debuff that was not dispelled, it was a wipe without exception. Can you think of a debuff that gets applied to all melee champions that will cause a wipe if even a single one is not dispelled/avoided?

All I'm getting here is FLASHY LIGHTS, DBM triggers, and EPIC callbacks like "Your arrogance will be your undoing" and "let's bring back illidan XD YOU ARE NOT PREPARED"

To play the other content that doesnt require you to do tedious shit to get the necessary gear only to get outgeared from starting quests and dungeons.

well whatever fucking flashing text and meters clusterfuck addon they use now

Could it be that the magic of raiding isn't on its mechanics, or in how well you perform your choreographic dance, but in its cohesive elements that bring people together in order to overcome a bigger goal?

Raiding success has VERY little to do with its design. People are more than happy to fight a big draggon who stomps the ground and kill everyone in sight, as long as they are doing it with other people and are having a good time. The actual complexity of raids being inversely proportional to its engagement is a reality for a reason.

You probably suffer from some form of autism if you really believe raiding was, at all, only successful due to its complexity.

The only thing stopping you from completing mythic raids is finding enough people, having enough item levels, and downloading the correct addons. If you call "difficulty" not having enough people around who are willing to go out of their way just to kill the same boss for the 4th time, in a slightly harder difficulty for the chance of getting a slightly higher item level, then you are just being dishonest. The artificial barriers blizzard keep in place (item levels and raid size) are the only reason why mythic raids aren't a joke that everyone rolls through, in their first few tries. There's no objective difficulty in raiding, there's no creativity needed, there's no challenge, there's no effort, it's just item levels and other people's choreography stopping you.

Getting 20 people to perform their choreographic dance correctly for 10 minutes straight is the only, so called, challenge you are talking about. Getting those 20 people, with enough item levels, is way, waaaay, harder than actually killing bosses. If you believe anything else, you're either a blizz shill or you haven't ever raided mythic.

Harder? Mythic EN was completely cleared within 24 hours of release. Mythic ToV was completely cleared within 4 days of release. Mythic Nighthold was completely cleared 11 days after release. In BC, THE FIRST BOSS of TK took over a month to beat.

>keep adding more and more rehashed abilities to bosses till they each have 50 random things they can do
>it's harder now!

wow needs addons to even be played properly though since its own in-game visual cues are so fucking badly designed.

>this post

Fucking hell, I've read some dumb shit. But this, this is right up there.

People hate on Legion too much. It might be grindy and the RNG is bit gay, but it's honestly much better than Cata, WoD, and MoP ever were.

I'm on the 7.2 PTR and there's a lot of new content, plus there's a way to target specific Legendary through slots there as well.

Yet that doesnt mean the raids were piss easy. Players arent retards anymore. One more attempt left big boy.

Why would someone stop eating dog shit just to start eating horse shit instead?

Both wildstar and wow are absolute garbage, but they're garbage in slightly different ways.


cool shitpost

MoP was by far the best post-WotLK expansion and it was significantly better than Legion is.
rip based xelnath, the hero warlocks deserve.

>High Tier
Burning Crusade
Wrath of the Lich King
>Mid Tier
>Low Tier
>Shit Tier

the 300 wipe bosses changed the game for the worse, everyone generally liked wotlk style raiding but all the lockouts were changed for no reason, and now you probably have to server transfer and raid with strangers if you want to do mythic

too bad they reverted their changes to WPvP resilience

>we're gonna fix wpvp guys!
>wait it's too hard to implement, oh well keep paying us monies!

vanilla > bc > wotlk > mop > lord of the clans > cata > wod > legion

You don't get it. Yes the top players are clearing the content faster, but it's still harder than it was. There is no fucking way you can actually believe TK is harder than anything current. All that shows is your ignorance. It just makes YOU look like an idiot.

SSC is an exception to this rule, because it wasn't finished at the time of launch. Vashj was a fucking buggy mess, but once fixed, was fine.

That's because Vanilla and TBC were a grindfest to get the gear and attunements to get enough people to raid. Actual raid mechanics were way less complicated than they are now.


These cartoon MMO's just aren't cutting it anymore OP.

Legendaries were a mistake.
Glad to see AP is getting "fixed", but man, fuck legendaries.

Seriously, fuck legendaries.

>dumping 50 thousand hit-kill mechanics the boss uses at different intervals of time
>call it a "challenge"
>niggers defend it and think it's good

This is the state of current wow raiding, ladies and gentlemen.

Still wondering why the only selling point this game ever had isn't holding people anymore?

Top tier content isn't hard, even hardcore players will admit it's mostly about memorizing what to do when. The hardest part is meeting the gating requirements set by either the game or other players.
>need mythic gear and achievements to get into mythic groups
>can't get mythic gear and achievements because you don't have them to get into mythic groups

And yet somehow the game was infinitely better in every way. It's almost like MMOs are about the journey.

I didn't know that. How fucking disappointing. Looks like WPvP will remain in the gutter.

The PvP devs only care about Arena and their faggot e-sports tournaments.

No, you don't get it. Difficulty comes from more than just complexity of mechanics. If a boss did 100000000 attacks per second and each attack did 10000000000 damage while also taking 1 damage per attack and having 100000000 health, that boss would be difficult despite having no complexity.

No one is asking for WoW to go back to where bosses have one or two mechanics, but that doesn't mean we can't have bosses with mechanics that are truly meaningful.

>play Unholy DK
>farm Maw every day for my GBP
>still no Memento
>5 legendaries, no wrists, belt or ring
>bottom of the DPS charts
>Blizz nerfs our rune regen so it's no longer fun to play on top of being shit
Game's shit, Ret needs another buff

Which is why I had more fun in those expats more time to shoot the shit

still not random, now move on nigger

>vanilla > bc


Making your own journey with people you meet in the game is a million times better than some hack writer's cinematic themepark adventure. The game is practically on rails since Cata.

I ain't clicking on this shit.
Give me a reason to watch this.

What an absolute non-argument. Take off your nostalgia goggles mate. The community may have been a lot better, but the actual game wasn't that fantastic

If you dont want to open up to opinion then stop replying.

Diablo 3 is an abortion. Long after the game died a slow, rotting death the devs from that shitshow came over to ruin WoW.

Exactly. The game has actively encouraged non teamplay since (well, wrath really). You can experience the entire game without ever interacting with another human player

Inb4 hurr durr mythic mongs, fuck off

>some hack writer's cinematic themepark adventure

So, raids?

The closest WoW has ever been to a sandbox was Vanilla, when level 60 basically just meant world PvP.

>flying mounts
>main characters from frozen throne completely out of character and retconned to be CORRUPTED for raid mulch
>wc3 draenei basically retconned out of existence
>start of the big overarching story thing which only got worse in later expansions
>introduction of difficulty modes

Not factual in any way.

The game spiraled into a neurotic mindset of extreme control over the player, where blizzard MUST ALWAYS decide what you do, for how long you do it, and how you do it. It's like they're giving you instructions and you have to perform them perfectly in order to get your little trophy.

It feels more like they're creating lab experiments for rats than designing interesting and memorable experiences.

>it's mostly about memorizing what to do when

Congratulations, you've reduced something to the point of making your argument irrelevant.

So it's a way to get people to waste their time so you don't have to make any arguments?
Devilish tactic, user.

I never understand why people like WoW's vertical progression. It's just a treadmill the same design every Expansion.

I made my point in that post, go read it again.

>So, raids?
No, pretty much everything about the world is on rails. You're kept wherever the writer wants you to be kept via phasing and other bullshit. MoP was pretty bad with that shit.

I'm not sure what you're saying. Every single raiding guild uses an addon that tells you via popups exactly what to do at all times, the only reason you would ever wipe is because some idiot wasn't paying attention.

>Clear mythic boss
>Loot drops
>Should be BiS
>Not war forged, kissed by the titans and pissed on by Illy version of the gear.
>Feel like shit when I win the roll

This should NEVER have been allowed to happen.

>Do dailies
>Procs a legendary
>Will never be replaced for the expansion.


Satanic tactics

Yet only 15 guilds have cleared Nighthold mythic.